
Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
Guys I think I know how to check what size ring finger Mason is. I'll wait until his asleep and quietly measure then.
And what do I need to know his ring size for you might ask? Well it's a secret.
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Active Member
Nov 5, 2023
I've really enjoyed this game, and I get going for the darker corruption paths sometimes, but oof. Watching the video of the girls being raped in this one was really just painful. Even on my "dark" playthrough I could never help with something like that. Hope we don't have to watch that kind of thing again without a choice.
Neon has already confirmed that it should have been optional. I believe he will fix it in a future release.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2022
Guys I think I know how to check what size ring finger Mason is. I'll wait until his asleep and quietly measure then.
And what do I need to know his ring size for you might ask? Well it's a secret.
Another way, if you're afraid of waking him, is to find a way to get his finger up your bum; that's the easy part imo. The hard part is you have to have a lot of prostate exams before your asshole figures out it's a natural meter for ring size. :coffee::whistle:
Jun 21, 2018
Another really good chapter from Neon. Quite dark though, and I do feel that the 'Cherry' part was too much on the nose, but I enjoyed it in the worldbuilding way. If what I read here is true, making the gangrape scene optional would be for the best. Once again, NeonGhost delivers a very good mirror of the lower and shittier parts of society, the mix between self justification, actual justification, shitty reasoning, selfishnes and others strike home.

Regarding criticisms, I'd do some adjustments to the MC X Rhodenbarr dialogue, so it'd feel more natural. Rhodenbarr comes in with a speech, like a stock character going to say his bit. There are people that speak in speeches, but this feels very stiff and unnatural compared to how well everything else in this game flows. I'd need to rewatch the scene to give more precise feedback though.

Risa is certainly my least favorite, but I like her a lot still. I just want more of the others lol. If I'm not remembering wrong, the next chapter should feature my favorite girls all together, Viola, Britanni with an 'i' and Gabby. Should be fuuuuuun. Also, Pepper is really growing on me. Twins... that, I did not expect.
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May 4, 2019
I don't exactly remember what Cherry looks like, it's been a few days since I played the update, but I remember asking myself "Wait a hot minute, is that motherfucking Pepper?"

Is she?
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Super User
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
Another really good chapter from Neon. Quite dark though, and I do feel that the 'Cherry' part was too much on the nose, but I enjoyed it in the worldbuilding way. If what I read here is true, making the gangrape scene optional would be for the best. Once again, NeonGhost delivers a very good mirror of the lower and shittier parts of society, the mix between self justification, actual justification, shitty reasoning, selfishnes and others strike home.

Regarding criticisms, I'd do some adjustments to the MC X Rhodenbarr dialogue, so it'd feel more natural. Rhodenbarr comes in with a speech, like a stock character going to say his bit. There are people that speak in speeches, but this feels very stiff and unnatural compared to how well everything else in this game flows. I'd need to rewatch the scene to give more precise feedback though.

Risa is certainly my least favorite, but I like her a lot still. I just want more of the others lol. If I'm not remembering wrong, the next chapter should feature my favorite girls all together, Viola, Britanni with an 'i' and Gabby. Should be fuuuuuun. Also, Pepper is really growing on me. Twins... that, I did not expect.
In defense of the Rothschild dude. He's been through that routine before.
- His daughter is a troublemaker.
- He wants to keep her under strict control.
- She appears with Guy at home.
- They go to her room.
- Past experiences say they're taking drugs, fucking or both.
So telling the "new" dude to stay away from your daughter is normal in that scenario.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
In defense of the Rothschild dude. He's been through that routine before.
- His daughter is a troublemaker.
- He wants to keep her under strict control.
- She appears with Guy at home.
- They go to her room.
- Past experiences say they're taking drugs, fucking or both.
So telling the "new" dude to stay away from your daughter is normal in that scenario.
I will correct one thing. We weren't fucking we were making love. And that's what I would tell her dad if he asked what we were up to.


Apr 9, 2018
This is brought up every so often, and I think the dilemma people find themselves in is that, when you're dealing with a variety of women who all have issues that put them in need of your help, it feels like an innate power imbalance. Which doesn't always feel conducive to a Lawful Good playthrough. Add to that the fact I make every sex act a choice, and it can feel like I'm making the players push the girls into sex.

