
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
#58 September 9th progress report.png

Weekly Progress Report #58 for Future Fragments


All links are for those 18+ of age and older only.


Whoops, was a bit late on this one; got sidetracked with some IRL things, had to repair some stuff on my shower.

Frouge is making good progress on his end of things, so that's good.
I'm moderately progressing, probably expect either more cutscenes done next week than I got done this week OR expect little to none, depending on whether I end up focusing on getting the cutscenes in-game or just churning out the writing.

In either scenario, it's progress though, of course.

Also, something I wanted to make sure was clear since I'd seen a few people asking about it; we're going to SUBMIT to Steam on the 22nd, but that's not when the game comes out.

Steam needs to check through the game (they might even reject it due to whatever random reason), which can take between a day to a few weeks.

But we'll keep you updated both through progress reports, as well as updated on the Steam situation too.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2019
i can't believe this game is getting completed. It's been in development like what, 10 years? This must be all fake and propaganda


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
i can't believe this game is getting completed. It's been in development like what, 10 years? This must be all fake and propaganda
Less than 8 years, actually, since 10 years would mean we were getting funded by Patreon before it existed :p but yes, it will be out next month at latest (since Steam needs time to review the game).

We're finally in the home stretch.
Thankfully, I can't wait to get it released, although post launch we'll still have some polish and odds and ends to do for a good month or so afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
#59 September 16th progress report.png

Weekly Progress Report #59 for Future Fragments


All links are for those 18+ of age and older only.


Nothing really to report this time around, just making general progress; as a reminder, it's likely that we won't actually have the game released on Steam until early October due to the time Steam needs to check the game, so like in the last post, while we'll be submitting in September, it'll take time to check.

We'll still be working on the game during that time frame too, if anyone's wondering how we'll get everything in on time.


New Member
Nov 24, 2021
Less than 8 years, actually, since 10 years would mean we were getting funded by Patreon before it existed :p but yes, it will be out next month at latest (since Steam needs time to review the game).
Can't we get it elsewhere on 22? I don't want to buy it from steam anyway


Nov 13, 2020
The time is nigh but I forgot to ask, will we haz new game+ to begin a second journey with all gear/stats/upgrades?

What about difficulty modes?

I know this has probably been answered many times but bear (raawr) with me a few days more.


Dec 5, 2017
The time is nigh but I forgot to ask, will we haz new game+ to begin a second journey with all gear/stats/upgrades?

What about difficulty modes?

I know this has probably been answered many times but bear (raawr) with me a few days more.
AFAIK, there won't be a straight-up new game plus option. There isn't really an 'upgrade' system that'd be compatible with that - there are two power-increase systems in the game, but I don't think they'd be transferable.

(For reference, the two systems are the special powers and the powerups. Special powers are elemental moves unlocked upon defeating a boss; each one includes both a movement power and a unique offense power. For example, the fire dash makes you immune to damage, while the fire attack is a shotgun-like short-range blast. Powerups are collectible items that can be found through exploration that give Talia a range of different possible abilities, three of which can be equipped at once. 50 in total are available, with 10 on each level, though which 10 will be RNG-based across different playthroughs.)

The closest thing that I think the full game will have to a ng+ would be the cheats; this piece has been mentioned before, but completing all 10 achievements for each of the 5 levels will unlock a special cheat code that will presumably be usable on replays. I don't know if any of the 5 in the full game will be this simple a cheat, but for comparison, if you get into a certain room in the public electric level demo, you can choose to unlock either infinite health or infinite mana.

As for difficulty modes, there's a basic choice on the main menu between 'Easy' and 'Normal' modes when starting a new game, though IIRC selecting 'Easy' will actually lock you out of the true ending and the true final boss, so YMMV on how much of a choice it actually is.

I think HW has said that post-game they plan to release some 'hard mode' maps as bonus content, but even if those are still planned it'll probably be a couple of months before they get made. (Though... while they wouldn't strictly be transferable, I can't think of any reason that powerups and special powers couldn't be made available - maybe optionally - for those hard maps. Question for HW, I suppose.)

*exits, pursued by a bear*
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
The time is nigh but I forgot to ask, will we haz new game+ to begin a second journey with all gear/stats/upgrades?
Everything Umberfoot said up above is accurate, so there won't be a specific new game+ mode, mainly because maps were designed intentionally around what you could possibly have at that point in the game (ex. having the freeze enemies and turn them into platforms ability on the Fire Level would probably lead to a lot of potential softlocks or bugs).

However, gallery stuff, achievements, and the effects of some very special, secret cutscene events will be global and persist through all runs of the game.

What about difficulty modes?
We do have an "easy" and "normal" mode, but the real difficulty settings for the game are somewhat designed around the powerups.

If you want TRUE "easy difficulty", look up powerup combinations that'll surely be posted here/on discord that will make the game a cakewalk to mow down enemies or be practically unkillable.
If you want TRUE "normal difficulty", use powerups at your leisure, without focusing on super broken builds.
If you want "hard difficulty", don't use powerups at all.
If you want "super hard difficulty", equip the "Negative" powerups, as many as you want.

I know this has probably been answered many times but bear (raawr) with me a few days more.
Glad to answer :) also thanks to Umberfoot for the writeup too!
And yeah, we'll have DLC maps sometime after release where I'll really go nuts with difficulty stuff.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Thank you both.

As a massive fan of metroidvanias and 2d scrollings in general, I was looking for difficulty.
Yeah, the core game we designed to be fairly forgiving (infinite lives, health drops from enemies, powerups that allow for broken combinations), since most NSFW games don't ask for nearly the amount of physical coordination/dexterity that we're asking for, so we wanted to ease people into the idea of a NSFW game having this kind of gameplay in it.

That may sound kind of weird to say in 2022, but when we started in 2015, as far as western action NSFW games went, there was literally only Anon42, Kyrieru, Vosmug, and us making these types of games. So it was a very alien (and ironically very disliked) concept in the West at the time, but nowadays you have lots and lots of people making them, which I'm happy to see.

To compensate for making things not that hard in the core game though, you can expect at least one of the DLC map packs to be very, very hard stuff (and I don't mean "unfair" hard, I mean "requires a lot of skill to get through").


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
super excited for the 22nd aka Submit-To-Steam-But-Not-Necessarily-Release-Day-Due-To-The-Review-Process-Which-Can-Take-One-Day-Or-Even-Several-Weeks-Depending-On-Any-Changes-That-Need-To-Be-Made Day.
lmao this made me chuckle
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