So it seems like, at least for 99% of people, the save file issues have been resolved with our last update. Moving forward, I hope that this will be the case.
That said, if you've been using the Chapter Select for the last few months,
I strongly recommend that you go back to play the full game once more. We will be utilizing some of the flags that the game sets in earlier chapters moving forward, but those flags may or may not be set properly if you've used Chapter Select. Since we never implemented a means of asking the player for every potential option preference in the Chapter Select, you may not see the particular scenes that you'd otherwise want to be seeing.
If you don't want to spend a shit-ton of time replaying the game, then simply enable the skip option and skip through it, making your selections as the menus appear. You can follow the awesome walkthrough that
Qleaf has put together if you want to see which selections will have an impact on the flags (or you can just kind of, you know, use your best judgement and select whichever you want.)
Happy fapping!