I don't understand why people hates NTR
i don't hate NTR(see sex scene)
but the procces sometimes to disgusting
in a small rooom there is table and ner it 2 people talking. on top of the table there is candie, pie, roasted meat, many fruit....suddenly
Person A(MC) say "ugh so hungry"
Person B(scum) say " here, take this candie" ......
Person A(MC) say " ah ...thankyou, you are right, i am hungry and from that table there are many thing but candie is what i need and since it's hard for you when deciding what you should give me when i hungry so your thingking must be the most right, the most chivalrious and i don't need to question it and i must forget about the fruiit, the roasted mmeat, the apple and even the candie on the table since the candie you give is taken out from your underware."