I propose
a pinned "T++ - Machine Translate a game for yourself!" (or something akin) thread in the games section (haven't checked if there is something like that elsewhere on the page, though) where people get to know how to do it (...yeah, sounds about right! xD), help each other out if running into issues, a general, useful thread for would-be self-mutilato...I mean self-mtlers.
and, OTOH, only AT LEAST SOMEWHAT edited and checked MTLs to be allowed an upload.
Full disclosure; a little tipsy right now, so might not be my brightest idea ever, but eff it, you only die a couple of times, so why not?! I mean I thought I had a spark, so why not reach for the lightning, you dig? Hope you understand.
Cos I sure af don't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
At any rate. Make MTL great again!!!! *hick*