
New Member
Feb 21, 2023
...that is definitely the more reasonable way to reply to a thread, yes. Hello.

I am clearly not a common forum-goer, lol. Sorry if my wall of text BS is annoying, y'all. I'm pretty bad at this. ^^;


Aug 17, 2019
...that is definitely the more reasonable way to reply to a thread, yes. Hello.

I am clearly not a common forum-goer, lol. Sorry if my wall of text BS is annoying, y'all. I'm pretty bad at this. ^^;
It's fine. I appreciate the enthusiasm ^_^
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Dec 15, 2019
There's a lot of weird negativity here, but I just wanted to say that, as someone who's been around since the old fire level demo, up and through the point where patreon demos cut off to prevent spoilers? I'm still fully invested, and I don't see any issue with however long it takes. The electric demo, on its own, was already infinitely more playable progress than one could reasonably expect from most finished games, so I've seen the waiting as equivalent to the wait for a sequel. Because, honestly? That's the equivalency, if we're talking sheer scale of time and effort.

In a genre filled with low-effort games and overly ambitious projects that never even reach the earliest of demo stages, Future Fragments has put consistent effort into not just constantly building upon what they've already made, but also holding themselves accountable and communicating with their audience. No one does that! You get updates for a few months that amount to a few screenshots for a title that only ever really exists as text, and then they disappear and you wonder what happened! Which is totally fine, for the record. But then we've got the FF team, here, trying to keep people posted, even when it's really only to their detriment to have people privy to every possible setback, complication, and delay in estimated deadlines.

That's game development. You either have some executive-level idiots forcing out a Sonic '06, or you have a team that keeps working even when "the game should have already been done," because, ultimately, it's done when it's done. Waiting an extra year or two or twelve, even, honestly bothers me way less than seeing a game release with so much wasted potential.

I'm not saying it isn't valid to be frustrated-- it's totally reasonable. But it's not really fair to blame the dev team for it when they've been doing their absolute best for quite a while now, ya know? They want the game finished more than anyone, so we're all on the same side, here! This stuff is difficult and complicated, and it's not like they're some triple A studio with a thousand employees who've done this a hundred times. There's a learning curve even when a game isn't this detailed and ambitious!

So... I feel like we can cut them some slack. It's a small team, who are taking a loss to begin with, and yet there's always been that clear communication and years of detailed progress reports. Waiting for something cool is always going to suck, but they've put in the time and effort to show that they're serious about making the best game they can.

I've pledged plenty of times on patreon, across a handful of different accounts, because the team has given me plenty of reason to believe in this game, and I was happy to help. If the finished game isn't what you wanted it to be, then that's a totally fair time to pick things apart. But if the game is worth every one of those little setbacks, is it really worth being negative about it right now? I get it, people are normally lying about progress on games and stuff, but... they've literally posted constantly for years to try and show their work, and they're always communicating directly with their audience.

Fair's fair, ya know? They put enough trust in their audience to keep in constant contact like this, so I think they've earned some benefit of the doubt, is all. As for me? I'm just wishing them the best, and I just continue to feel hyped about the game. Gives me something to talk about, and to look forward to, and even a nice bit to play in the meanwhile? More than enough for me. Only reason delays might bother me is because I'd be worried, rather than annoyed.

...I'd meant this to just be a "yo, keep up the good work, I love everything I've seen so far over the years!", but some of the recent replies really had me feeling down about sharing some shallow sentiment so simply if people were feeling that down about things. And idk what was with all that alliteration, but anyways. Point is! Plenty of us are just kinda humming to ourselves in the corner as we quietly wait, too! But, like, it's easier to speak up when you're frustrated than it is to encourage someone, is all! And I get it! But still-- the electric demo alone was more than worth my attention, so everything else has been gravy! Keep at it! Encouraging platitude number 12! Et cetera!

