Apr 25, 2019
Gee imagine wanting to make a game for money.
Again there is nothing unethical here as again they followed through the necessary channels to be able to sell this.
Saying they should had made something else just so you didn't have to deal with an altered MLP parody sounds quite selfish honestly.
Besides doing games and being funded through patreon is the same kind of unethical as well which is why some overzealous IP holders shut down "free" game projects.
It would still be unethical even if the devs didn't made the game to be sold on steam and made a pretty 1:1 parody.
I'm not gonna try and speak for Furyous D, but i'm all for game devs making money on their games. But when the dev changes how the characters look just to sell it on Steam is pretty scuffed. And let's not forget how she also made a comment i found to be basically saying "Fuck you" to anyone who didn't like how the characters looked in the steam version. I was gonna buy the game just to support her, even though i didn't like the changes. But after a commet like that, i'm gonna spend my money elsewhere.
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Will lewd cute girls for cash
Game Developer
Sep 13, 2019
I'm not gonna try and speak for Furyous D, but i'm all for game devs making money on their games. But when the dev changes how the characters look just to sell it on Steam is pretty scuffed. And let's not forget how she also made a comment i found to be basically saying "Fuck you" to anyone who didn't like how the characters looked in the steam version. I was gonna buy the game just to support her, even though i didn't like the changes. But after a commet like that, i'm gonna spend my money elsewhere.
Hey, I never basically said 'fuck you', and there's nothing scuffed about preventing a million dollar company from flinging it's giant cease and desist donger my way.

For me, FwB is a passion project, and a gift for the fandom to give it something that it never quite got, a vn type eroge. All I want is for people to play it and enjoy it. Which is why in particular I've been a long time supporter and poster in this thread, even though it was essentially pirating my game. I've also taken suggestions from this thread and the reviews.

One thing that seems to be misunderstood is my idea for FwB wasn't to just copy MLP. It would have been easier just to copy every character, location and the lore. But instead I made an offshoot parody where everything is just slightly *off*. Which is why it's not just the characters names and appearances different, but almost everything is entirely different. I think attempting to mod in the original colours and names is missing the point. You won't end up with a satisfying result from attempting it because the creations in FwB are inherently different to the 'inspiration material'. Fluttershy is not an 80 year old Succubus Alchemist for example. By trying to make FwB more similar to MLP, you're making it into something it isn't, and was never meant to be. The game is designed to be enjoyed by someone familiar with the inspiration but different enough to be fresh and fun.
Apr 25, 2019
Hey, I never basically said 'fuck you', and there's nothing scuffed about preventing a million dollar company from flinging it's giant cease and desist donger my way.

For me, FwB is a passion project, and a gift for the fandom to give it something that it never quite got, a vn type eroge. All I want is for people to play it and enjoy it. Which is why in particular I've been a long time supporter and poster in this thread, even though it was essentially pirating my game. I've also taken suggestions from this thread and the reviews.

One thing that seems to be misunderstood is my idea for FwB wasn't to just copy MLP. It would have been easier just to copy every character, location and the lore. But instead I made an offshoot parody where everything is just slightly *off*. Which is why it's not just the characters names and appearances different, but almost everything is entirely different. I think attempting to mod in the original colours and names is missing the point. You won't end up with a satisfying result from attempting it because the creations in FwB are inherently different to the 'inspiration material'. Fluttershy is not an 80 year old Succubus Alchemist for example. By trying to make FwB more similar to MLP, you're making it into something it isn't, and was never meant to be. The game is designed to be enjoyed by someone familiar with the inspiration but different enough to be fresh and fun.
Never said "fuck you" huh?
Nice quadpost. This game wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the colour and name changes. That's the reality. Now you can either face reality, or continue complaining in your little fantasy world where everything revolves around what you want.
Well that's the vibe i got off of this post. If FwB was truly a "passion project" and "a gift for the fandom" you wouldn't be asking for money. Let alone putting it on Steam. And If you truly wanted everything to be "an offshoot parody where everything is just slightly *off*" you would have made the characters a different color to their show versions from the start. I find you're missing the point of why we want the original colors. The name changes, that's whatever. It's the fact of how ugly some of the recolors are. Like seriously, what were you thinking with red furred Riku. And it's not just me and Furyous D. I saw many posts asking why she was red. There were better options for her fur color. If it were me, and i didn't know what to change the fur color to. i would have done a community pole or something. Insulting your fans is not the answer. And something else, I only found out about you and your art because your game was on here. A little food for thought.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2018
I'm not gonna try and speak for Furyous D, but i'm all for game devs making money on their games. But when the dev changes how the characters look just to sell it on Steam is pretty scuffed. And let's not forget how she also made a comment i found to be basically saying "Fuck you" to anyone who didn't like how the characters looked in the steam version. I was gonna buy the game just to support her, even though i didn't like the changes. But after a commet like that, i'm gonna spend my money elsewhere.
I mean you have people here giving her shit for wanting to sell a game and at the same time appeal to a franchise she likes.
The changes were a necessity in order to sell the game and people wanting them to not sell it so they can have their accurate Pony game comes off as entitled.
I just dont get defending a million dollar IP.
So I just say I take a COMPLETED inaccurate parody game to a patreon multiyear milking accurate parody game.

