
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
That's just semantics.
You can't say it's playable from beginning to end if the end ain't there.
That's why you failed submission.
Well, yeah, that's why I said we knew that'd happen.

I can't think of an-
Let me rephrase that, I can't think of a single game that doesn't have an ending that isn't dogshit shovelware that never should have been allowed on the platform.

Even if it's just like a "The End" text over a single CG that pops up when you beat the final level, there's still something that theoretically constitutes an ending.
I wouldn't call that an "ending" myself, but I can see what you mean.

Also, the fact that you didn't expect it to pass is kind of the issue.
You were talking about how you submitted it on schedule as though that was you meeting your deadline. But it doesn't count if you fail submission.
Because that's not going to actually get the game out on buyable on-time, is it?
Actually, that's specifically why we did it; to help ensure the game gets out, buyable, on time.
When we first submitted the demo for Steam Nextfest, we were sure it'd be in without issue.

A week+ goes by and... it's rejected.
Why? Because of a tiny mistake we made when submitting it and not checking a specific box. The game itself was fine, but because we made that mistake, we had to wait ANOTHER week+ to get in, and in doing so, missed a huge portion of the pre-NextFest stuff which could have helped us a lot.

By submitting it like this, due to full games getting way more scrutiny on submission, we did in fact help the game be buyable on-time by ensuring that in our submission process, we weren't going to be hit by anything like that. And luckily, it is good that we submitted as such, because the report we got back did note things we weren't aware of when it comes to submitting a build on Steam, that weren't issues with the demo alone.

Had we submitted as-is without submitting this initial build, we absolutely would have missed any deadline we set for ourselves because we 100% would have been rejected.

Like, yeah I think people would have been unhappy to hear you directly say that there's another delay, but I still think it'd have come across better than "Well, technically we submitted it on time, even though we knew full well that it wouldn't actually pass submission."
But that wouldn't be the truth. I'd rather be up front about it not passing than try to get people's hopes up by claiming it'd pass. Additionally, if you check my posts, I never once boasted about it "meeting a deadline" with any of this, so I'm not sure why that keeps coming up as if that was a motive or incentive for us.

It didn't fail on a technicality, it failed because it wasn't done yet.
And continuing from earlier, here's why we would have failed.
In doing that submission, we found out from Steam staff that your store page has to 1:1 be a description of what's in your game.

Meaning, if ANY voicework was missing, if ANY cutscenes were missing, any dialogue, any content whatsoever, and that content was listed on the store page as being in the game, we would have failed. It's not just endings.

But by doing that submission, we were able to go back and forth with Steam and confirm that if we edit our store page to be listed like this;

- 5 levels with 120 maps each
- Fully voice acted in English*
- 250 cutscenes*
- 100 sex scenes
- 5 hours of music

Currently, the game is in a "soft launch state".

The following content is missing the following amounts;

- Voicework: 10%.
- Cutscenes: 5%.
Additionally, some remaining polish has yet to be completed. We expect this remaining content to be completed shortly, and will be providing weekly update posts clarifying when remaining content is finished.

The game is, however, playable from start to finish and is almost entirely done otherwise.
Then we would be allowed to put the game up, even if it's not complete.

Had we not found out about this and waited to submit until a week or two before the release date, we would have went on, oblivious, submitted it without knowing this, we would have been rejected and guaranteed to miss any deadline we set.
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Feb 1, 2018
Thanks a lot :) I'm hoping people will, on release, see the amount of content already in and be excited about seeing the remaining content get in, versus being upset/let down that said content isn't in at launch, but we're doing our best to get in as much as possible before the 30th!

As far as the achievements go;

View attachment 2140446
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View attachment 2140452

Remeber you only need five achievements per level to unlock the gallery for that level.
Those five can be all from Easy, all from Hard, or any mix of the ten available.

The Easy achievements are designed to give the player a push towards core game objectives, while the Hard ones are generally not core-objective related at all and are just meant to be fun/ridiculous.

If you get all ten achievements in a level, though, you'll get both a special POV animation loop and a cheat code (with the exception of The End, where you only get the cheat code.)

NOTE: cheat codes mayyyyy not be in at launch though, but it'll be retroactive if you got it.
What does it mean to cheat codes mayyyyy not be in at launch though? Do you need to wait for subsequent updates? ,


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
What does it mean to cheat codes mayyyyy not be in at launch though? Do you need to wait for subsequent updates? ,
We're prioritizing getting all core content/main gameplay stuff and story events in as much as possible, so it just depends on how much of that we get done, really.

