
Apr 18, 2018
The next game we'll be doing is Eroding Ego, which already has a good amount of work done on it (done during lull periods of FF, but hasnt been worked on in 4 or so years)

Past that, there's around 50 or 60 game ideas I have fleshed out in a document, so there'll be games for a long while to come (and ideally done much faster than we took on FF!)
Happy to hear it! Cheers and congrats on making it this far


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
On a side note, for people who keep claiming Vialyn is somehow me on a sockpuppet;

- They initially wrote a large writeup about the game that was extremely detailed, giving me the impression they'd be a good bug tester for the game.
- I contacted them, asking if they'd be interested in testing the game.
- They said yes, and so I asked to add them on Discord so I could add them to said testing group.








Per the first image, the account is nearly 6 years old, so unless people think I somehow made an account 6 years ago, just to post a single review, and did nothing with said account until now, then this should be obvious enough proof that they're not a sockpuppet; they're literally another person.

Not paid by me to review (as that would be illegal), either, they're just a regular, normal person.
You can view their account publicly here to confirm;

All this was posted with their permission, as well.
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New Member
Feb 21, 2023
Full permission to use any of my personal info if you think it'll save you some headaches, but, like...
On a side note, for people who keep claiming Vialyn is somehow me on a sockpuppet;

- They initially wrote a large writeup about the game that was extremely detailed, giving me the impression they'd be a good bug tester for the game.
- I contacted them, asking if they'd be interested in testing the game.
- They said yes, and so I asked to add them on Discord so I could add them to said testing group.



Per the first image, the account is nearly 6 years old, so unless people think I somehow made an account 6 years ago, just to post a single review, and did nothing with said account until now, then this should be obvious enough proof that they're not a sockpuppet; they're literally another person.

Not paid by me to review (as that would be illegal), either, they're just a regular, normal person.
You can view their account publicly here to confirm;

All this was posted with their permission, as well.
Fully welcome to use whatever information of mine if it'll save you any headaches, but I'm also kinda doubting the value of your continuing to post here with any regularity, tbh. Starting to feel like you're being genuine-to-a-fault with people who aren't really worth trying to "convince." Correcting misinformation is one thing, but this feels more like just getting caught up in trying to satisfy people who've already decided to make negative assumptions about you, the team, and the game itself.

Doesn't feel like something worth potentially gambling with your mental health at a rigged table, even if that means having a handful of others adopt erroneous assumptions about your game. People aren't always going to see eye to eye, and plenty of them are going to decide what they believe regardless of whatever you have to say.

I got all bent outta shape about it, as people being rude just sets me off, but it's just not healthy for me to care that much about what anonymous randos have to say, and having my more hostile post deleted was a pretty clear sign of "okay, yeah, this isn't the way." If someone has real questions, they can check out the discord or such anyways, where most of this stuff is quite abundantly clear. If they'd rather assume the worst, you can't really change their minds. People gonna people.

But anyways. Personally think I'd rather step away from this thread. Getting sucked into petty arguments over this stuff runs counter to my original intent of basically just saying "yo, I'm all bubbly and excited about <game>." Fangirling over something cool is fun. Internet arguments are most definitely not. So, like, I'mma pass on that, from here. More fun to lurk around on the Discord, methinks. Mostly just made this account because it seemed like fun to write a review, anyways. ^^


Aug 13, 2017
hello, wanted to ask a question but first and foremost I want to share, excited for the product and patiently waiting! This game looks better everytime I see it, and I'm excited for the big push to go through and finally see it all done.

sorry if this has been asked, there's been a little too much back-and-forth everywhere to read through. what's the outlook on the Faye game/Faye mode looking like if you're allowed to say anything about this?
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Birb Skull Fuckery
Staff member
Jul 5, 2017
Noble 6 HentaiWriter Going to ask nicely here. Anyway we can take this out of this forum or do private matters? I dont want to resort to anything drastic.

From what I have been reading, it seems one user has a hard on for the dev and doesnt like what he is doing. As for what I can see, this is breaking one of our rules.

