
Active Member
Nov 2, 2016
The date shown on Steam got pushed forward due to a lot of stuff involving Steam under the hood stuff (pre-release visibility, etc.) for now, we still intend to release on November 30th (assuming we get accepted by Steam with our build).

Basically tl;dr though, within 14 days of release, your release date becomes locked and your pre-release visibility period starts. In the event we don't get accepted by Steam before the 30th, we wouldn't want that pre-release visibility to get used up, so we temporarily changed it ahead of the release date to prevent that from happening.
tl/dr: :BootyTime:


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
#68 November 19th progress report.png

Weekly Progress Report #68 for Future Fragments


All links are for those 18+ of age and older only.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
So it's december 30th on itch.io right?
Wasn't it November 30th?
If we get accepted by Steam on this next submission on the 23rd (and we don't get banned for submitting too many times without fixing the problem as Steam has already suggested is possible), then it's Steam on the 30th of November, and everywhere else on the 30th of December.

If we don't pass on Steam and have to resubmit again, then it'd be sometime in January for Steam, and a month after everywhere else. (Not gonna release in December on Steam, that'd be suicide.)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
If there's a risk of being banned, why not wait to resubmit until the ending is actually completed?
The endings are complete, it's other stuff that isnt complete enough to get it accepted thus far, etc.

But mainly we just want to release it so we stop letting people down with release date stuff. That potential ban IS a bit scary, though...


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
The endings are complete, it's other stuff that isnt complete enough to get it accepted thus far, etc.

But mainly we just want to release it so we stop letting people down with release date stuff. That potential ban IS a bit scary, though...
The threat of a ban is probably just for abuse. They're not gonna ban you just because it took a couple of attempts to get it in a passable state.
So long as you're not taking the piss, it'll be fine.

You fixed/completed the thing that they failed it for last time, right?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
The threat of a ban is probably just for abuse. They're not gonna ban you just because it took a couple of attempts to get it in a passable state.
Actually, while Steam has said that messages exchanged between us are NDA (so I can't post it verbatim), they did in fact say that if we keep getting rejected and we don't fix what's been asked to be fixed by the reviewers, then we might get banned.

You fixed/completed the thing that they failed it for last time, right?
What was asked to be completed was to have the game "complete", i.e. playable from beginning to end; further messages between us and Steam clarified that that didn't just mean "have the endings in", it meant "there shouldn't be chunks of cutscenes/events/gameplay missing", which, as the game is definitely not complete, we haven't been able to "fix".


Oct 9, 2017
"Steam has told us if we keep not doing what they ask they'll ban our ability to put our game on Steam, but we keep trying anyways."

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so then why do you keep supposedly gambling by uploading a non-finished product? You're still making Patreon money at a reasonable rate, your team has pushed off release like ten times now, what face do you think you're saving by coming back every week to give some marginal excuse about "well we did the thing despite knowing it had a chance of failure but we did it anyway... for the users!" I think at this point most of your playerbase already expected this to eventually come in with a "well sorry guys but because of REASON we've had to push off another six months, darn" and honestly I'm waiting for that post too towards next week.

"What was asked of us by Steam is to release a "complete" game despite Early Access titles going up daily that have a half hour of content."

Yeah this is still annoying me to some extent, the game isn't done, we all know the game isn't done, you haven't released an updated demo or anything on Patreon in an obscenely long time despite all this progress, so why is it that your game that has an obscene amount of dialogue for a smut game, a bunch of animation, so much content, etc is not good enough for Early Access? Why haven't your Patrons seen literally anything of value in about a year? Your Patreon posts are leaked on Kemono, it's not exactly a secret that you've kept backers practically in the dark with the same progress reports you post here so its not like we can't publicly see how little you're doing to really reassure anyone on the actual status of the game.

Edit: Some janitor/moderator banned me from being able to post on this thread without any mention of a timer; I'll be reporting this to the admins as potential abuse, I'm sorry some people on the moderator team are treating HW as if he's someone above and beyond but I think it's pretty clear that a substantial amount of the F95 community are getting a bit miffed on both his backpedaling and clear inability to maintain general standards in how he does things. He's great at talking, not so much at doing. We're allowed to point this out.
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Nov 24, 2017
Actually, while Steam has said that messages exchanged between us are NDA (so I can't post it verbatim), they did in fact say that if we keep getting rejected and we don't fix what's been asked to be fixed by the reviewers, then we might get banned.