tl;dr: Keep at it-- I believe in y'all, and I'm not alone, so don't mind the bits of negative stuff! I definitely lost focus completely in this post, though, lol. ^^;
I think that negativity stems from fear in this case. Adult games got milked really hard by scummy artists and got abandoned all the time. People are afraid so they resigned themselves to only expect failure each time any delay come up.
I used to support many Adult games on Patreon and seeing many scammers cause me to stop doing it. I mainly support devs that have finished a game of making good progress. If the delay happened more than twice without reasonable reasons I just drop them.
I too have high hope for this game. I really love the demo. I will buy the game when it is out.
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Jul 23, 2017
So much drama in this thread.
I used to support many Adult games on Patreon and seeing many scammers cause me to stop doing it. I mainly support devs that have finished a game of making good progress.
I used to support games but now I only support animators and digital artists.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
I think that negativity stems from fear in this case. Adult games got milked really hard by scummy artists and got abandoned all the time. People are afraid so they resigned themselves to only expect failure each time any delay come up.
I used to support many Adult games on Patreon and seeing many scammers cause me to stop doing it. I mainly support devs that have finished a game of making good progress. If the delay happened more than twice without reasonable reasons I just drop them.
I too have high hope for this game. I really love the demo. I will buy the game when it is out.
I think patreon's nature is at fault, really.
I think people should pay per RELEASE not monthly, in order to have access to the patreon benefits, but that would require a dedicated game development site, whereas patron is waaayy to generalistic for this sort of thing.

Each release should have a price tag attached to it: the price that people should pay for the features and bugfixes in the update. These per-update prices should accumulate (if say, someone buys the 0.5 version of a game, instead of getting 0.1, then 0.2 etc etc) to form the full price of the current product. That way, people know EXACTLY what value they are getting from their money.

I'm willing to spend $2 at a time to form a $40 game in the end, but right now, people spend way more than that on patreon, mostly for shitty products.

The way the monthly payments work now, you're basicaly paying for nothing most of the time and you have no goddamn clue what you're spending your money on.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
#76 March 11th progress report.png


Bi-Weekly Progress Report #76 for Future Fragments


All links are for those 18+ of age and older only.


As noted, there's a lot of stuff we're showing on Discord in the Announcements channel, if you want to join it at :)

But yeah, I should be back to adding in cutscenes from here on out, while doing writing/ripping voicework alongside it.

Not much else to talk about this update, just been grinding out writing like crazy; I'm getting more and more excited for the final game, given how some of these cutscenes have been turning out!
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
tl;dr: Keep at it-- I believe in y'all, and I'm not alone, so don't mind the bits of negative stuff! I definitely lost focus completely in this post, though, lol. ^^;
I'd respond to this entire post (and the REALLY generous review), but I think you'd likely rather I just work on the game to get it out to you all ASAP, so I'll just say I appreciate both the review and the post; reading stuff like that really makes the team feel that all the work we've put into the game was worth it.

I think that negativity stems from fear in this case. Adult games got milked really hard by scummy artists and got abandoned all the time. People are afraid so they resigned themselves to only expect failure each time any delay come up.
Which is understandable, and why we're both not going to have release dates going forward while still maintaining our "refunding backers if they feel their money hasn't been put to good use" clause.

I too have high hope for this game. I really love the demo. I will buy the game when it is out.
Much appreciated, seriously.

I think patreon's nature is at fault, really.
I think people should pay per RELEASE not monthly, in order to have access to the patreon benefits, but that would require a dedicated game development site, whereas patron is waaayy to generalistic for this sort of thing.
Back when Patreon used to have a feature that allowed you to do just this (i.e. people would get instantly charged when you put out a post), the debate was interestingly on the other side of things; people hated this method because it meant that people could just release the tiniest change, and instantly charge anyone whenever they wanted, without warning.

Granted, you COULD set a limit to how many times a creator could charge you (yes, they could charge you multiple times per month for whatever amount you'd backed), but this was hidden deep in Patreon settings, so many people had no idea it was there.

That system was what lead to the dominance of the "charge at the end of the month" plan, which was a much more fair plan compared to that, IMO.

Each release should have a price tag attached to it: the price that people should pay for the features and bugfixes in the update. These per-update prices should accumulate (if say, someone buys the 0.5 version of a game, instead of getting 0.1, then 0.2 etc etc) to form the full price of the current product. That way, people know EXACTLY what value they are getting from their money.
While this is a good plan, the main issue with it lies in the fact that almost no one, not even most AAA developers, can actually quantify at an objective level what version numbers equate to.

One person's "0.1" may be another person's "0.5", may be another person's "0.0001". Unless you have the entire game setup from beginning to end with every single asset listed out and that never ever changes, it'd be hard to actually put a price tag on a percentage that may not be accurate a year down the road.

The overall plan does make sense, though; if there was a way to avoid charging people more than once a month set in stone on Patreon without having to find a menu like you had to before, as well as people knowing ahead of time like "this 0.4 version will cost $10 and will have <xxx> content in it", that'd be pretty ideal, yeah.

