Hi, I am the developer of this game.
I hope you liked the idea of this game.
I wanted to clear up some doubts:
On the NTR:
The game is not centralized only on the NTR, it is all NTR scenes can be skipped. There will only be one NTR scene (which can be skipped) in the next version, to develop a "post introduction" that shows the potential of the game.
The MC obtaining corruption points can ask or oblige the partners to get engaged or leave their partner. By default, only one partner will already be engaged.
With many Lover points, the partners will decide independently not to have other relationships.
But if they are very angry they will move away and if you have made certain choices they will betray you with other men.
In the next update I will add romantic scenes to the 2 scenes already present.
I'll do a survey to decide which types of scenes I have conncentrare.
If you like the idea of this game Support us.
I gladly accept constructive criticism.
First things, you should contact Site Staff/Admin/Moderator and request a "Game Developer" tag to be added to your profile. I'm a little surprised nobody has mentioned this yet because it's usually something that a "new" game dev gets told fairly quickly.
Moving on, there's a rather old saying that I think is often important to try and remember: Opinions are like a-holes, everybody has one! Many folks are quick to offer their opinions and/or suggestions so it's important to remember that
YOU are the developer of the game, as such it is your decision as to what to include in your game, which suggestions/advice to follow and which to ignore. Also remember that everyone is different, we each have different likes and dislikes. As such there are going to be those who tell you not to include something while others will beg you to include the very same thing! I think the most common "debate" around here is the one about NTR, some want it in a game and others don't want it in a game. For this game it seems to me that you're trying to include some NTR but you're making it avoidable so that *should* be good because it allows those who want NTR to experience it and those who don't want NTR to not experience it. That's what I'd call the "middle ground" that is trying to cater to all, but sadly there will still be those who tell you to either remove the NTR or add more!
There's nothing wrong with seeking advice/suggestions/criticism etc, just don't forget that you're the one who is telling the story and, probably more importantly, that you're the one who is going to have to do all the work!

Be a little cautious as to what you agree to change/include/remove etc. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying you should just ignore everyone and do what you want, I'm just saying that you should try to consider both the good and bad. As an example, some are saying that the MC looks too young, others are saying don't change the MC. This is one of those "personal opinion" things, so there's no real right or wrong way to deal with this one. For me, imho, I'd agree with the former, the MC does look a little on the young side, but that's not a deal breaker for me, that's something I can easily ignore. One thing I would point out though, if you do decide to make one of the females the MC's younger sister then it may also be better to make the MC look a little older!
There's a couple other things I'd like to suggest as potentially needing some "improvement". The "Overview" in the OP is very brief and doesn't really give much actual information about the game. Maybe expand that to more than just a single sentence that contains just 11 words! Then there's the version numbering, something I've learnt around here is that many look at the version number as an indication for what they expect to get from a game, so when they see "
Version: 1.0a" they're expecting a certain amount of content! It may be better to change the version numbering to better reflect the game's content etc so as not to get peoples expectations too high. The vast majority of games here seem to start off with v0.01 so that might be something you want to consider.
Apologies for having gone on a bit, this turned into more than I initially intended, but I hope that I've been of some help, even if only a little. Best of luck with the game, I'll be trying to keep an eye on this one to see how it develops.