The cheat codes wouldn't take long after launch to add in though, ideally.
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Oct 2, 2017
Really like this game, probably my only complaint is that the only way to access 90% of the sex animations is by losing, or by going into the gallery outside of the gameplay.

Would have been great to have a way to initiate the sex animations on a very low health/defeated enemy and receive a temporary damage buff or health in a way to integrate the scenes without punishing players by sending them back to spawn for them, or having to access them through a not particularly immersive gallery.

Obviously a bit late in development to implement and appreciate the effort to finally get this out on a deadline (hopefully).


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Really like this game, probably my only complaint is that the only way to access 90% of the sex animations is by losing, or by going into the gallery outside of the gameplay.

Would have been great to have a way to initiate the sex animations on a very low health/defeated enemy and receive a temporary damage buff or health in a way to integrate the scenes without punishing players by sending them back to spawn for them, or having to access them through a not particularly immersive gallery.
So in the full game, nearly every level has at least 1, if not 2 or 3 cutscenes where the player can choose to intiate sex. Most of these result in a unique sex animation only seen in that cutscene.

Choosing to do so gets you Sexuality Ideal points, choosing not to reduces them; your total Sexuality points are one factor that affects the final ending of the game.

As far as why we didn't do it specifically with getting a buff from enemies though, that's a combination of three reasons;
1) Devs have tried for just about forever to put in some sort of "have sex with defeated enemies" mechanic in games. To date, I have yet to see a game that does this, that doesn't result in one of the following (IMO, bad) scenarios;

- You can spam this ability on enemies, buffing yourself to near invincible amounts/infinite ammo/infinite health, removing all challenge from gameplay
- You can only do this ability every so often, which "constricts" availability of sex scenes, which is bad for player quality of life (and it potentially forces you to have sex with enemies just to survive, if the game is balanced around that)
- Being forced to see the same sex animation over and over and over (or even the same few animations) results in players getting irritated/bored with having to sit through an entire sex animation just to get buffs/ammo/health; if the animation is skippable, then the entire purpose of having sex be a part of it loses its point, meaning you could just have it be whatever.

Solutions to this that've been suggested are;

- Just do a super high amount of sex animations, which of course results in needing to do a LOT of extra art
- Have the thing where you get buffs from enemies be relegated only to bosses, which results in having to make a lot of bosses
- Make it a "temporary buff" that drains over time, but that itself has a lot of balancing issues

If we could figure out a way to do it without those issues though, we'd definitely do it for future games... if not for the next issue.
2) Patreon generally only allows games with dub-con if the player character is NOT the aggressor (and like 20 other stipulations).

Having sex with a "defeated enemy" would fall right in line with the player character being the aggressor.
3) Having both sex-on-loss AND sex-on-win animations would have been double the work, and we definitely wanted sex-on-loss due to that being a more familiar aspect of NSFW action games.

But yeah, hopefully with future games, we'll figure out a non-grinding-required, balanced way to incorporate something like that.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
#66 November 4th progress report.png

Weekly Progress Report #66 for Future Fragments


All links are for those 18+ of age and older only.


Just pushing along, nothing special to report here; still going to be releasing the game on November 30th, 2022, but again probably with about 10-15% of total voicework missing as well as some cutscenes, secret endings, etc. and a few other odds and ends not in yet.
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New Member
Mar 1, 2018
1) Devs have tried for just about forever to put in some sort of "have sex with defeated enemies" mechanic in games. To date, I have yet to see a game that does this, that doesn't result in one of the following (IMO, bad) scenarios;

- You can spam this ability on enemies, buffing yourself to near invincible amounts/infinite ammo/infinite health, removing all challenge from gameplay
- You can only do this ability every so often, which "constricts" availability of sex scenes, which is bad for player quality of life (and it potentially forces you to have sex with enemies just to survive, if the game is balanced around that)
- Being forced to see the same sex animation over and over and over (or even the same few animations) results in players getting irritated/bored with having to sit through an entire sex animation just to get buffs/ammo/health; if the animation is skippable, then the entire purpose of having sex be a part of it loses its point, meaning you could just have it be whatever.
I disagree with your point about skippable anims defeating the point. The sex animations exist to arouse the player, but if I don't want to sit through the same animation for the seventh time then I can skip it. But I'm always going to watch it through fully the first time, and probably a few more times if I feel like it at the time.

