
Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
haha I can already tell there's a lot of anger behind the statement. I actually only meant with my post that I prefer it if you surprise me with a demo instead of driving me crazy. but i have no grudges against the dev i think he does a very good job and i think good work takes time. the timing needs improvement haha but i would say that of all of us the developer is the happiest when their game is finished.
I'm not angry. I don't have the emotional investment to be angry at this project anymore.

It's just a repeating pattern of Hentaiwriter saying that something is going to come out at the end of the month/week/day and then... not doing that.

At this point I don't even think that he's a grifter, he's just not very good at his job. (He's the project's community manager, presumably)

They should've announced a demo Soon™ on Thursday/Friday, at least then we'd be too busy playing Armored Core to notice if the release was delayed or not.
"SoonTM" is literally the solution to all of their community woes.

Just stop giving dates and say "Soon" until it's actually out, and then tell people "Hey, check the OP, we just put a new demo out."

Overpromising and then not delivering is the sole cause of all of their bad press.
Just stop giving dates.

HW even said that and agreed to not give release dates anymore.
Though like I said, he probably figured that 24h was too short a time period for anything to go wrong.
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May 1, 2018
At this point, I don't even know if I could play this through from a position of fairness. The extensive development and the continual delays will always be a nagging background thought where I, and I'm sure many others, will judge it extra harsh no matter if it's a half way decent platformer. Because why shouldn't I? If it isn't amazing, why should I give a shit or forgive it for any shortcoming? I mean I can try, but at this point I can't help but have a cruel streak.

My shadenfreude boner demands blood
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Sep 6, 2017
New informativo drop in the Discord server.
New demo for the fire level coming in the next 24 hours , will have full level content and will be updated in later week.

Im sorry what? Are we traveling back in time? Why on 3rd year of final development stage we watching re-release of level that saw Obama in the office? Honestly is there anyone who is hyped with this?


Active Member
Apr 26, 2019
main theme of game:
With this among of time they could create new 100 or 500 of sex animations, but instead they decide to do nothing. Сan forget about the game


Oct 13, 2020
My biggest concern for this game is: do we know how many new sex animations will there be in the full game ? Because, since the last demo that was released many years ago, most of the content in progress reports (and the main reason for the unholy amount of delays) are new voiced dialogues and bug fixes.
The amount of sex scenes in those demos from many years ago was not bad, but if that was most of the porn content in this porn game that was delayed a hundred times because the developer wanted to have every single line in the game voiced, then what's the point in paying for the full game, when most of the content was avaliable in free demos and the main difference of a "full version" is more voices ?

EDIT: The guy actually responded to me in DMs, I don't know if he stopped because other people swarm him if he decides to write something here, or if there's a different reason, but here's his answer copypasted straight from the source:

"The game was not delayed due to voicework; even if we had nothing in the game voiced, it would have taken this long.

The reason the game took this long is the amount of gameplay/content in general in the game, and repeatedly iterating said content to make sure it played well, looked well, felt well etc.

We only got a demo out for the last level in the game in 2021, and we didn't even voice any cutscenes besides the electric level until 2022 or so. 95% of development has been spent purely on non-audio development/content.

The story content and multiple choices/variants are what make up a lot of the bulk of the game, and while it does have some new sex animations, the sex has never been *the* focus of the game, it's always been *a* focus, not made anymore important than any other given element.

The voicework and storyline also did not take away from the sex scenes; our artist works based on an equal Patreon split (each of us gets 1/3rd), and he only does as much as he wants/wanted to for the game in total, regardless of any other factors.

Meaning, if we made $500,000,000 off of the game and had never done any story or voicework content, the amount of sex animations would have still been the same regardless; we just would have had more money instead. Same goes for the amount of levels, enemies, etc.

We made the game how we wanted to make it, regardless of budget or any other factors, basically. All choices were voted on and agreed equally by the three of us working on the game."

EDIT 2: In my case, this actually confirms that I have no reason to buy the full version, since HW's response says that the main focus of the game is the story, meanwhile for me the main draw was well-animated sex scenes, and there won't be many new ones in the full version.
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May 5, 2021
the sex has never been *the* focus of the game, it's always been *a* focus, not made anymore important than any other given element.
I don't think this will have the intended effect that HentaiWriter thinks this will have. If it never was, why advertize it as such? Can he blame us for thinking so when he made this very thread?


