
Mar 25, 2020
This house break in , thats Susan and her pet cop , wasn't it? Only jewelry stolen and she needs money, bed ripped apart, suggest someone very angry , sexual frustration toward mc?


Mar 25, 2020
It doesn't make sense, she doesn't know Hailey.
True. But idea poped in my mind. What if MC address isnt updated with his current living spot? Susan didnt see his driving license , so she doesnt know the current address either, right?
She goes to cop, but cop only has nearest living relative address, which is Hailey. She puts 2+2 and gets 5? Sees MC picture as kid, thinking its his parents? Smashes picture? Cuts bed to shreds, sex frustration? (MC's pictures were all over that house, Susan said so) ,takes jewelry?needs money or to hurt his mommy..what ever works?
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Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2017
Or maybe Hailey is one of her sex friend before?They go to party and fucking around back in the day.Susan recognize her,but Hailey dont remember her.


Mar 25, 2020
Or maybe Hailey is one of her sex friend before?They go to party and fucking around back in the day.Susan recognize her,but Hailey dont remember her.
Thats bit far fetched. No way Susan is that old. She is maybe in her 32? Hailey is in her 45+
P.S Susan is very dominant but i dont think she is into girls in any way. She is very agressive towards males and never expressed tendencies toward females

There was yet another deviant thing that i can't shake out of my head. Hailey and her husband never got children ? 25 years of marriage ? She is now in her..45+? what if "husband" is mc's pop? I know it sounds very weird.. i hope that isn't the truth , but as i said i cant shake the thought .. (it would explain , "husband's" kinda unusual affection to this relative , his pictures all over the place?
I understand that its also not necessarily truth, he could have simply really loved his brother's son as his own because he didn't had children. But yet again.. that worm i can't get it out of head..
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Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2017
Thats bit far fetched. No way Susan is that old. She is maybe in her 32? Hailey is in her 45+
P.S Susan is very dominant but i dont think she is into girls in any way. She is very agressive towards males and never expressed tendencies toward females

There was yet another deviant thing that i can't shake out of my head. Hailey and her husband never got children ? 25 years of marriage ? She is now in her..45+? what if "husband" is mc's pop? I know it sounds very weird.. i hope that isn't the truth , but as i said i cant shake the thought .. (it would explain , "husband's" kinda unusual affection to this relative , his pictures all over the place?
I understand that its also not necessarily truth, he could have simply really loved his brother's son as his own because he didn't had children. But yet again.. that worm i can't get it out of head..
We never know Susan is into girl.About her age,im pretty sure Hailey is maybe 39-50 years old.Hailey is pretty wild back then just like Susan,maybe she put something to prevent her from pregnant,and fooling around before she met her husband.And i doubt mc is their son.They treated him like their own son because Hailey unable to get pregnant. :unsure:


