Happy Halloween!
Hey all, Happy Halloween! This year's Halloween isn't nearly as fun as others because of certain restrictions(and because of the news one of my favorite actors passed away), but I wish you all scary dreams about skeletons wearing g-strings tonight or other stuff which will make you wake up in a cold sweat!
When it comes to skeletons, the ones in "Spooky times 2" aren't wearing g-strings but other unspeakable are being done to them. It's a small standalone Halloween themed side story for FET.
This latest version(0.3) has a few small bugs fixed(no worries I'm sure there will still be at least a few in there) and I changed/added a couple of images. But most importantly, I finally managed to fix the android version so you'll be able to save your game! It was driving me nuts for the larger part of a day, but it's fixed!
For everyone who has already played and finished it earlier, there's no real reason to dive into it again unless you want to get that 9/9 score. Something which wasn't possible because a bug in yesterday's version. Not that it will will unlock anything besides bragging rights !