A good example if Gabby or Ashe's first scene, where the player is required to take the initiative by kissing Gabby, or stopping Ashe from leaving. I tried to make it pretty obvious that they're both into you, and you just have to initiate, buuuuut some people didn't see it that way.

So then I tried to make the girls come onto you, with the player having the choice to refuse - like Mason, Risa, and Brittani. But then people felt that, due to the high-intensity emotional situation they're all in, they still couldn't really consent to it.

So. It's a bit of a pickle.
Thank you for that in-depth opinion. Once finished, I felt I might have done it wrong somewhere with my approach to not take advantage of someone in need right off the bat. Like not even a tiny bit of indulgence, and thus me coming out empty handed was either just the game telling me that I missed out or simply that I've locked myself in for the long haul with the reward reaping happening far down the road when the perspective LIs aren't at the mercy of my goodwill and we have a more positive and well balanced relationship.

But, it does seem that is not the case and I might have to take another swing at the play after some more content is added into it :geek:

While I have your attention, could I offer a penny for your design thoughts on Mason? With him going through some pretty brutal tough times, I was especially careful handling this one. Starting off, I just wanted to help him get back on his feet and cultivate faith in the idea that there is good in humanity still. As he clearly depicted heterosexual tendencies, my intent was to be a good friend and be there for him. But then as the story progressed, I started getting the feeling that he might be bisexual. And so, I decided to go down the rabbit hole a bit and in one of the engagements, the MC has the opportunity to refer to him as a "her".

So my ultimate question is: how do you plan to handle Mason's character growth? If pursued in a romantic way, will he have a gay/bisexual route with the MC? Or perhaps a threesome love angle with a female LI? Or perhaps the player can pick choices based on meaningful and well meaning interactions that can feminize his character in both personality and looks to be a more "her"? Please note, my intentions are to not invoke a woke based discussion, as that is the last Pandora's box I want to open here. I'm however very curious as to what is in the realm of positive relationship when it'd come to this character without pushing it too far. As far as sexual orientation preferences go, I've none when it comes to games so long as I'm in for a good story.

PS: Apologies if you have already explained your opinion on the matter in the past. But browsing through nearly 658 pages of thread is a bit of harrowing task.
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Devoted Member
Oct 24, 2019
Friends Indeed = Patreon version - censored version, darkest content disabled

Friends in Need = Subscribestar version - full version game - 100% the game the Author originally conceived

no matter what your tastes are and which paths you follow, just play the full "Friends in Need" game - I've always played the good guy routes only and I've skipped the dark content without any problem
i've played both routes .. the dark route leaves alot to be desired .. i believe :unsure:


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
I'm curious is Mason disappointed if I kick the hobo and get his bag back?
Or does he like that I stood up for him?


Active Member
Jan 11, 2022
I'm curious is Mason disappointed if I kick the hobo and get his bag back?
Or does he like that I stood up for him?
I don't think Mason likes confrontation. I seem to remember he kept asking MC "no, really, it's ok, let's just go". Just my personal opinion, I don't think it will have much, if any, impact on Mason and MC's relationship with him, though. So you're probably good either way. I assume it's moreso going to affect public perception of the MC. There's a subplot there that's building, first with the homeless guy incident and people recording, and now with the obnoxious social media couple. I have a feeling that's going to directly impact your success against Lucien.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2019
In defense of the Rothschild dude. He's been through that routine before.
- His daughter is a troublemaker.
- He wants to keep her under strict control.
- She appears with Guy at home.
- They go to her room.
- Past experiences say they're taking drugs, fucking or both.
So telling the "new" dude to stay away from your daughter is normal in that scenario.
Yeahhh, this was kind of my thought process. It's a pretty standard, "Fuck off and leave my daughter alone," speech, tailored to Guy's specific circumstances. One person in the playtesting phase of Chapter 9 said that they felt like that scene flowed weird. A couple more said the same thing post-release. I don't entirely see it, but it's been brought up by a few people, so I'm willing to believe there's something there. Or rather, something missing.

The supporter who critiqued the scene basically said some things that others here have said -- why didn't Guy push back? He could point out all he's done for the community. He could try to explain to Carl that he has Risa's best interests at heart. He could criticize Carl's 'self-made man' image.