Mar 25, 2020
We never know Susan is into girl.About her age,im pretty sure Hailey is maybe 39-50 years old.Hailey is pretty wild back then just like Susan,maybe she put something to prevent her from pregnant,and fooling around before she met her husband.And i doubt mc is their son.They treated him like their own son because Hailey unable to get pregnant. :unsure:
39-50 years? That would put her in 14 years old when she got married? Big no there (39-25). She must be at least 45 + fooling around years? 49?+
I cant agree there. Age difference is too big for Haley and Susan to have any chance to interact one with other. Haley has at least be living in that town for 25+ years minimum it totally puts Susan out of picture from any interaction with her. Anti baby pills for 25 years? i don't see that, what would be the reason? There are other ways to get pregnant this days for females. Maybe "husband" was impotent or his sperm count was too low? ? i dont know. To me most logical sounds that he might be MC's real father.. even tho it sounds very weird. Haley had genuine love for her husband. But maybe its because of all those years together..? stockholm syndrome? Maybe the real story is very different? Not enough info for hypothesis for me to do that tho.
P.S haley said "husband" really loved MC as his relative, never saying she had same feelings for mc. That's why i question "husband" motives. Although she could be one that can't get pregnant , but 25 years without child? It doesn't make sense.
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Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2017
39-50 years? That would put her in 14 years old when she got married? Big no there (39-25). She must be at least 45 + fooling around years? 49?+
I cant agree there. Age difference is too big for Haley and Susan to have any chance to interact one with other. Haley has at least be living in that town for 25+ years minimum it totally puts Susan out of picture from any interaction with her. Anti baby pills for 25 years? i don't see that, what would be the reason? There are other ways to get pregnant this days for females. Maybe "husband" was impotent or his sperm count was too low? ? i dont know. To me most logical sounds that he might be MC's real father.. even tho it sounds very weird. Haley had genuine love for her husband. But maybe its because of all those years together..? stockholm syndrome? Maybe the real story is very different? Not enough info for hypothesis for me to do that tho.
P.S haley said "husband" really loved MC as his relative, never saying she had same feelings for mc. That's why i question "husband" motives. Although she could be one that can't get pregnant , but 25 years without child? It doesn't make sense.
Maybe she is infertile.side effect.Moreover,they dont have children,their family are close with mc family.Its normal for her husband to treat mc as his own child since his wife is unable to get pregnant.There is no such thing like motive here.


Mar 25, 2020
Maybe she is infertile.side effect.Moreover,they dont have children,their family are close with mc family.Its normal for her husband to treat mc as his own child since his wife is unable to get pregnant.There is no such thing like motive here.
Infertile..alright lets assume what u say is true. What couple would live for next 25 years without at least thinking of adopting a child? or maybe a surrogate mother? They could have also "lost" a child? No one ever mentioned her childless life.

I still can't agree there. My head goes to math numbers here. Lets assume that Haley got married at 18, immediately upon maturity , right? So , how does 18 year old girl get to be infertile? And then decides to live for 25 years without ever thinking about child? Regardless of the love for relative. And MC would not be born for another.. decade at least of their marriage..
bad math my bad :p
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2019
MC isnt born until they were in their 19th year of marriage
Where the hell are you getting that number?

Here are Hailey's words:

MC: "How long have you known my dad?"
Hailey: "You're nineteen now, right? Gosh, I've probably known him for... twenty five years?"
MC: "Wow. How long were you and my Uncle together?"
Hailey: "Twenty five years also."

So Hailey KNEW his uncle and father for 6 years before MC was born.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2019
Yeah i got carried there. Bad math. I ill correct it. It still puts at least 12+ years of marriage without child
Not every married couple goes the adoption or surrogacy route when they can't conceive. Some get the feeling of "it will happen when it happens, and if it doesn't it wasn't meant to be". That kind of mindset certainly fits for Hailey.


Mar 25, 2020
Not every married couple goes the adoption or surrogacy route when they can't conceive. Some get the feeling of "it will happen when it happens, and if it doesn't it wasn't meant to be". That kind of mindset certainly fits for Hailey.
Maybe.. But not for her husband. he loved MC shit load. Which turns me back to my original idea of conversation, that "husband" might be mc's father.

you said "it wasn't meant to be". That kind of mindset certainly fits for Hailey"
i kinda disagree there. How she caressed MC when he cried (when he was child), totally suggests awakened maternal instinct. Maybe there is shit load more then it is shown. Not enough information to form solid hypothesis for this discussion in my mind

i kinda went into different talk here :( My original thought was about house break-in)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2019
How she caressed MC when he cried (when he was child), totally suggests awakened maternal instinct. Maybe there is shit load more then it is shown.
I didn't disagree about maternal desire. She clearly wanted a child, but again not everyone deals with being unable to conceive the same way. It's not "well of course they'd go to adoption or a surrogate".

And regarding his uncle treating him like a son, well sometimes uncles/aunts/family friends do that. That's also perfectly normal.
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