Personally i can't fathom why are people hating/disliking her so much. Yeah she made bad mistakes that deserve criticism, but we all make mistakes, especially if situation is something you can't really handle at the moment mentally. With her the situation was quite bad, partly due to the emotional abuse her partner gave to her, partly because the whole loanshark thing that threatened her and partly because the immediate situation changed with her best friend MC quitting the job. So she lost the one breather moment she had for the situation she was in, when she came to MC, semi-forced by her partner. It can easily overwhelm someone that is not of the strongest mental health at the moment.
Edit. I'm not saying you need to pick her up as LI, but considering MC's history with her, he would not most likely abandon her as a friend. And to be honest, neither would i abandon her as a friend, sure i might not be interested romantically anymore, but i would still support her as a friend.