The way the monthly payments work now, you're basicaly paying for nothing most of the time and you have no goddamn clue what you're spending your money on.
In most cases, people generally just continue backing to support the dev, but I do think it'd be good if something like the whole refund system we have was adopted more widely, it might cause animosity towards indie crowdfunded adult games to go down some. That said, not everyone can afford to do that all the time, and there's definitely people who might exploit that, so it's really a catch 22.
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Apr 21, 2020
Back when Patreon used to have a feature that allowed you to do just this (i.e. people would get instantly charged when you put out a post), the debate was interestingly on the other side of things; people hated this method because it meant that people could just release the tiniest change, and instantly charge anyone whenever they wanted, without warning.

Granted, you COULD set a limit to how many times a creator could charge you (yes, they could charge you multiple times per month for whatever amount you'd backed), but this was hidden deep in Patreon settings, so many people had no idea it was there.

That system was what lead to the dominance of the "charge at the end of the month" plan, which was a much more fair plan compared to that, IMO.
Either way it is on the dev. A scammer dev can abuse both systems. And will probably find a way to abuse any other system. And, strangely, patreon is fine with either actions of such devs. So the problem is not really in either systems but how the devs abuse them (or not, in rare cases)

can actually quantify at an objective level what version numbers equate to.
Again, comes to personal choice. One can try and put the effort to do it. Or say that it can't be objectively done and never do it.

A question: do you plan to combine all the demos into one, since the game is coming "when it is done"?
(please keep your answers short)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
A question: do you plan to combine all the demos into one, since the game is coming "when it is done"? (please keep your answers short)
Well yeah, the whole game connects together, what you do in level 1 affects levels 2, 3 ,4 5, the ending, Talia's character development per player choices/actions, powerup abilities/stats, the sexuality points you have, gallery, you name it. All of it's interconnected.

Same for all the other levels, they're all affected by one another, and in our current build they're already connected.

Now, if you meant connecting the existing demos together, no, because that wouldn't make much sense to do as they'd all be outdated by then.


Apr 21, 2020
if you meant connecting the existing demos together
Yes, that is what I meant. We can't know what is happening behind the paywalls so all you are saying has no proof to most people outside the number of demos in the OP. So it makes sense to bring demos up to speed since the main release has no definite date. Additionally, some reviews seem to be getting banned on the basis that they don't accurately represent what is available in the final game which is not released but is somehow known about by whoever bans the reviews.

Or do you have a definite date?

(please try to keep your answers short, thank you)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Yes, that is what I meant. We can't know what is happening behind the paywalls so all you are saying has no proof to most people outside the number of demos in the OP. So it makes sense to bring demos up to speed since the main release has no definite date.
This would make no sense because if we got all the demos up to speed with what the final game would be, it'd just be literally giving away the game for free.
I just realized too, if you're implying there's new stuff that only backers see that you guys don't, that's not the case; we haven't had any content that is paywall-only in a year or two, with our last backer-only demo being almost exactly two years ago.

All other updates/content I post publicly/here.
Also, the game doesn't have a definite date, but it is coming out in 2023.

Additionally, some reviews seem to be getting banned on the basis that they don't accurately represent what is available in the final game which is not released but is somehow known about by whoever bans the reviews.
Negative opinions about the game are fine, disliking the game is fine, critiquing it is fine; the game isn't gonna please everyone per us making the game the way we want to, and honestly, I love responding to actual feedback.

But your review in particular, for example, has a large number of factual inaccuracies about the game's content, all of which is verifiable just by playing the public demo or from posts we've left in this thread / on Twitter.

Additionally, there's about 50 or so beta testers we have, some of which use F95, and at least one of which has left a review on here too. So they'd be able to verify that stuff's inaccurate, too.

If you want me to cover all the stuff that's inaccurate in the review, I'd be happy to, to clarify things both to you and anyone else who's wondering.
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Apr 21, 2020
But your review in particular, for example, has a large number of factual inaccuracies about the game's content, all of which is verifiable just by playing the public demo or from posts we've left in this thread / on Twitter.

Additionally, there's about 50 or so beta testers we have, some of which use F95, and at least one of which has left a review on here too. So they'd be able to verify that stuff's inaccurate, too.

If you want me to cover all the stuff that's inaccurate in the review, I'd be happy to, to clarify things both to you and anyone else who's wondering.
There is more than one public demo in this thread. And as much as I would like I can't possibly be able to play every demo, read every post in this thread on F95 and then on twitter too. I do hope you understand that.