Recovering health off defeated enemies isn't a bad point to me. I'm not looking for difficulty in sex games. And besides, the main challenge usually goes into the boss fights anyway. And if a dev really wanted to restrict it then some form of libido mechanic that gives diminishing returns is easy enough. You could also punish the player for doing this by having sex with enemies advance a counter (like Sexuality points) and therefore making non-Sexuality Ending runs more challenging, but as a bad gamer I hate that idea.

Letting an enemy have sex with the MC to auto-defeat an enemy without killing them is also kind of hot. I'm sure you scoff at the idea, being able to bypass all the challenge without consequence and also not making sense in lore, but it means the frequency of sex in the game is at my control without penalty. If I'm tired of it I can just play the game normally.

There are two ideas: (a) sex scenes are the main collectable of the game, and (b) the player should be punished for failing in the game. Sex on defeat puts these two ideas completely at odds. Players are obviously going to intentionally sabotage themselves when they come across a new enemy. Games with group animations are even worse, because (as sexy as they are) they encourage constantly taking damage on the off-chance the devs made a specific combination. Having to go all the way back to the lore-checkpoint because I wanted sexy times is irritating.

And you also mentioned the irritation of watching sex animations through multiple times for a buff, but plenty of sex on defeat games let you get stun locked into animations. That's irritating. Also sometimes very sexy. But also irritating.

There is something very erotic about a female MC being forced into sexual pleasure, but it sure is a stain on the design of h-platformers.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I disagree with your point about skippable anims defeating the point. The sex animations exist to arouse the player, but if I don't want to sit through the same animation for the seventh time then I can skip it. But I'm always going to watch it through fully the first time, and probably a few more times if I feel like it at the time.
Right, but when you have something that's making people want to skip it, in general, that's not good design; you ideally want a player to engage with all parts of your game. It's not the worst thing in the world though, like you said, of course.

Recovering health off defeated enemies isn't a bad point to me. I'm not looking for difficulty in sex games.
This is probably where we fundamentally differ in viewpoints; we're making games with adult content, not adult content with some gameplay. For all intents and purposes, we treated the design of this game exactly like we would a regular game, without sex content.

That said, we also DID make it a bit easier than we normally would have, specifically because the prevailing attitude right now in the west is that "porn game = no challenge/need to try to win", and if we made a game at full levels of challenge, it'd probably alienate most people with how the trend is currently for these games in the west.

And besides, the main challenge usually goes into the boss fights anyway. And if a dev really wanted to restrict it then some form of libido mechanic that gives diminishing returns is easy enough. You could also punish the player for doing this by having sex with enemies advance a counter (like Sexuality points) and therefore making non-Sexuality Ending runs more challenging, but as a bad gamer I hate that idea.
Yeah, we'd want to avoid punishing the player in a permanent/hard to undo way for any given choices related to sex, so that'd be out for us too.

Letting an enemy have sex with the MC to auto-defeat an enemy without killing them is also kind of hot. I'm sure you scoff at the idea, being able to bypass all the challenge without consequence and also not making sense in lore, but it means the frequency of sex in the game is at my control without penalty.
I don't think this is a bad idea inherently, and it'd be easy to work into the lore of a game if you designed it as such from the ground up, but the issue here would be, yes, balance issues. You'd need to design the game around it so that the game doesn't just become a cakewalk, because while people could play normally, as you noted, all of our games will have SFW modes.

So if we made that too fundamental of a gameplay mechanic, it'd make SFW mode need entirely new mechanics, which would be a bit of a nightmare. As for why we'd have a SFW mode for our games, that ties back into the mentality up above of wanting to make regular games; if we can get these games out to the mainstream, and people play the SFW mode, they might be tempted to try the NSFW mode.

If that happens, people who may normally never have played NSFW games, might be into trying them (both ours and others).

There are two ideas: (a) sex scenes are the main collectable of the game, and (b) the player should be punished for failing in the game. Sex on defeat puts these two ideas completely at odds. Players are obviously going to intentionally sabotage themselves when they come across a new enemy.
We did try to stave this off, by having animations only be unlockable in the gallery through positive actions (achievements, specifically). So while I know there's the whole entertainment of seeing it in-level, if you want to have permanent access to it, you'd need to do well.