What was asked to be completed was to have the game "complete", i.e. playable from beginning to end; further messages between us and Steam clarified that that didn't just mean "have the endings in", it meant "there shouldn't be chunks of cutscenes/events/gameplay missing", which, as the game is definitely not complete, we haven't been able to "fix".
Yeah, I uh... I have come a long way with you guys, and I've been there to fight for you against those who were skeptic about the future of this game, mostly because I believed y'all and I thought this game to be a masterpiece. But right now? With the release date being mysteriously and conveniently pushed just as it draws near every single time when you could just launch the game on other platforms to make a quick buck while you wait for Steam... yeah, no.

You are taking forever to finish the game, seems like the people working on it take their damn time to do just about anything, even the simplest of tasks (given your reports, some people have been at the same task for around 3-6 months or so), and you submitted the game to Steam knowing full and well it was going to get rejected while hyping things up on this thread.

Honestly, I really don't care about this game anymore, and it lost itself a customer (and who knows how many gave up on this). It's just one excuse after another, and I'd rather be told, "look buddy, I have no fucking idea when this game will launch because, honestly, we screwed up big time, it'll come out when it's time."

I've long since grown weary of people being so negative about this game's future (ironic, unintended pun), but oh well.



Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
then why do you keep supposedly gambling by uploading a non-finished product?
Because we'd like to stick to what we said we'd do. However, we've been talking more with Steam in the last few days, they're off during the weekend, so we're waiting on a reply on Monday to get feedback on a few more questions we've asked about the process.

(Ironically too, now after us wanting to stick to what we said we'd do so much, now people are constantly asking us to not do this and to instead just not give release dates anymore, despite us originally not giving release dates, and people being upset we didn't give release dates, so they demanded we give one.)

You're still making Patreon money at a reasonable rate
Patreon hasn't kept us afloat since around 2021, we've had to increase credit card debt every month since then. If the game doesn't come out on the 30th / we don't get accepted for submission on the 23rd, then I'm going to need to take up the offer I've been given by a family friend to sell them my car/other valuables to keep going a bit longer to get the game to a more finished state for acceptance.

"well sorry guys but because of REASON we've had to push off another six months, darn"
We're nowhere near 6 months left of development time left; at most, 1-2 months.

so why is it that your game that has an obscene amount of dialogue for a smut game, a bunch of animation, so much content, etc is not good enough for Early Access?
Part of it is that Early Access destroys your algorithms some if you just hop onto it and then instantly jump out of it when you release in full a month or two later; it's meant to be something that you spend a lot of time in, and make a lot of effectively "pre-sales" in.

The other part is that Steam has said that we're too close to being finished, and they heavily recommend not doing Early Access for that very reason.

Why haven't your Patrons seen literally anything of value in about a year? Your Patreon posts are leaked on Kemono, it's not exactly a secret that you've kept backers practically in the dark with the same progress reports you post here so its not like we can't publicly see how little you're doing to really reassure anyone on the actual status of the game.
I mean, we did say in those same "leaked posts" (weird you'd note this when you simultaneously note we post everything publicly) that we were going to stop doing demos so we could focus on finishing things; when you do demos, you have to get everything playable, which means adding in/fixing things in a way that has to get removed/undone later, which just eats up time.

I'm not sure what you'd want us to post; everything left art, audio, writing, and gameplay-wise is spoilers, and has been heavily requested in polls, both public, on discord, and backer-based, to not show that content.

Heck, we even just did a poll recently on our public Discord asking if people wanted us to post content we hadn't shown off before, and here was the results;


As you can see, overwhelmingly, people preferred us to not show anything, so we're not going to.

Just as it draws near every single time when you could just launch the game on other platforms to make a quick buck while you wait for Steam... yeah, no.
This was covered in other posts, but Steam has us under contractural lock, as they do all other people who have their game on their platform.

Once your game's on the Steam store page, even as a "coming soon" page, you have to give them the most recent version and it has to be published.

This means that if Steam doesn't accept the game to be published on Steam, you literally cannot release it on other platforms until they accept it.

for more information on that.

Also, we're not in this to "make a quick buck". If we were, we would have done a lot of things very differently.