I just hope the dev next game is more "pure".
It's kind of off putting how much the girls talk of taking horse cocks or engaging in gangbangs.

Furyous D

Aug 11, 2017
I saw many posts asking why she was red. There were better options for her fur color.
agreed red just doesn't look good on her, I just did some testing with the sprites i have from working on my mod and I would suggest various shades of Purple, Blue (although that may be too similar), Green (again that might be too similar). Yellow and Orange based on some quick colour overlays in photoshop, the best i would say that fit with he were Purple and Yellow or a creamy colour similar to Butters and blossom's original colour
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Jun 12, 2017
again, I think it is well within there right to ask for a payment, though considering how much Patreon makes I don't think it's going to settle too well with people since people paid for an mlp thing, not an mlp look-alike thing, even if it is small people are going to complain when one deviates from the original project even if it is with decent goals. BUT also wish to remind people sometimes companies go after people even if they don't make money at all to 'protect property image' so changing the color might have been a smart move, a free fan-made game based on Mario got struck down by Nintendo in the past despite not making a penny on it, not even Patreon or the such.
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Oct 22, 2020
update: ive tested all of blossom's, Agatha and Sonia's scenes and they all work, 2 of Honey's scenes need to be manually edited, i have yet to edit Prisma/Riku and Sundowner/Penelope's scenes, and i need to test Ari and Dawn's scenes but it's coming along just fine.
editing the file names and manually changing the colour of Honey in those 2 scenes and then play testing is what is going to take some time to do so ill get back to u once ive made more progress
Hey there, I kinda already edited almost all the characters myself, except for Blossom, Honey, Selene and Melody.
So, do you want to combine our efforts?

Furyous D

Aug 11, 2017
Hey there, I kinda already edited almost all the characters myself, except for Blossom, Honey, Selene and Melody.
So, do you want to combine our efforts?
well since i came back to update with progress i might as well reply to u with the update, i have pre much finished asides from having to manually edit all of the new images that were introduced after V1.01, i just have to edit the name files for sundowner/Penelope which is really easy and recolour around about 45 images that weren't in V1.01 (which i would rather do myself but if u have already don that then I will happily accept the help)
asides from that I will be making separate files for each of the characters with instructions included on how to add them to the games files so people can tailor it to their preferences since i know there might be other people like myself that don't mind some of the changes.
i could probably have a version of all the girls changed back (minus the added recolours) ready for distribution if people wanted that since the recolours could take a long time to do manually by myself with my old drawing tablet seeing as how I have around 45 of them to do with varying complexities based on the image (and 1 image could take ages to do depending on my personal life and how i am feeling at the time, I am aftercall not a professional artist I take lots of time to do something others could probably get done in an hour)
EDIT: I was unaware that Selene, Celeste and Melody had been changed so I guess I should add them to my list of characters to also do since i might as well now I have done so many others.
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Furyous D

Aug 11, 2017
Can we stop this interesting :rolleyes: discussion about IPs and copyrights, please. Unsurprisingly we don't care at all about them here on this forum. Thanks
i mean there was a reason for it but since u asked nicely then I will agree to stop


