4.60 star(s) 21 Votes

horny wizard

May 3, 2021
man the updates for this game take so fucking long. the only thing I'm missing currently is the get 420,69 in a single night acheivement. so if anyone here knows an easy way to get it. I'm all hears


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2020
man the updates for this game take so fucking long. the only thing I'm missing currently is the get 420,69 in a single night acheivement. so if anyone here knows an easy way to get it. I'm all hears
Use infinite money cheat (it's linked in the first page on the OP). Buy all dildos (and pictures/posters, whichever one increases their difficulty just to speed things up). Get all bots to difficulty 2.0 via playing on Dynamic difficulty and winning several nights in a row (difficulty increases by 0.2 per win last I remember). Finally, when they're all at 2.0 difficulty do this:
1: At the start of the night, immediately use all dildos to disable most bots.
2: After that, immediately tip Mangle $20 to effectively disable Springtrap.
You're pretty much done after that, just mine 5 FUX while making sure not to alert Springtrap to your presence and keep Mangle paid off, and you'll win.
You could do this without the infinite money cheat, but it's just tedious.

horny wizard

May 3, 2021
Use infinite money cheat (it's linked in the first page on the OP). Buy all dildos (and pictures/posters, whichever one increases their difficulty just to speed things up). Get all bots to difficulty 2.0 via playing on Dynamic difficulty and winning several nights in a row (difficulty increases by 0.2 per win last I remember). Finally, when they're all at 2.0 difficulty do this:
1: At the start of the night, immediately use all dildos to disable most bots.
2: After that, immediately tip Mangle $20 to effectively disable Springtrap.
You're pretty much done after that, just mine 5 FUX while making sure not to alert Springtrap to your presence and keep Mangle paid off, and you'll win.
You could do this without the infinite money cheat, but it's just tedious.
yeah, I kinda did that with night 1. turned out the difficulty increase in dynamic mode doesn't cazrry over to other nights.
Sep 22, 2018
Guys, I have some issues which came up recently in the last 1 or 2 months.
Basically now whenever I try to launch whichever version of the game (I have all, from 0.2 to 0.18), it starts, but when and if it comes to the main menu screen (sometimes it my crash even on the logo screen), it continues to play the audio but the models stop their animations and it becomes completely uninteractivable.

Sometimes it closes itself because of some crash, but most of the time it will just freeze all of my PC, making the Task Manger unaccesible too, and make it turn off from the over-heating security shut-off.

I know my PC is hella old, indeed 9 years and 8 months, but I never even once had such issue and it makes no sense to have such one all of unexpectedly.
Also it doesn't seem to be Unity itself the issue here, because other Unity-based games (such as Something Unlimited and various others) seem to work perfectly fine and even others with 3D or 2.5D models.

These are my laptop specs:

OS: Windows 8.1 x86 | 64bit
CPU: Intel Core i7-3630QM @ 2.40 GHz
GPU: GeForce GT 630M | 2 GB

Thanks in advance to whoever will try to help me.
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4.60 star(s) 21 Votes