
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
the progress report then showed 53 remaining cutscenes, which must have been a lie because now 4 months later with apparently a lot of work having been done there's still 90 scenes missing..
The 53 scenes is regarding how many scenes I had left to write; the 90 scenes is regarding how many scenes I had left to implement in-game and make playable.


Jan 27, 2018
He's saying that it's weird that you was like "the game will be out by the end of the month" when you knew full well that you actually had 50+ scenes left to write and even more to implement and make playable.
So you obviously must have known that that claim wasn't true, right?
This captures the essence of what watching this thread along the last two years feels. When it's several months past the last time it was "definitely going to come out" and they keep going "actually there's just this little part left! And then this! And then this!" there's a point where you have to stop and think:

How did you ever even genuinely believe you were going to finish by that old deadline? How?

"Oh but it was going to be incomplete" But you know incomplete games won't get greenlit. You tried. So you knew it wasn't going to get accepted if it wasn't complete, so you knew it wasn't going to get released. Why? How? It just boggles my mind.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
"Oh but it was going to be incomplete" But you know incomplete games won't get greenlit. You tried. So you knew it wasn't going to get accepted if it wasn't complete, so you knew it wasn't going to get released. Why? How? It just boggles my mind.
Because at that time, with no other options left, we would have been forced to release on platforms besides Steam to try and recoup some of the debt. Itch and other similar platforms don't have an approval process.

This was also detailed in the same posts that were posted numerous times.

As far as the previous release dates, that was just underestimating how much we had left, as well as IRL issues eating up more time than we had expected.

That's why we don't do release dates anymore until the game's complete.
Last edited:


Active Member
Apr 26, 2019
On one hand, sad that most of sex scenes are delegated to loss. But on the other hand, I will be supporting this because rarely do I see porn games...be an actual fucking game.
on the contrary, it is good. Because now everyone is doing some kind of "friendly" illusion and you have to walk up to your enemy to get sex.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
#75 February 25th progress report.png


Bi-Weekly Progress Report #75 for Future Fragments


All links are for those 18+ of age and older only.


I do realize that after so many posts without images or videos or something of that sort, that it's hard to really tell that we're making progress outside of just taking our word for it.

However, like I've said before too, all the progress we're making is either "under the hood" stuff (programming) or game spoilers (story).

That said, once I start implementing cutscenes again, I WILL be streaming the implementation of said cutscenes like before, so you'll be able to watch those done in real time, at least.

We're still pushing ahead though and knocking stuff off our "to-do" lists one by one, steadily; the game is still on good track/making good progress.

Honestly, from what I've been playing when I've been testing out stuff, I'm really excited for us to finally get Future Fragments out, I think the jump from what the public/patrons have been playing to what we have now is pretty large, all around the board.

Hopefully, it'll have been worth the wait for everyone, but I'm pretty confident it will be from these builds.


Apr 3, 2018
View attachment 2419121


Bi-Weekly Progress Report #75 for Future Fragments


All links are for those 18+ of age and older only.


I do realize that after so many posts without images or videos or something of that sort, that it's hard to really tell that we're making progress outside of just taking our word for it.

However, like I've said before too, all the progress we're making is either "under the hood" stuff (programming) or game spoilers (story).

That said, once I start implementing cutscenes again, I WILL be streaming the implementation of said cutscenes like before, so you'll be able to watch those done in real time, at least.

We're still pushing ahead though and knocking stuff off our "to-do" lists one by one, steadily; the game is still on good track/making good progress.

Honestly, from what I've been playing when I've been testing out stuff, I'm really excited for us to finally get Future Fragments out, I think the jump from what the public/patrons have been playing to what we have now is pretty large, all around the board.

Hopefully, it'll have been worth the wait for everyone, but I'm pretty confident it will be from these builds.
We will see how far u go when the game released :) and what u did since u push the release time forward and forward and forward again. I hope, U added much more cool things and features to game since u delay the game. It could be a masterpiece or a disaster. Nowaday I keep my hopes steady and don't try to hope on games. If u follow the current games, U will get what i mean like cyberpunk 2077, gotham knights or suicide squad kill the justice. I can understand tho, u don't wanna share a gameplay video for spoilers and for other things :) I hope u will get a good hype so people stop looking at adult games just for sex scenes or wall of huge boring text and understand gameplay is a thing too :) Sorry for my english by the way it's not my main language :) Good luck, I hope u get good reactions and catch a good hype.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I hope, U added much more cool things and features to game since u delay the game. It could be a masterpiece or a disaster
I think I can safely say there's a lotttt more content added since the demos, even being conservative about it.