Game/Mod/Comic/Animation/Asset/Fan art threads
  1. All discussions in these threads should be kept on topic, and be about the game/content/creator/etc
    • .....
    • Please move any disruptive/prolonged arguments to PM

Any further discussions on this matter will be handle appropriately.
  • Red Heart
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Noble 6

Mar 17, 2018
As for what I can see, this is breaking one of our rules.

Game/Mod/Comic/Animation/Asset/Fan art threads
  1. All discussions in these threads should be kept on topic, and be about the game/content/creator/etc
    • .....
    • Please move any disruptive/prolonged arguments to PM
Fair. Though I think it's upsetting the entire posts were deleted, as they both had valid discourse in them regarding the game, the content, and the handling of it by the creator. I think the "prolonged" part being pulled should have been "Okay, you've said your pieces, now hush" instead of deletion.

I do feel the demo structure limits the view people can have on a game that is ever-changing, and that the systems the game boasts cannot be properly expressed in those demos, either. Most of the game's big systems are for an entire playthrough, across multiple levels. Not for a single level. Anyone that plays them and finds them lacking are justified in such a review of the demo's content. And that the "bi-weekly reports" are uninformative to anyone looking more information, they need an overhaul.

My DMs are open, I believe. I don't know how they work on F95.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
hello, wanted to ask a question but first and foremost I want to share, excited for the product and patiently waiting! This game looks better everytime I see it, and I'm excited for the big push to go through and finally see it all done.
Glad to hear it, thanks a lot :)

sorry if this has been asked, there's been a little too much back-and-forth everywhere to read through. what's the outlook on the Faye game/Faye mode looking like if you're allowed to say anything about this?
For right now, we're all three pretty burnt out on the Future Fragments IP, so when/if we do Faye's game, it'll be after we've finshed not only Future Fragments, but at least another 2 or 3 games after that.


Aug 13, 2017
Glad to hear it, thanks a lot :)

For right now, we're all three pretty burnt out on the Future Fragments IP, so when/if we do Faye's game, it'll be after we've finshed not only Future Fragments, but at least another 2 or 3 games after that.
Makes sense to me, I imagine this dragged on a bit longer than you would have liked. Thank you for the response!
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Apr 20, 2019
[...] demo structure limits the view [...] game that is ever-changing [...] game's big systems are for an entire playthrough, across multiple levels. Not for a single level. [...] "bi-weekly reports" are uninformative [...]
Just tossing an alternate perspective out there - I agree with you completely!
  • The demo structure is limiting! - As opposed to the game being done and released.
  • Development is ongoing! - I'd hope it means the game changes, otherwise what are they even doing.
  • The game is intended to be played as a whole! - Maybe I'm just having a senior moment, but other than visual novels done in chapters I can't think of a game genre that is commonly split into incomplete pieces.
  • The bi-weekly reports don't spoil anything! - Extensive polling was done (afair on discord & patreon & twitter, so not all paywalled) that showed ~90% of respondents did not want spoilers.
I'm not trying to be aggressive or overly snarky, I just genuinely don't understand your complaints as I illustrated above. Perhaps you could volunteer to be a beta tester, to experience more of the game? But if bridges were burned in posts that aren't here anymore (idk I didn't see any but mod warnings are a red flag) that may be difficult.

What it boils down to is Future Fragments is in end-stage development. That means no more demos, no more artwork, no more storytime, less dev social media engagement, etc. As far as I can tell they've been in crunch for several months now trying to get this done, anything that doesn't further that cause is a distraction and a liability. If they don't burn out it will be a miracle.

Indie development is hard. There are countless promising abandoned games where the devs just dropped off the face of the earth, sometimes without even turning off their crowdfunding. Every few months I check The Dark Lord's Trip hoping Logan isn't dead - don't we all have a heartbreak or three? I'm not thrilled about how long FF has taken, I don't think anyone is, but I am thrilled it's not abandoned. Every adult game that doesn't die off is a victory imo, that's one thing I hope we can all agree on.