Right now the game is a number of demos in the OP. That is what I meant by upgrading the demo - so it better represents the final product that "is coming". I do understand that you don't want to do that since it is extra effort and, most likely, unneeded.

As for correcting inaccuracies - you are doing pretty well already - I had a first hand experience. But again, you can't argue that stuff is inaccurate about the final build because to most people here it doesn't exist. Until released.

(please try to keep your answers short, thank you)
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Apr 10, 2018
In the case of larger projects such as games, I would see this system like this;
you pay $ 15 once and you have access to all published content.

In addition, every update you judge what it's worth and you get a choice of how much you want to pay for it, e.g. $ 1-5 or not pay at all.
I assume that the patronage is for this very purpose - a voluntary payment to support, not early access to special content, those we receive as a thank you, not as a paid product.

Most likely, the creators would receive significantly less funds per supporter, but let's be honest, most of the content gets pirated anyway, and such a system would encourage more people to become supporters, so in the end it might even work out. Maybe.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
There is more than one public demo in this thread. And as much as I would like I can't possibly be able to play every demo, read every post in this thread on F95 and then on twitter too. I do hope you understand that.
I don't expect people to play every demo, but the only public demo in this thread for the last year (and the one that's in the OP) is the public demo I'm talking about in regards to your review having inaccuracies. It's also the same public demo that's on Itch, Steam, and anywhere else the game's at (besides Newgrounds, since we're waiting for the final demo/final game release to update it there given how HTML5 is a massive bug-fixing spree to work with for games like this).

Right now the game is a number of demos in the OP. That is what I meant by upgrading the demo - so it better represents the final product that "is coming". I do understand that you don't want to do that since it is extra effort and, most likely, unneeded.
Each of the demos are a separate level; at this point in development though, all the levels have been linked together, so there's no real way to update them, because level 2 would be looking for multiple flags/events that would happen in level 1, and so on down the level list etc.

As for correcting inaccuracies - you are doing pretty well already - I had a first hand experience. But again, you can't argue that stuff is inaccurate about the final build because to most people here it doesn't exist. Until released.
Well, when I'm talking about inaccuracies in reviews, like in yours, I'm talking about inaccuracies that can be found by playing that Steam/Itch/demo listed in the OP.

You asked me to keep my answers short, but I'm not going to be able to do that for this one, so here's a breakdown of the inaccuracy stuff.

[Story] features are aspects of the game that are bad in my opinion since they don't add any new elements to core gameplay. They don't provide any value to a "sidescroller with lewd animations", but are quite costly and lengthy to implement as was pointed out in the progress reports. In my opinion it would have been better to focus on the core gameplay with new mechanics and actual gameplay elements.
We've said this in the thread before, but to clarify it again; if we completely abandoned all story elements, the other gameplay mechanics/content/amount would have remained the same.

Triangulate, Frouge and myself aren't on a commission basis; we split the Patreon money equally, and if we made $5,000,000 a month, we would still do the same content / same amount of it would be present in the final game, as we had a specific vision for the game that we wanted to make at the end of the day.

Many of the more modern side scrollers try to incorporate lewd elements into actual active gameplay. For example lewds having some form of impact on gameplay: impacting the player or the way the game is played through stats, new/different abilities, buffs or nerfs granted by lewds. In FF the lewd parts of the game have no impact on the character / world past deciding which CGs are shown. Those can be all seen in a gallery / gallery-video-by-third-parties when the game is finally released.
  • Lewds do indeed affect your stats. If you reject sex, you get -1 point in Sexuality Points. If you let a sex animation play out, you get +2 points in Sexuality Points.
  • There are multiple cutscenes that change depending on your amount of (or lack of) sexuality points.
  • Which of the 21 endings you get at the end of the game, is directly impacted by your sexuality points.
    • The game checks which of the other 7 personality values are highest, and then checks whether you have negative, neutral, or positive sexuality to give you 3 possible (very different) versions of that ending.
  • There's also the stun meter which affects sex and ties into powerups as well, to give you buffs/nerfs depending on specific powerups equipped.
All four of these are noted on social media/this thread, and the fourth one is in the public demo right now to interact with/play with.

