
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I'm sorry, I'm losing motivation, every time you say that's the release, and again, here's the release, and again and again and again, we will definitely release the game in September and then suddenly it turns out that you didn't add something to the game. I understand that you want the game to be perfect
It's not about the game being perfect, it's about it having core content. We don't want to release the game without the final boss fight working, without the endings, without the cutscenes for the last two levels in the game, without the Ideals system working correctly, without half the sound effects in the game in, etc.

but you keep adding something over and over again and this delays the release even more
We haven't added in any new content that wasn't already planned since 2019 or so. It's literally finishing the content we had planned since then.

i think you need to finish with this, even if there are bugs, even if there are errors, it will all take forever until you do everything.
None of the delays have been because of bugs. Most of the bugs are done, and any remaining are very tiny ones. Again, it's about core content. If we got in all the things we truly wanted to get in, we'd be working on this game for another 3 years. We're not even remotely close to "perfect" with what we wanted for the game.

I realized 2 things if the game does not come out for a long time it is either it is in production hell or we just need money. Night Of Revenge is true giga chad right now, his alone do very good job.
Or, the game (like ours) has a ton of content, done by a team that's 1/100th the size of an AAA team (3 core people, two audio people, and a ton of voice actors). Not production hell or needing money, just needing time.

Heck, here's a list of the things we removed from what we had planned for the game to further drive home that we're not aiming for perfection;

- Being able to play through the entire game with a second set of cutscenes in a sort of "genocide mode" with new endings for it
- Playing through the whole game as Faye
- More enemies per level
- Enemies having elemental immunity to your abilities
- An entire item based system of using potions and other items to buff your character
- Much much more content for the True Final Boss
- Multiple full vocal songs for bosses
- Much larger areas
- Portraits for all NPCs and enemies during cutscenes
- A full range of facial expressions for Talia's GUI in the upper left
- Visual modifiers to make the game look CRT style or other styles
- The level editor allowing you to inject your own art/audio
- Powerups were originally going to give extra boosts if you had three equipped in a set theme (set boosts)
- There were going to be secret mini-bosses in each level that would have tied into a larger, arcing theme across our games
- Talia was going to have a ground pound of sorts as her earth ability
- You were going to be able to have a second, secret way to beat each boss
- Beating a level would bring up a tally that would have had lots of data on your performance etc.
- The ice level enemies were originally going to be mythological beasts/creatures
- The stealth area was going to originally be much, much more complex programming/aesthetically
- The struggle mechanic was, for a brief period, going to be something where you'd actually put in commands to break out
- The fire area was, for a brief period, going to have a mechanic where you'd knock rocks down from the ceiling to plug lava spouts or have the lava spout burst to blow a rock across an area as a platform
- The fire area was also, for a longer period, going to have a type of room where you'd have to run through it as fast as possible to get through before actual 1-hit-ko lava caught up with you
- The ice level was going to have all the enemies react to sound when you walked on snow vs ice (this was later used for the infected grunt)
- The electric area's milk machines were going to deposit milk bottles on the machine, which would then heal enemies that walked past it
- The earth area was going to have a tentacle vine that would have reached down from ceilings to grab you as you passed by if you didn't dodge it or shoot it
- The ice level was going to have an environmental trap where a round, smooth icicle would pop up and penetrate talia, which would then melt over time
- The End's mechanics were going to involve a decent amount of use of the fact that time "freezes" in the other dimension when you're in the one you're in, so we were going to have puzzles where you'd have to say, fire a shot in the real world, then jump to the alter world quickly, run around, and end up in a portal back on the other side of the real world portion of the map before the bullet hits, for the platform to stretch a certain way and carry you through the map
- The boss fight for the fire level was originally going to be a huge version of the flying imp/glider enemy; the blob version was also, at one point, going to be invincible and you would have to outrun it until it hit a wall and died
- Reading silver databanks would have given you "code letters" per databank, which, when put together, could be unscrambled to get a secret sex animation for that level
- The earth power you'd get for beating the boss was also, at one point, going to be an ability to fast-travel using vines you rammed into the ground or wall (so teleporting through the ground/walls basically), but this turned into the portal system/stretchy platforms, so there became no use for it
- We also considered giving her an earth attack (not utility ability) that would have healed her upon hitting enemies with it by leeching their energy, but this was decided to be way too broken

And that's just a small list, there's way more than this we've cut out/didn't do because we knew it'd be unfeasible.
So definitely haven't "added stuff", and have definitely cut a ton of planned content over the years to get the game out ASAP.
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New Member
Nov 9, 2021
I feel like your reply doesn't touch on the actual issue he stated.
He's saying it feels bad to come here and see you say it will be out in march 2022, then in march it's pushed to summer, then in summer it's this year, etc. It doesn't matter if your reason is good, as a consumer it feels bad.

That's why most developers try to avoid absolute dates, or in this case I guess year long time frames lol.

(all the dates were pulled out of my ass, to help convey my point before that gets nitpicked)

Also game looks cool and high quality, hope it brings you success.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I feel like your reply doesn't touch on the actual issue he stated.
He's saying it feels bad to come here and see you say it will be out in march 2022, then in march it's pushed to summer, then in summer it's this year, etc. It doesn't matter if your reason is good, as a consumer it feels bad.
Oh I agree; it feels awful for us too, because we REALLY want to get this game out there.

So yeah, for future games, no more release dates until the game is literally done.