Games with group animations are even worse, because (as sexy as they are) they encourage constantly taking damage on the off-chance the devs made a specific combination. Having to go all the way back to the lore-checkpoint because I wanted sexy times is irritating.
We also staved this off some by having "easy mode" where you can watch an animation for as long as you like without taking damage, and we may even change that to just have it do no damage based on post-launch feedback.

Additionally, there are powerups that actually buff you against taking damage during sex/do damage to enemies that try to do this, or that negate that damage altogether.

On top of that, the "stun" system means that enemies can do low damage, but get you into stun faster, depending on how you get hit and what you get hit with, so you can see more sex animations, while taking less damage.

And finally, if you do lose, you get returned to the hub, which is at most, only 4-5 rooms from where you were at, with infinite lives, and no need to return to the title screen and go through menus and such.

(Plus of course, the number of animations in the game that are based on player choice, and those won't return you to the hub.)

but plenty of sex on defeat games let you get stun locked into animations. That's irritating. Also sometimes very sexy. But also irritating.
I have yet to play a game like this, but I wouldn't doubt there's a lot of them, and that definitely would be terrible design.

There is something very erotic about a female MC being forced into sexual pleasure, but it sure is a stain on the design of h-platformers.
It is; for future games, we'll definitely look at different ways to try and do it.
But our next two or three games, we'll be doing entirely different genres, so that shouldn't be much of an issue :p


Active Member
Apr 15, 2019
We also staved this off some by having "easy mode" where you can watch an animation for as long as you like without taking damage, and we may even change that to just have it do no damage based on post-launch feedback.
The game Milia Wars had a good solution for this.
H animations consisted of several loops. Each loop dealt damage over, but also had a maximum amount of damage it could deal. To advance to the next loop you have to press a button. If a loop hadn't done it's maximum damage yet you would receive all remaining damage of the loop instantly. Based on how much health / stamina you had left the animation you switch to next might change.
That system allowed you to watch the (part of an) animation you like as long as you like without punishing you for it or requiring a gallery system.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
The game Milia Wars had a good solution for this.
H animations consisted of several loops. Each loop dealt damage over, but also had a maximum amount of damage it could deal. To advance to the next loop you have to press a button. If a loop hadn't done it's maximum damage yet you would receive all remaining damage of the loop instantly. Based on how much health / stamina you had left the animation you switch to next might change.
That system allowed you to watch the (part of an) animation you like as long as you like without punishing you for it or requiring a gallery system.
This is similar to what we have on Easy Mode, except you take all the damage right at the beginning of the animation and that's it, otherwise it's identical (except that the animation isn't changing based on health etc.)
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New Member
Nov 21, 2018
I'm so excited this game is releasing soon! the demo is super fun and really promising. I'm excited to see the way the whole game comes together.
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Feb 21, 2018
This is similar to what we have on Easy Mode, except you take all the damage right at the beginning of the animation and that's it, otherwise it's identical (except that the animation isn't changing based on health etc.)
Should ask to get a spread of expectations. You've got a hefty amount of endings planned and a number of stats to keep track of. Some even considered 'bad' and i believe game over ones which might be behind losing to a boss. Is the ending going to be 'static'? In that Talia will achieve her goal of destroying the weapon and there are a number of variations? Or is there some divergence. Like if Faye was able to win and opts to do what she wanted or if the king got the weapon in the end?

Don't want you spoiling one or multiple boss fights to answer this but your answer previously hinted a bit towards some of the same ending but with different reactions from the participants based on past deeds. Wanted to know how dynamic it was and if i should be playing a certain way to better get at a particular ending.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Should ask to get a spread of expectations. You've got a hefty amount of endings planned and a number of stats to keep track of. Some even considered 'bad' and i believe game over ones which might be behind losing to a boss.
So let me clarify the types of "endings";

- 21 True Endings = you get these for beating the True Final Boss, they're epilogues spanning anywhere from 2 to 2,000+ years after the game's events

- 3 Bad Endings = you get these for getting to the end of the game but not having all the Gold Databanks and/or all the Fragments, it's a sprite-based sex scene with Talia and Faye

- 21 "Game Over CGs", plus another 3 CGs in the same style, but gained for winning/success, instead of losing = you get these for dropping to 0 HP against enemies/bosses, or rescuing Vie/Faye for the "success" ones. One CG is gotten by winning against a boss.