Furthermore, many current games have some kind of RPG mechanic / character development / progression which makes the player feel like they get progressively stronger, evolve to meet greater challenges of the game, fight new enemies with new abilities, etc. FF was conceived before this was the norm and never really adapted to the change. The game has a number of items hidden in levels that the player can find that slightly alter the way the game is played... as soon as you find the most powerful ones the rest will be collecting dust in your inventory.
I'd say all the powerups are all fairly different, for just a small sample;
  • Some let you shoot entirely different (multiple bullets, shoot downwards to float in the air, create shockwaves on the ground, have magnetized bullets that stick to surfaces, instant travel shots, etc.)
  • Some let you move very differently (floating jump, bounce on enemy heads, move faster the longer you move in one direction, lower gravity).
  • Others have utility (stun enemies by running into them, extra life if you can get a health orb within a few seconds of hitting 0 HP, heal from doing damage to enemies).
Finally, there's powerups that interact with the Ideal Points, (your 8 "personality values": sexuality, justice, hatred, kindness, optimism, pessimism, pacifism, violence), as well as ones that shift how much or how little points you get for each of those in each interaction, inside and outside of cutscenes.

All 50 of these powerups are accessible in the public demo, and while it's RNG what ones you get on a given run, they are all in there. Additionally, IMO, there is no "best" or even "best set" of powerups; none of the powerups have universal "best" usage, so to speak.


Then, there's the note you had about there not being character development/progression; there's literally over 1,500 cutscene variants in the game on our end, right now. Many of them shift your Ideal points (personality values) based on your choices.

Many others still will only trigger (or not trigger) based on those same Ideal points, all of which shapes Talia's personality over the course of the game, and of course, lead to your final ending.

A small chunk of those cutscenes (about 100 or so variations across about 30 cutscenes) can be found in the Public Demo for the game that's in the OP, Steam, Itch and so on.

FF does provide the player with one new ability per chapter of the game, but the player is so limited in their moveset at the start of the game that these new ones feel like they should be part of the base kit and there are only 4 of them
This is a small one, but again, just clarifying this; you get 2 new abilities per boss (one damage, one utility), and there are 3 bosses that give a set of like this, with a 4th giving increased stats in general for your mana regen. The 5th boss gives no extra abilities, per reasons that'll be obvious plot-wise when you're playing against them in-game/have defeated them.


Hopefully that clarifies some of the info about the game, though.

In the case of larger projects such as games, I would see this system like this;
you pay $ 15 once and you have access to all published content.
The only issue with this system, is that it rewards late adopters, and punishes early adopters who get far less at the time of their pledging, than the late adopter does.

Sure, they don't get charged again, but as seen with this game, getting interested in it and then waiting for a long time until you get what you were looking for can be much more frustrating than just dropping in far later, getting it and going, even if the actual tangible reward value is the same between the two cases.

People would be getting a better deal in that sense if they waited to support someone, which is the antithesis of crowdfunding, in that people often need money most the earlier on in development they are, so that they can afford to fund making a solid demo to attract enough attention to make ends meet/continue working on the game.
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Apr 21, 2020
You asked me to keep my answers short
Yes I did. However you wrote a wall of text again. At a glance I am still unsure that ALL of that is available in the demos.
I'm sorry that you don't like my review, but it is my opinion and I don't see any reason for me to change that (because steps were taken to stop me from expressing it fully). There is plenty of praise in the review section anyways.
As for further discussion about the game, I'll let someone else who is hopefully unbiased take over now. Because, unfortunately, I don't have as much time as you do.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Yes I did. However you wrote a wall of text again. At a glance I am still unsure that ALL of that is available in the demos.
Not all of it is available in the demos, but the stuff that I noted is in the public demo, is in it. Anything else has been talked about in the thread or twitter.

I'm sorry that you don't like my review, but is is my opinion and I don't see any reason for me to change that (because steps were taken to stop me from expressing it fully). There is plenty of praise in the review section anyways.
As noted before, I don't mind opinions; I'm only correcting factual inaccuracies or clarifying things that seemed to be misrepresented.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Will you sell the game on other platforms than Steam, since Steam censors some markets like the one in Germany?
So at launch, we'll only be on steam for the first month or so, to make sure any bugs we missed, etc. get fixed while we rapidly update the game every few days or so.

Then after that, we'll have it on many other platforms.

For Germans though, you can back us for $20 on Patreon (only need to do it once) and I'll send you a copy of the game wirh a direct download link.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
So the game is nearing completion which is awesome! Love when a game actually gets finished. What's next for the devs after this though?
The next game we'll be doing is Eroding Ego, which already has a good amount of work done on it (done during lull periods of FF, but hasnt been worked on in 4 or so years)

Past that, there's around 50 or 60 game ideas I have fleshed out in a document, so there'll be games for a long while to come (and ideally done much faster than we took on FF!)
3.70 star(s) 84 Votes