Also game looks cool and high quality, hope it brings you success.
Thanks a lot :) we hope so too, so we can afford to make more games.
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New Member
Nov 24, 2021
If I play the demo, would the savegame work on the coming full version? For how much I remembered that was the start of the game. Damn I finished 2 colleges and had 3 jobs since I played it for the first time
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
If I play the demo, would the savegame work on the coming full version? For how much I remembered that was the start of the game. Damn I finished 2 collages and had 3 jobs since I played it for the first time
The saves won't transfer to the full game, since all existing demos are just standalone levels (and the demos are missing a LOT of content and mechanics compared to the full game).


New Member
Nov 24, 2021
The saves won't transfer to the full game, since all existing demos are just standalone levels (and the demos are missing a LOT of content and mechanics compared to the full game).
so there will be new events, dialogs and animations on the demo level? cool


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
so there will be new events, dialogs and animations on the demo level? cool
The Electric Level is getting new dialogue branches/events for almost all cutscenes, as well as a few new databanks and four new NPCs/cutscenes, with two new sex scenes.

The other four level demos probably have less than 2% of their total story/cutscene content that'll be present in the full game.


Oct 30, 2019
I don't post much but there's a lot of negativity in the past few pages I'm reading over... So I thought I'd put my own thoughts forward.

Release it when you are ready. It's not like you don't want to release it and keep from earning the money you'd get from a Steam release. That would be silly. I'm sure you're doing what you can, and you're clearly passionate about your project.

The demos are great so far. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the full release on Steam.

If there's cut content (due to Steam for example), I am hopeful it will be released elsewhere assuming it's not too terribly difficult to do (DLC or Patch?). You may have already addressed this.

No reason to pander to the frustrated and impatient on this forum, or really elsewhere. If one is upset and already providing you financial support through something like Patreon, they are always welcome to withdraw their pledge.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I don't post much but there's a lot of negativity in the past few pages I'm reading over... So I thought I'd put my own thoughts forward.

Release it when you are ready. It's not like you don't want to release it and keep from earning the money you'd get from a Steam release. That would be silly. I'm sure you're doing what you can, and you're clearly passionate about your project.

The demos are great so far. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the full release on Steam.
Thanks a lot; the well wishes are appreciated :)
That said, we do have to release it ASAP mainly because I'm just at my financial ends; our hope is that the release will be a "soft release", and we'll be updating the game practically daily on Steam for the first month or so to finish off anything remaining content-wise.

If there's cut content (due to Steam for example), I am hopeful it will be released elsewhere assuming it's not too terribly difficult to do (DLC or Patch?). You may have already addressed this.
Due to the way the game's setup, it's an all-or-nothing thing; we can't do patches, so we'd have to remove the content entirely without it being patchable-in.

That said, I don't think there'd be any content they'd want to remove, so fingers crossed on that one.

We do have free DLC planned in the form of map packs and of course general polish/bugfixes/extra content.

No reason to pander to the frustrated and impatient on this forum, or really elsewhere. If one is upset and already providing you financial support through something like Patreon, they are always welcome to withdraw their pledge.
That, or they can even ask for a refund too, but yeah, that's true. I'll probably stop replying to outright troll/bait posts from here on out so I can focus as much time as I can on the game itself; critique is fine, but the same complaints that've been addressed 100 times before probably aren't worth spending more time on.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2019
I have already said that it is no need to tell a specific date, but they always saying, why? it just always looks like catching up on the hype and people, and then leaving, like in a fairy tale with wolves. This is not a "negative", it's just a sober look, you have to be able to distinguish it, the game seems to be good, though I don't like the last robot boss.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I have already said that it is no need to tell a specific date, but they always saying, why? it just always looks like catching up on the hype and people, and then leaving, like in a fairy tale with wolves. This is not a "negative", it's just a sober look, you have to be able to distinguish it, the game seems to be good, though I don't like the last robot boss.
We literally have to release in November, so we might as well let peole know that.

Future games wont have release dates though.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2019
You stated a couple of months ago that (one of) your next game will be similar to FF but with a male PC.
Will it depend on how well FF sells if you guys continue developing games?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
You stated a couple of months ago that (one of) your next game will be similar to FF but with a male PC.
Will it depend on how well FF sells if you guys continue developing games?
Well, either way, we'd still make games, it'd just be the difference between;

A) FF sells really poorly, can't come close to paying off debt, need to take on 8 to 5 office job or something similar while I work on games part time until debt is paid off
B) FF sells great, can pay off debt, and immediately go into new game full time while doing polish work on FF part time
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Sep 23, 2017
We literally have to release in November, so we might as well let peole know that.

Future games wont have release dates though.
You have said you "have to release it" a couple of times now over the span of a year. You can't expect that to mean anything at this point. This recurring post where you insist the latest arbitrary deadline is "the last straw" and then delay the game anyway with some brand new excuse is getting old. For a spell the weekly updates started to say more or less the exact same thing after a certain point and I was asking myself what the point of even posting them was.

I'm struggling to figure out how a literal one-man studio like Scott Cawthon (to use a specific example) can pump out four or five games in the time this one has taken to get off the ground and his games all sold gangbusters. Either than 10 grand per month on Patreon is too good to give up after all this time (which I would understand, especially in the current global economy) or there is a serious unspackled hole in the competency of your team. We're starting to reach Valve levels of time spent working on a single title.
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