Oct 22, 2020
well since i came back to update with progress i might as well reply to u with the update, i have pre much finished asides from having to manually edit all of the new images that were introduced after V1.01, i just have to edit the name files for sundowner/Penelope which is really easy and recolour around about 45 images that weren't in V1.01 (which i would rather do myself but if u have already don that then I will happily accept the help)
asides from that I will be making separate files for each of the characters with instructions included on how to add them to the games files so people can tailor it to their preferences since i know there might be other people like myself that don't mind some of the changes.
i could probably have a version of all the girls changed back (minus the added recolours) ready for distribution if people wanted that since the recolours could take a long time to do manually by myself with my old drawing tablet seeing as how I have around 45 of them to do with varying complexities based on the image (and 1 image could take ages to do depending on my personal life and how i am feeling at the time, I am aftercall not a professional artist I take lots of time to do something others could probably get done in an hour)
EDIT: I was unaware that Selene, Celeste and Melody had been changed so I guess I should add them to my list of characters to also do since i might as well now I have done so many others.
Sounds like you did a much better job that me. My edits are kinda rough, since I am not an artist at all. I was planning to just revert all the images I can to v1.01, trying to keep noticeable improvements from v1.10, and edit names/descriptions in scripts to match their old colors.

But anyway, if you want some of my edits, PM me and I'll give them to you.


Jun 7, 2020
I find this whole discussion kinda ridiculous to be honest. TwistedScarlett could literally just make a mod under a different username that changes all the designs and offer it as a mod or something. Hasbro wouldn't be able to touch him at all. He could even implement it in the steam workshop that way.

Furyous D

Aug 11, 2017
Sounds like you did a much better job that me. My edits are kinda rough, since I am not an artist at all. I was planning to just revert all the images I can to v1.01, trying to keep noticeable improvements from v1.10, and edit names/descriptions in scripts to match their old colors.

But anyway, if you want some of my edits, PM me and I'll give them to you.
all i did was take the pre existing images from V1.01 and copied them over/changed the file names for Prisma and Sundowner, the ones im having to manually edit are the images added after V1.01 and i am manually recolouring them in photoshop which is taking allot of time.
i would love to see what u have done so far though it could help me out immensely (i dont know how to PM on this website so this will have to suffice as asking u for them)
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Furyous D

Aug 11, 2017
I find this whole discussion kinda ridiculous to be honest. TwistedScarlett could literally just make a mod under a different username that changes all the designs and offer it as a mod or something. Hasbro wouldn't be able to touch him at all. He could even implement it in the steam workshop that way.
i know i said i would stop with the copyright discussion but i feel this needs to be replied to so sorry.
I like the idea but i think that would still technically fall under copyright since it's the same person just with a different username unlike myself who is just a fan of the game making a mod for the community.
on a side note i just remembered something about cease and desists, generally big companies only give them out to fan games that aren't making money because they want to do something similar themselves like with that mentioned Mario fan game (which i believe was kind of like the recently announced Mario 35) and i know pixlemon was another fan game that received one for the same reason.
ok im done now i hope no one else makes a comment regarding this whole discussion that I feel like needs a reply because i do really want to be done with it but I can't ignore things i deem need replying to


Oct 22, 2020
all i did was take the pre existing images from V1.01 and copied them over/changed the file names for Prisma and Sundowner, the ones im having to manually edit are the images added after V1.01 and i am manually recolouring them in photoshop which is taking allot of time.
i would love to see what u have done so far though it could help me out immensely (i dont know how to PM on this website so this will have to suffice as asking u for them)
Well, in a lot of cases there's a base sprite without the face features, and then there are sprites that layers on top of base sprites. So I just cut everything but faces in those sprites and left base sprites almost untoched. In most cases that's what I did.

Gen Urobuchi

New Member
Nov 19, 2020
Friendship with Benefits - Cheat Codes
A list of cheat codes usable in Moxie’s wagon.

List of All Cheat Codes

  • moneymoneymoney - This cheat will give you 9999 monies, enough for anything in the game.
  • changemyname - Prompts you to change your name.
  • ibeat0.2 - This cheat will reset your money to 200, and the days to 6. It'll automatically complete the boutique and farm routes.
  • ibeat0.4 - This cheat will beat the Forest, Library, Boutique and Farm routes, set your monies to 360 and set the number of days to 12.
  • ibeat0.6 - This cheat will beat Selene's route, Bar, Forest, Library, Boutique and Farm routes, set your monies to 450 and set the number of days to 15.
  • ibeat0.8 - This cheat will beat all routes and skip Morrigan's invasion. You'll also get 1500 monies and the day will be set to 22.
  • ibeatallroutes - This cheat will beat all main character main routes, give you 550 monies and set the day to 21.