Idk why people are justifying their existence or participation here, but I first subbed to HentaiWriter's Patreon on March 29, 2018 at 1:16am, likely from excessive down bad aka 'hey gurl u up' syndrome. I have been an intermittent supporter over the years, not a die-hard one, so I don't feel my judgement is overly biased or compromised. Although I am a fan of their work! Kinda like how I love Bethesda despite them being a flaming hot mess. My F95zone account is ~4 years old. I'm mostly a lurker but post occasionally when I feel I have something worth saying. If mods disagree, feel free to concise-ify or balefire this post!
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Dec 7, 2019
Fully welcome to use whatever information of mine if it'll save you any headaches, but I'm also kinda doubting the value of your continuing to post here with any regularity, tbh. Starting to feel like you're being genuine-to-a-fault with people who aren't really worth trying to "convince." Correcting misinformation is one thing, but this feels more like just getting caught up in trying to satisfy people who've already decided to make negative assumptions about you, the team, and the game itself.
But don't other people read and form opinions on how these discussions play out? HW's target audience is probably more than just authors of the posts HW is replying to. I mean at least that's how I form my opinions.
Sep 16, 2022
So at launch, we'll only be on steam for the first month or so, to make sure any bugs we missed, etc. get fixed while we rapidly update the game every few days or so.

Then after that, we'll have it on many other platforms.

For Germans though, you can back us for $20 on Patreon (only need to do it once) and I'll send you a copy of the game wirh a direct download link.
I'm not a big fan of Patreon, especially how they handle things. Guess I will wait until then.
Still thanks a lot for answering. Much appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Makes sense to me, I imagine this dragged on a bit longer than you would have liked. Thank you for the response!
No problem, and yeah, it's went on WAY longer than we wanted. Would've been nice to get it out sooner and not be 5 figures in debt, but I actually read an article the other day about another very long-in-development indie game (Owlboy) and the developer for it noted that they didn't want to cut any corners, even at their own expense; that's pretty much our viewpoint, too.

If they don't burn out it will be a miracle.
Passed that point a long while back, actually, but what's even worse than burn out is not getting this game out, soooo

I don't feel my judgement is overly biased or compromised. Although I am a fan of their work! Kinda like how I love Bethesda despite them being a flaming hot mess. My F95zone account is ~4 years old. I'm mostly a lurker but post occasionally when I feel I have something worth saying. If mods disagree, feel free to concise-ify or balefire this post!
Not overly biased, not compromised, and not an incendiary post either. Pretty much accurate on everything.

But don't other people read and form opinions on how these discussions play out? HW's target audience is probably more than just authors of the posts HW is replying to. I mean at least that's how I form my opinions.
Yeah, it is for sure; that's why I continue to reply to most posts here, not only for the posters, but for the lurkers too.

I'm not a big fan of Patreon, especially how they handle things. Guess I will wait until then.
Still thanks a lot for answering. Much appreciated :)
No problem, happy to clarify :)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
#77 March 25th progress report.png


Bi-Weekly Progress Report #77 for Future Fragments


All links are meant only for those 18 years of age or older.


So yeah, next week I'll have a list of the # of cutscenes in specific levels, which might make things even more clear since barely anyone reads the text I'm writing for these (not bitter about it, just stating it matter-of-factly).

Also, if you're interested in everything that goes into making a cutscene from start to finish with implementation, it's a pretty long progress that I covered over on the Discord at (this invite will take you directly to the #cutscene-process channel).

Progress, though!
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Feb 1, 2018
Don't bother, we don't want to know exactly what you have done, you just need to outline how much the game has been completed and how long it will take to complete it. To be honest, the progress of your work is disappointing, and I really regret the amount of money I promised to get the full game when I sponsored you. I don't know whether it is the author or the administrator of this forum. If you still want to hide your incompetence by deleting posts, I can only say that you feel free to do so. I have long been used to the virtue of deleting posts when you don't like it


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I really regret the amount of money I promised to get the full game when I sponsored you.
From our records, you backed in 2021 for a total of $50 (once on the $50 level editor tier). Not saying that in an ungrateful way; we do appreciate you having backed us.
Our policy has always been to give full refunds at any time, for any reason. I'd refund you right now if we could.
However, we currently don't and won't have any money to be able to refund people until the game's out.
So, if you'd like us to refund you at game launch, just let me know.