Originally, there was actually a bit where Guy could point out that Carl's real estate empire benefited from an entirely different market, that he grew up in a time when wages were more commensurate to productivity, and so on. But, it just felt off. Like Guy's response was a little too, "Haha, suck it boomer!" So, I ultimately decided that what made the most sense was for Carl to sit there and recite a little treatise, and for Guy to endure it until he finally either tried to smooth things over, or respond aggressively.

Ultimately, their first meeting was a little bit of table-setting: "Back off, or I'll make life uncomfortable for you." So, that hopefully sets up a more interesting second meeting.

While I have your attention, could I offer a penny for your design thoughts on Mason? With him going through some pretty brutal tough times, I was especially careful handling this one. Starting off, I just wanted to help him get back on his feet and cultivate faith in the idea that there is good in humanity still. As he clearly depicted heterosexual tendencies, my intent was to be a good friend and be there for him. But then as the story progressed, I started getting the feeling that he might be bisexual. And so, I decided to go down the rabbit hole a bit and in one of the engagements, the MC has the opportunity to refer to him as a "her".

So my ultimate question is: how do you plan to handle Mason's character growth? If pursued in a romantic way, will he have a gay/bisexual route with the MC? Or perhaps a threesome love angle with a female LI? Or perhaps the player can pick choices based on meaningful and well meaning interactions that can feminize his character in both personality and looks to be a more "her"? Please note, my intentions are to not invoke a woke based discussion, as that is the last Pandora's box I want to open here. I'm however very curious as to what is in the realm of positive relationship when it'd come to this character without pushing it too far. As far as sexual orientation preferences go, I've none when it comes to games so long as I'm in for a good story.
I'd say Mason is pansexual. I think the mention of him having a girlfriend in his youth kinda threw people. It was just intended to represent that he went through a period of figuring himself out, before he arrived where he is now.

As for ultimate plans: that's a big question. :'D Mason really has three basic routes lined out.
  • Love/Corruption - you're nice to Mason, have sex with him, and refer to him by the masculine pronouns he prefers, but you can still refer to him as a girl during sex.
  • Friends - you're nice to Mason, and have no sexual interest in him.
  • Dark/Corruption - you refer to Mason by feminine pronouns both during and outside of sex. You can be nice, or kind of a dick.
The friends route is pretty self-explanatory. Likewise, the masculine love route, and feminine dark route are pretty straightforward. For the corruption path (call Mason a girl, but otherwise be decent) I see Mason as accepting it as Guy being a basically decent person, who just has some views that aren't entirely in alignment with Mason's. For the love corruption route (call Mason a girl only during sex, but otherwise be nice) I see Mason as accepting it, because it's probably pretty in line with his experience as a sex worker.

Mason's kind of distinct from some of the other love interests, because he is uniquely vulnerable, but also has a uniquely high tolerance for bullshit. Like, another love interest may not be down to be Guy's secret friend-with-benefits, while Guy's in a relationship. Mason has fewer compunctions, because by this point he's slept with a few guys who took their weddings rings off before they fucked him. Likewise, with your question re: threesomes -- it's nothing he hasn't done before, so why be overly precious about it now?

The love route is probably the main exception. I see that one as being just as much about Mason giving, as Guy teaching himself it's okay not to.

As for the question about changing outfits, looks, etc.. Unfortunately, that's just a llllot of extra work (and double images), for every scene Mason appears in. I'd expect something similar to what we've seen so far -- Mason presenting fairly masculine/neutral, with special events based around genderplay.

I'm curious is Mason disappointed if I kick the hobo and get his bag back?
Or does he like that I stood up for him?
He doesn't care much, though he does seem pretty freaked out by violence, and eager to avoid it. In that scene, a Good Guy is basically well-intentioned. He's trying to do the right thing. But, he's not looking at the whole picture. He's focused on being the righteous hero and booting a foul-mouthed moron in the balls. But, then he gets to go home to his penthouse. Mason has to continue living in this area, where he could be at the mercy of a guy who's now angry, humiliated, and looking for revenge.

One thing I try to drive home in FiN, is that violence often causes just as many problems as it solves.
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