- 20+ Secret Endings = These are secret easter egg events that are WAY out of the normal scope of the game's story (think the Dog Ending in Silent Hill 2), usually comedic or extremely dark in nature, and they would technically be "endings" since under normal circumstances, Talia's journey would end with them, but in all cases, I've worked some sort of deus ex machina/loophole to return you back to where you were at, given the nature of the endings themselves being ridiculous.

Is the ending going to be 'static'? In that Talia will achieve her goal of destroying the weapon and there are a number of variations? Or is there some divergence. Like if Faye was able to win and opts to do what she wanted or if the king got the weapon in the end?
So, there's only two "guarantees" regarding the True Endings;
1) You beat the True Final Boss and saved your people
2) You achieved your initial goal of retrieving all the Fragments

Outside of that, anything is game, and no one has plot armor.
The endings are pretty wildly divergent from that point on; I won't say they're 100% unique, but they're probably like 95% unique. There's one or two plot points that are very vaguely shared between a few endings, but the interpretation/outcome of them is pretty different between them, and it's not a core part of said endings.

Don't want you spoiling one or multiple boss fights to answer this but your answer previously hinted a bit towards some of the same ending but with different reactions from the participants based on past deeds.
So in regards to this, that's actually just saying that based on your Ideals at the time, bosses will react to you both before and after the fight in different ways. The boss fight itself won't be different (with one exception where one part of the fight's aesthetics will differ based on your Ideals), though.

Wanted to know how dynamic it was and if i should be playing a certain way to better get at a particular ending.
As with the game in general and the characters and all that, there is no "good" or "bad" objectively; I tried to make stuff as "grey" as possible.

So while yeah, some endings are fairly "holy shit everything went straight to hell" at first, those same endings could, by the end of it, end up being BETTER outcomes than the ones that seem to be initially "good" endings.

There's no endings I would say are 100% "everything is bad and nothing good happened" or "everyone is happy and everything is good".

Even the Ideals themselves aren't entirely "guaranteed" in terms of what you'll get; Kindness isn't inherently "good", and Pessimism isn't inherently "bad". I know I'm kinda rambling on about this, but it's hard to beat around the bush with it without spoiling stuff, and also without misleading/giving false impressions.
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Feb 21, 2018
So let me clarify the types of "endings";

- 21 True Endings = you get these for beating the True Final Boss, they're epilogues spanning anywhere from 2 to 2,000+ years after the game's events

- 3 Bad Endings = you get these for getting to the end of the game but not having all the Gold Databanks and/or all the Fragments, it's a sprite-based sex scene with Talia and Faye

- 21 "Game Over CGs", plus another 3 CGs in the same style, but gained for winning/success, instead of losing = you get these for dropping to 0 HP against enemies/bosses, or rescuing Vie/Faye for the "success" ones. One CG is gotten by winning against a boss.

- 20+ Secret Endings = These are secret easter egg events that are WAY out of the normal scope of the game's story (think the Dog Ending in Silent Hill 2), usually comedic or extremely dark in nature, and they would technically be "endings" since under normal circumstances, Talia's journey would end with them, but in all cases, I've worked some sort of deus ex machina/loophole to return you back to where you were at, given the nature of the endings themselves being ridiculous.

So, there's only two "guarantees" regarding the True Endings;
1) You beat the True Final Boss and saved your people
2) You achieved your initial goal of retrieving all the Fragments

Outside of that, anything is game, and no one has plot armor.
The endings are pretty wildly divergent from that point on; I won't say they're 100% unique, but they're probably like 95% unique. There's one or two plot points that are very vaguely shared between a few endings, but the interpretation/outcome of them is pretty different between them, and it's not a core part of said endings.

So in regards to this, that's actually just saying that based on your Ideals at the time, bosses will react to you both before and after the fight in different ways. The boss fight itself won't be different (with one exception where one part of the fight's aesthetics will differ based on your Ideals), though.

As with the game in general and the characters and all that, there is no "good" or "bad" objectively; I tried to make stuff as "grey" as possible.