Good luck, I hope u get good reactions and catch a good hype.
Thanks a lot :)
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
have any cheats? my gaming skill sucks
In the demo, if you get to the upper right of Path 6, Module 3, you can find some there; outside of that, in the full game you'll have to do skill based achievements to get cheats.

There's always Cheat Engine, though!

Sentri Rail

New Member
Jan 10, 2018
I've seen your posts on twitter talking about how npc's react differently to you based on your stats and stuff that you build up, and you mention specifically a "Sexuality" stat or w/e from completing sex with enemies. Are there cutscenes / dialogue that play out differently based on this stat as well? Like, are we going to see Talia eventually be open about wanting sex when talking to npc's?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I've seen your posts on twitter talking about how npc's react differently to you based on your stats and stuff that you build up, and you mention specifically a "Sexuality" stat or w/e from completing sex with enemies. Are there cutscenes / dialogue that play out differently based on this stat as well? Like, are we going to see Talia eventually be open about wanting sex when talking to npc's?
Sexuality affects three things;

- The end-game endings, initially, are selected based off of whichever one of the other Ideals is your highest. However, your sexuality value, whether it's negative, neutral, or positive, will massively change that given "route's ending", for a total of 21 true endings. (There's also some secret events/endings that will need high or low sexuality.)

- There is a small, but significant amount of cutscenes that are directly affected by how much (or how little) sexuality you have.

- There's a powerup, the Dildo, which works better/worse based on your current sexuality value.


Apr 10, 2018
after paying for audio work, which also to be clear, about $110 of it is voicework, $30k or so to music, and the remaining $10k to sound effects and audio mastering).
What? Only $110 for dubbing the entire game? I'm going to need voices for my own soon. Would you be so kind as to advise where to find (not too expensive) voice actors for NSFW games?
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
What? Only $110 for dubbing the entire game? I'm going to need voices for my own soon. Would you be so kind as to advise where to find (not too expensive) voice actors for NSFW games?
Lol, this is why I hate typing on the phone.

Fixed it now, but it should have read $110k, as in $110,000.

As far as where to go, I'd always advise hiring for your casting needs, they were great to work with :)


May 1, 2022
"OS: Windows, Mac"
"How to run on Mac: use Wine"


If the game doesn't have a Mac version then just say it's for Windows only. It's already difficult enough to find games that run on Mac on this website. Wine almost never works (and it definitely didn't work with this one).


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
"OS: Windows, Mac"
"How to run on Mac: use Wine"


If the game doesn't have a Mac version then just say it's for Windows only. It's already difficult enough to find games that run on Mac on this website. Wine almost never works (and it definitely didn't work with this one).
People have gotten it to work with Wine without issue before; what version were you trying to run of the game and on what OS?

As for the listing, I haven't edited it since the original F95 updater added that listing, but i'll take that off there, then.


May 1, 2022
People have gotten it to work with Wine without issue before; what version were you trying to run of the game and on what OS?

As for the listing, I haven't edited it since the original F95 updater added that listing, but i'll take that off there, then.
Sorry for the confrontational tone. I have Wine 1.8.6, and also WineBottler. The game's version I tried to run was v0.27EX, as the post said it had the most content. Back in 2020 I remember being able to run things pretty well on WineBottler (while having no idea how any of it works, I just ran the package converter and it worked), but now for some years every time I do the exact same thing I did before it just gives me black screens or doesn't open at all. Maybe I'm just an idiot and have no idea how to use it, but I still think it would be worth adding a disclaimer right next to the Mac listing saying it can only work through Wine. Another option would be for somebody who's managed to create a functioning Wine package of the game to upload it. Thank you for the quick response!
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Sorry for the confrontational tone.
No worries, I sympathize with it being frustrating.