Conversation Conqueror
Dec 4, 2019
Friendship with Benefits - Cheat Codes
View attachment 922030
A list of cheat codes usable in Moxie’s wagon.

List of All Cheat Codes
  • moneymoneymoney - This cheat will give you 9999 monies, enough for anything in the game.
  • changemyname - Prompts you to change your name.
  • ibeat0.2 - This cheat will reset your money to 200, and the days to 6. It'll automatically complete the boutique and farm routes.
  • ibeat0.4 - This cheat will beat the Forest, Library, Boutique and Farm routes, set your monies to 360 and set the number of days to 12.
  • ibeat0.6 - This cheat will beat Selene's route, Bar, Forest, Library, Boutique and Farm routes, set your monies to 450 and set the number of days to 15.
  • ibeat0.8 - This cheat will beat all routes and skip Morrigan's invasion. You'll also get 1500 monies and the day will be set to 22.
  • ibeatallroutes - This cheat will beat all main character main routes, give you 550 monies and set the day to 21.
*Intense writing noises* (more like copy-paste)
COPIED, COPIED, COPIED, COPIEEEDDD!!!! (That one epic version in Death Note with a bit of edit)
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Engaged Member
Oct 4, 2017
Can smebody say have many endings this game have. I reach on e with chrysalis when I join her but thats all. If it more how to reach it


Dec 3, 2018
well since i came back to update with progress i might as well reply to u with the update, i have pre much finished asides from having to manually edit all of the new images that were introduced after V1.01, i just have to edit the name files for sundowner/Penelope which is really easy and recolour around about 45 images that weren't in V1.01 (which i would rather do myself but if u have already don that then I will happily accept the help)
asides from that I will be making separate files for each of the characters with instructions included on how to add them to the games files so people can tailor it to their preferences since i know there might be other people like myself that don't mind some of the changes.
i could probably have a version of all the girls changed back (minus the added recolours) ready for distribution if people wanted that since the recolours could take a long time to do manually by myself with my old drawing tablet seeing as how I have around 45 of them to do with varying complexities based on the image (and 1 image could take ages to do depending on my personal life and how i am feeling at the time, I am aftercall not a professional artist I take lots of time to do something others could probably get done in an hour)
EDIT: I was unaware that Selene, Celeste and Melody had been changed so I guess I should add them to my list of characters to also do since i might as well now I have done so many others.
your the hero we need but don't deserve i'm hyped when this mod is finished thank you hero! (please make cream pink!)

Anyway i wanted to say i completely understand the reason why she changed the colour no one want to be fucked with copy right she had every right to change stuff so she could sell on steam it her game to do with as she please i even bought the game myself to support her i love the game

but this whole thing started because of the colour change (which are...gods why red? sure prime colours but still she swapped honey and her sister's colours which agian is...Meh i mean i like honey being orange)

But the fact is what is stopping her from making two versons? with the orginal colours? updating V1.01 I mean after someone being used to one thing for so long to suddenly change it, i can undertand why peopel are mad.

And she said herself this is her passion project, and a gift for the fandom letting people pirate her game on this site why not two verson? hell even work with her community and help them make the second verison or a mod

just as Furyous D is doing right now!

and her saying ' I think attempting to mod in the original colours and names is missing the point. You won't end up with a satisfying result from attempting it because the creations in FwB are inherently different to the 'inspiration material'

missing what point? We know we've not getting a copy that why it called a parody! most of us can say we love the new lore she made this it make the world intresting and new, we've always love the characters more then the world anyway we don't want a copy we want what you made! You take at it, many of us don't care about name it more colours and look the fact to what people was used too or making it somthing fitting.

The change happened beacuse of the steam verson I mean why even steam to begin with? more money? a dream to have it on steam?

did it just get too big and she had to change or what?

but still we only what what we had before the change

but still people shouldn't swear and degrade her that is too far theres voicing your opinons and then there just...that.
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