Oct 13, 2020
I don't think this will have the intended effect that HentaiWriter thinks this will have. If it never was, why advertize it as such? Can he blame us for thinking so when he made this very thread?
Making a porn game with beautifully animated sex scenes, and then saying that the main focus of said porn game is "not porn, but story" is one of the most strange decisions ever.


Oct 13, 2020
He made another answer, I already said what I think about the full version, so here's the copypasted text:

"While I wish you'd reply here for ease;

Bulbanych said:
Making a porn game with beautifully animated sex scenes, and then saying that the main focus of said porn game is "not porn, but story" is one of the most strange decisions ever.
We never said we *aren't* focused on porn; I said we treated story, gameplay, audio, porn, art, writing, all the elements of the game equally.

We aren't going to sacrifice story to get more porn, nor will we sacrifice porn to get more story, nor will we sacrifice graphics for gameplay, or gameplay for audio, or audio for art.

You can play through the entire game without interacting with the story; 99% of it is optional.
You can also play through and see tons of it.

You can play through the entire game and do easy mode gameplay with certain powerups, totally detaching from the platformer difficulty, and just trigger sex scene after sex scene.
You can also use the level editor to have any combination of story, porn, or gameplay you want too.

The point was to make a game that didn't sacrifice anything for anything, and that would cater to people's playstyles in all different demographics of player choices, allowing for each player to have a different experience (and not expecting them to play more than once, either).


Also, yes, people often distort what I say on F95 publicly, remove context, twist context, etc. so there's not much point in responding publicly; I PM people from time to time to clarify things, but that's about it.

The full version also, btw, isn't just "more voices"; 95% of the story content, including actual dialogue for sex scenes instead of just the animations, variants of sex scenes, and countless other things are what the difference is.

Again, it's not for everyone, and that's fine; I'm just clarifying here is all."
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Dec 26, 2019
Oh man, if only there was a place where people shared content and we could download and play it for free... One day, someone on the interwebz will make it happen, I'm sure!
Sure, but the dev isn't the one releasing it for free like others were implying


Sep 25, 2018
Making a porn game with beautifully animated sex scenes, and then saying that the main focus of said porn game is "not porn, but story" is one of the most strange decisions ever.
It's usually like this when the project gets over the dev's head. I've seen a lot of games start as simpler projects, and then the devs decide that their fanfics and OCs are way more important to the game than the sex. I'm not against a well written, story-driven eroge, but if you're doing anything other than a visual novel or rpg then I don't think you need to prioritize story, sometimes even gameplay, over the sexual content. I've never seen it done correctly, at least. When the project get to this point, you start wondering why it is an eroge in the first place. Just make it a regular game then.


Sep 15, 2018
If this game doesn’t have a proper gallery with functions like zoom in I’ll be so sad. Everything else that happened can be forgiven if the sex animation experience is what it should be


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
I got a pm too, but I didn't bother reading it.
I don't think I could possibly have been clearer that the only thing I care about hearing from this project is "the new demo/full release is out right now and you can download it."

Until that point, I feel like anything HW could say would have no value?
Like, even if the reasoning and 'just for the record' posts are completely true... it doesn't actually change anything, does it?

Either the demo is downloadable or it isn't.
And it's not.
So this thread is of no further interest to me until that changes.


Jun 7, 2017
Damn, Every Triple A Dev dreams of doing what these guys are doing, imagine if a triple aaa studio such as Ea or ubisoft did this, wait your telling me people on the internet can buy access to a game for almost a decade and pay for it that whole time but never actually get to play the full release and when people get upset just say the full release is coming and constentally push the release date back and they are getting paid this whole time?????? EA should honeslty hire these guys. If there isnt some kind of law being broken id be shocked but then again weirder shit has happened.


May 5, 2021
The game we really need is the full adaptation of Crime and Punishment paired with the gameplay of Super Mario.
next we need a sequel following a group of toads who are part of a growing nihilist movement who end up murdering luigi, may as well go all the way with the dostoevsky references xD
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