I have Wine 1.8.6, and also WineBottler. The game's version I tried to run was v0.27EX, as the post said it had the most content. Back in 2020 I remember being able to run things pretty well on WineBottler (while having no idea how any of it works, I just ran the package converter and it worked), but now for some years every time I do the exact same thing I did before it just gives me black screens or doesn't open at all.
It might just be some new thing with Windows or Wine or WineBottler, not too sure.

Maybe I'm just an idiot and have no idea how to use it, but I still think it would be worth adding a disclaimer right next to the Mac listing saying it can only work through Wine. Another option would be for somebody who's managed to create a functioning Wine package of the game to upload it. Thank you for the quick response!
Nah, you're not an idiot, totally valid complaint; I fixed it now, I wish I had a better solution for ya though. If anyone wants to offer for the Wine package too, have at it!

If you got any other questions, feel free to ask too :)


New Member
Feb 21, 2023
There's a lot of weird negativity here, but I just wanted to say that, as someone who's been around since the old fire level demo, up and through the point where patreon demos cut off to prevent spoilers? I'm still fully invested, and I don't see any issue with however long it takes. The electric demo, on its own, was already infinitely more playable progress than one could reasonably expect from most finished games, so I've seen the waiting as equivalent to the wait for a sequel. Because, honestly? That's the equivalency, if we're talking sheer scale of time and effort.

In a genre filled with low-effort games and overly ambitious projects that never even reach the earliest of demo stages, Future Fragments has put consistent effort into not just constantly building upon what they've already made, but also holding themselves accountable and communicating with their audience. No one does that! You get updates for a few months that amount to a few screenshots for a title that only ever really exists as text, and then they disappear and you wonder what happened! Which is totally fine, for the record. But then we've got the FF team, here, trying to keep people posted, even when it's really only to their detriment to have people privy to every possible setback, complication, and delay in estimated deadlines.

That's game development. You either have some executive-level idiots forcing out a Sonic '06, or you have a team that keeps working even when "the game should have already been done," because, ultimately, it's done when it's done. Waiting an extra year or two or twelve, even, honestly bothers me way less than seeing a game release with so much wasted potential.

I'm not saying it isn't valid to be frustrated-- it's totally reasonable. But it's not really fair to blame the dev team for it when they've been doing their absolute best for quite a while now, ya know? They want the game finished more than anyone, so we're all on the same side, here! This stuff is difficult and complicated, and it's not like they're some triple A studio with a thousand employees who've done this a hundred times. There's a learning curve even when a game isn't this detailed and ambitious!

So... I feel like we can cut them some slack. It's a small team, who are taking a loss to begin with, and yet there's always been that clear communication and years of detailed progress reports. Waiting for something cool is always going to suck, but they've put in the time and effort to show that they're serious about making the best game they can.

I've pledged plenty of times on patreon, across a handful of different accounts, because the team has given me plenty of reason to believe in this game, and I was happy to help. If the finished game isn't what you wanted it to be, then that's a totally fair time to pick things apart. But if the game is worth every one of those little setbacks, is it really worth being negative about it right now? I get it, people are normally lying about progress on games and stuff, but... they've literally posted constantly for years to try and show their work, and they're always communicating directly with their audience.

Fair's fair, ya know? They put enough trust in their audience to keep in constant contact like this, so I think they've earned some benefit of the doubt, is all. As for me? I'm just wishing them the best, and I just continue to feel hyped about the game. Gives me something to talk about, and to look forward to, and even a nice bit to play in the meanwhile? More than enough for me. Only reason delays might bother me is because I'd be worried, rather than annoyed.

...I'd meant this to just be a "yo, keep up the good work, I love everything I've seen so far over the years!", but some of the recent replies really had me feeling down about sharing some shallow sentiment so simply if people were feeling that down about things. And idk what was with all that alliteration, but anyways. Point is! Plenty of us are just kinda humming to ourselves in the corner as we quietly wait, too! But, like, it's easier to speak up when you're frustrated than it is to encourage someone, is all! And I get it! But still-- the electric demo alone was more than worth my attention, so everything else has been gravy! Keep at it! Encouraging platitude number 12! Et cetera!

tl;dr: Keep at it-- I believe in y'all, and I'm not alone, so don't mind the bits of negative stuff! I definitely lost focus completely in this post, though, lol. ^^;
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