You are taking forever to finish the game, seems like the people working on it take their damn time to do just about anything, even the simplest of tasks (given your reports, some people have been at the same task for around 3-6 months or so), and you submitted the game to Steam knowing full and well it was going to get rejected while hyping things up on this thread.
Yes, some tasks are things that would take a 10+ person team a few weeks to do; that same task is being done by a single person. Like in my example, I'm doing the audio ripping, writing, continuity, marketing, level design, documents for sound/art/gameplay, cutscene creation, bug checking, finances, legal stuff, and about 20 other things. Each of those jobs would be handled by a single person on a regular game team.

So if I'm spending 10 hours in a day ripping voicework, then I can't devote any time to writing new scripts.
If I'm spending 10 hours in a day writing scripts, then I can't devote any time to ripping voicework.
If I'm spending 10 hours in a day injecting cutscenes into the game, then I can't write or rip voicework.

Same goes for programming and art demands; they can't do 5 things at once, they're only one person each.

As far as getting rejected while hyping things up, I actually specifically made posts saying not to get hype about it, and telling people that I'm not going to celebrate until we get accepted, for that very reason. I also said the reasons for submission, which was to specifically get the game out faster and avoid being hit with rejection down the line.

"look buddy, I have no fucking idea when this game will launch because, honestly, we screwed up big time, it'll come out when it's time."
We've tried this multiple times, and entirely different people come out of the woodwork to complain about no release date and that by having no release date, we are "obviously milking patreon" despite us not being kept afloat by it for over a year and a half now.

But ok, sure. I'll run a poll on Discord asking if people want us to do this very thing. If it succeeds, we'll do that (as much as we're able, since I'm not made of infinite money; there's only so many things I've got to sell to keep going).

If not, then we'll stick to what we said and keep trying to release ASAP regardless of ban risk.
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Aug 17, 2019
HentaiWriter I know you feel an obligation to get the game out asap, but my two cents is to not take any risks, even if small, with getting banned by Steam; or of releasing the game in a state that will incur a flood of negative reviews complaining of "incomplete game, refunded immediately, recommend not to buy".

Imo, much better to just piss off people for the short term, and then release the game in its promised state, rather than rush it out unfinished.

Consider the difference between two case studies:

1. Valve (back when they were primarily video game developers and Steam was new) were infamously unreliable with their release dates and development schedule, garnering a reputation for constantly pushing eta's back and back and back until finally they would just say "it'll be out when it's ready" and lots of people would curse and grumble about it. But when they finally released, the frustration with delays was instantly forgotten as soon as players experienced the quality of the game. This gained them a negative perception when it came to meeting deadlines, but which was insignificant next to their gained reputation as devs who could be always trusted to deliver the goods in the end.

2. CDPR pushed back and pushed back Cyberpunk 2077, but then still released it in a rushed, unfinished state. Now their reputation is also that of devs who can't meet deadlines, but way more significantly also as devs who can't be trusted to deliver what was promised. It's that, not the delays, that ruined a gold-star reputation earned over years within the space of a few days.

I understand this is complicated by your financial situation, but my two cents, as a stranger on the internet who has followed development of Future Fragments for a long time (meaning you should also take my advice with a grain of salt), is to do whatever you need to personally to get the game as finished as possible before releasing, and to just completely take out of the equation internet anons demanding you release because of "too many delays already".


Jan 20, 2018
Just my two cents as well, but if it were me, I would not risk getting banned from the major game marketplace by submitting the game again without the issues Steam told you to fix actually fixed, even if that means pushing the release date again.

I understand the frustration with the apparent unfairness in standards between your game and other Early Access titles, but I also just don't see the point of resubmitting the game knowing it will be rejected when you've been in contact with Steam and know their requirements.
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Aug 6, 2016
Just my two cents as well, but if it were me, I would not risk getting banned from the major game marketplace by submitting the game again without the issues Steam told you to fix actually fixed, even if that means pushing the release date again.

I understand the frustration with the apparent unfairness in standards between your game and other Early Access titles, but I also just don't see the point of resubmitting the game knowing it will be rejected when you've been in contact with Steam and know their requirements.
Steam is not being unfair towards Future Fragments, they state that you are not allowed to release unfinished games on their platform. Considering the absolute trash you can find on steam and FF being refused should tell you the state of the game. There is no way they have fixed the issues Steam found in September since the pace of development for FF has been glacial.
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Dec 12, 2019
Take your time to do this budy, no need to rush. It is better to launch a complete game anyway, there's no need to violate steam request .
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