Ayyyy happy 300 scene mark HentaiWriter
Thanks a lot :D getting closer!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
HentaiWriterDid you anticipate implementing cutscenes would end up taking so much dev time? If not, have you learned anything that could help streamline the process in the future?
We definitely underestimated how long it'd take to implement things (and write and voice and so on); the biggest bottleneck with implementation so far has been that a good chunk of scenes end up being "edge cases" where a tiny bit of functionality is needed to get them to work that Frouge had to add in, or where there's a new, unforeseen issue that happens due to a particular interaction we hadn't yet used in that particular way.

For instance, there was one scene where an NPC gets carried off by fans and flies into the ceiling (that was the intent, at least).

However, the usual technique I used to make an enemy "fly away" (rapidly shifting their Y coordinate) didn't work, because this particular NPC mostly ignored those changes, and so they just fell back down to earth. Any other enemy would have been fine, but this particular one, nope. (The reason why is because they were a "scientist" NPC, and while other actually-enemy NPCs had "gravity" properly programmed in for them, these guys didn't, since there'd be no point for them to have it, or so we thought.)

Since I'm not a programmer, I have to have Frouge fix these things, and if he's fixing this, he can't progress with the rest of the game's programming, and vice versa.

Then there would be the opposite issues sometimes, where something I wrote or had ripped the audio of I'd made a small mistake on, but without it being fixed, the cutscene couldn't be complete/fully implemented, so I'd need to correct it, send it to Frouge, etc.

So there were more than a few times where I couldn't implement stuff until these fixes came in.
I could still write during these periods, don't get me wrong, but it definitely slowed down implementation.


As far as streamlining stuff, in regards to "edge cases" or "unforeseen issues", there's not too much of a way to protect against that without spending excessive time trying to prep for every imaginable scenario, which would likely waste a lot of time by prepping against scenarios that never end up happening.

But that said, for future games, with our engine being very robust nowadays after years of work put into it, and my overall workflow being improved/streamlined thanks to setups I've made over the years, future games should move a lot smoother overall when it comes to creating/implementing content for them.
Oct 20, 2017
We definitely underestimated how long it'd take to implement things (and write and voice and so on); the biggest bottleneck with implementation so far has been that a good chunk of scenes end up being "edge cases" where a tiny bit of functionality is needed to get them to work that Frouge had to add in, or where there's a new, unforeseen issue that happens due to a particular interaction we hadn't yet used in that particular way.

For instance, there was one scene where an NPC gets carried off by fans and flies into the ceiling (that was the intent, at least).

However, the usual technique I used to make an enemy "fly away" (rapidly shifting their Y coordinate) didn't work, because this particular NPC mostly ignored those changes, and so they just fell back down to earth. Any other enemy would have been fine, but this particular one, nope. (The reason why is because they were a "scientist" NPC, and while other actually-enemy NPCs had "gravity" properly programmed in for them, these guys didn't, since there'd be no point for them to have it, or so we thought.)

Since I'm not a programmer, I have to have Frouge fix these things, and if he's fixing this, he can't progress with the rest of the game's programming, and vice versa.

Then there would be the opposite issues sometimes, where something I wrote or had ripped the audio of I'd made a small mistake on, but without it being fixed, the cutscene couldn't be complete/fully implemented, so I'd need to correct it, send it to Frouge, etc.

So there were more than a few times where I couldn't implement stuff until these fixes came in.
I could still write during these periods, don't get me wrong, but it definitely slowed down implementation.


As far as streamlining stuff, in regards to "edge cases" or "unforeseen issues", there's not too much of a way to protect against that without spending excessive time trying to prep for every imaginable scenario, which would likely waste a lot of time by prepping against scenarios that never end up happening.

But that said, for future games, with our engine being very robust nowadays after years of work put into it, and my overall workflow being improved/streamlined thanks to setups I've made over the years, future games should move a lot smoother overall when it comes to creating/implementing content for them.

It's great that you have someone like Frouge to help you out with those things. It seems like backend engineers' time is often a bottleneck on projects like this.

Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm excited to see what you come up with next, and good luck with the launch
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
It's great that you have someone like Frouge to help you out with those things. It seems like backend engineers' time is often a bottleneck on projects like this.
Well, just to be clear, Frouge is the only programmer on the game, so he's literally *the* engineer :p

Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm excited to see what you come up with next, and good luck with the launch
Thanks a lot! :)
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