So while yeah, some endings are fairly "holy shit everything went straight to hell" at first, those same endings could, by the end of it, end up being BETTER outcomes than the ones that seem to be initially "good" endings.

There's no endings I would say are 100% "everything is bad and nothing good happened" or "everyone is happy and everything is good".

Even the Ideals themselves aren't entirely "guaranteed" in terms of what you'll get; Kindness isn't inherently "good", and Pessimism isn't inherently "bad". I know I'm kinda rambling on about this, but it's hard to beat around the bush with it without spoiling stuff, and also without misleading/giving false impressions.
For the inevitable guides that get made in order to get certain paths, is it easily deduced what each of your Ideals are at any point in time? Or more limited like only at the save stations?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
For the inevitable guides that get made in order to get certain paths, is it easily deduced what each of your Ideals are at any point in time? Or more limited like only at the save stations?
On a first run, the only way to tell what your maximum Ideal is is the boss fight intros/outros; they'll react differently in pretty tell-tale ways as to what your max one is currently. This is because we want choices to feel organic/matter significantly on at least ONE playthrough, aka your first one. (It's why we'll only have one save slot on a first go, too.)

On future runs, assuming you beat the True Final Boss, it might not be in at launch, but we'll have a toggle that will let you see what your Ideals currently are at if you so wish. (You'll also get 9 more save slots at this point, too.)
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
#67 November 11th progress report.png

Weekly Progress Report #67 for Future Fragments


All links are for those 18+ of age and older only.


Sep 25, 2017
There are two ideas: (a) sex scenes are the main collectable of the game, and (b) the player should be punished for failing in the game. Sex on defeat puts these two ideas completely at odds. Players are obviously going to intentionally sabotage themselves when they come across a new enemy. Games with group animations are even worse, because (as sexy as they are) they encourage constantly taking damage on the off-chance the devs made a specific combination. Having to go all the way back to the lore-checkpoint because I wanted sexy times is irritating.

And you also mentioned the irritation of watching sex animations through multiple times for a buff, but plenty of sex on defeat games let you get stun locked into animations. That's irritating. Also sometimes very sexy. But also irritating.

There is something very erotic about a female MC being forced into sexual pleasure, but it sure is a stain on the design of h-platformers.
"Defeat sex" or "Game Over Sex" is a genre. While some scenes in the game are part of cutscenes or PC-instigated interactions, most are designed around the narrative of Talia being defeated and captured by the enemies and put through dub-con sexual interactions due to the enemies' in-story design. It's much less of a "game design contradiction" when the story itself validates these losses and lets you progress with them instead of treating it as appealing one-off non-canon wank-fodder for losing. Furthermore these defeat instances will compound in the form of lewd stat increases which further promotes defeat as an organic part of the game's progression. Finally, it's been explained that completing half of a stage's challenges will unlock that stage's full gallery, so there's no need to lose to each enemy to see all the good stuff.

And yeah, PC's using sex attacks and sex finishers are great, but Talia's not a succubus and there's no in-story reason for why SHE would have sex with downed enemies, which is why it doesn't happen in this game. It's also WAY too late to start implementing it now.

It sounds to me like you're trying your hardest to compare this game to games that aren't like it. Maybe you're sick of the genre, maybe you got burned by games in the past, but each complaint seems severely disassociated with Future Fragments, which avoids most of these problems you're describing. I think this game just isn't for you.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
don't take it for anything more than a genuine question: release have been delayed? :WutFace:
The date shown on Steam got pushed forward due to a lot of stuff involving Steam under the hood stuff (pre-release visibility, etc.) for now, we still intend to release on November 30th (assuming we get accepted by Steam with our build).

Basically tl;dr though, within 14 days of release, your release date becomes locked and your pre-release visibility period starts. In the event we don't get accepted by Steam before the 30th, we wouldn't want that pre-release visibility to get used up, so we temporarily changed it ahead of the release date to prevent that from happening.


May 22, 2019
The date shown on Steam got pushed forward due to a lot of stuff involving Steam under the hood stuff (pre-release visibility, etc.) for now, we still intend to release on November 30th (assuming we get accepted by Steam with our build).

Basically tl;dr though, within 14 days of release, your release date becomes locked and your pre-release visibility period starts. In the event we don't get accepted by Steam before the 30th, we wouldn't want that pre-release visibility to get used up, so we temporarily changed it ahead of the release date to prevent that from happening.
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