
Sep 7, 2021
How do you reach that area in the electric level with that red moving enemy? All I found was a turret, and there are no gravity switches to get to the ceiling of that area.
In the room to the right, there will be 3 enemies that look like him. Freeze them with the ice shot, jump on them, get high enough to flip gravity, then freeze the projectiles coming from the cannons to go back down and around. If you need more info I can get a picture or something.


Oct 5, 2021
The ice shot freezes enemies and the big electric balls. In the room to the right you can freeze enemies, jump on them and through a pretty elaborate jumping section get to the entrance that gets you to that enemy
Oh ok, thank you. I've barely used the ice shot since the game never really prompted me to use it, so I kind of forgot about it.


Jan 1, 2018
I was excited for this and then bought and well

I mean nothing was ever going to live up to 8 years of hype to be fair

but I think there might be more porn in all the demos put together than in the actual game released lmao
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Oct 5, 2021
So, I can't seem to find the last powerup in the electric level. All the other had little icons on the map to tell you where they were, but it seems the last one isn't implemented?
Jun 4, 2019
I think I'm gonna add my voice to the fact that this game is very, very mediocre at best and this is coming from a gal that's been playing these h-platformers since the late 90s and have seen most of them.

It's not terrible. It's not like old flash game level mid... But the 4.5 review rating as of right now does surprise me quite a bit. Don't approach it like an h-platformer and it's actually decent, but it strays so far from integrating porn into gameplay that it actually kinda side-steps almost all of it. Breaking convention can usually be good, but not to the point where most of the times you don't see anything if you play well enough.


Jul 22, 2017
It's not terrible. It's not like old flash game level mid... But the 4.5 review rating as of right now does surprise me quite a bit.
The high rating is a mixture of almost every review being for previous demos and the dev doing everything in his power to nuke negative reviews off the face of the planet. Take, for example, a review that was recently made that just got nuked for no discernible reason. While it may not be a particularly detailed or in-depth review, it DOES follow all of the review guidelines but still got deleted and can be seen here on the off-topic thread
This has a very brief history of the reviews for this game, of the dev spamming moderators to delete criticism sending them fucking video essays (according to word of mod) to try to get reviews deleted.

So yeah, there's where your 4 1/2 star rating comes from. I have no delusions that this thread and most comments made by very displeased people since it's been opened won't also be locked/nuked.

Edit: There is now a discernible reason, but it still goes to show just how quick and anal this dev/supporters are when it comes to criticism
Last edited:


Oct 15, 2017
I mean if you want a more serious list as to why this is fraud, I can give it a go.

  1. Missed deadlines. Kind of the point of a 'dead'line in the first place, missing these is very bad. Missing them by over two years only to produce a 'soft release' is indefensible. You would be able to conjure up some horseshit about the workload or product requirements being too demanding but they don't have any actual product to show for the long delays.
  2. Changing core content midway into production. Not normally so big an issue as things do tend to get changed and reworked during development, but this was a crowdfunded game where people paid into what they were promised and then the developers just kind of changed their mind.
  3. Incomplete release sold as a full release. This is the big one. Steam has a platform for these kinds of releases and everyone knows about early access. Pretending this is a full release is a farce. You might argue in bad faith that he kind of left a warning in the small print about it, but that doesn't actually work as an excuse.
  4. Missing Patreon milestone content. Pretty much all of it is missing. You can tell me it'll be released later all you want, but it's not here now and now it's fraud. If I sell you a car and give you the wheels and say the rest will come in due time you'd rightly be calling a lawyer.
There is more, of course, much more, but we don't need more. We just need any single one of these points and you cannot really dismiss any of these in good faith, it's all going to be weird cope and semantic garbage.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
I think I'm gonna add my voice to the fact that this game is very, very mediocre at best and this is coming from a gal that's been playing these h-platformers since the late 90s and have seen most of them.

It's not terrible. It's not like old flash game level mid... But the 4.5 review rating as of right now does surprise me quite a bit. Don't approach it like an h-platformer and it's actually decent, but it strays so far from integrating porn into gameplay that it actually kinda side-steps almost all of it. Breaking convention can usually be good, but not to the point where most of the times you don't see anything if you play well enough.
I think somewhere down the line in development, even before the patreon required change, HW simply wanted to write and make a more normal game (if he even wanted to make a game at all) but couldn't just throw away the sex assets after all this time. Deathblight team had a similar epiphany from their time developing games and you can see them go full throttle into ecchi, art, and writing while tossing both game development and sex aside.

That said even without porn I feel the game just falls apart after the first level (and I doubt your average review made it past it), I am far from the first person in this thread to call it a chore to even play, and I do wonder what actually was done for last four years when looking at the demo builds.
Aug 31, 2021
I still don't get how it all came to this. Up towards release I started thinking "Maybe there's actually something here, maybe the finished game will explain why the entire development period took this long". But that's been disproven heavily with this release.

We really need someone to make a goddamn timeline of the development period so that we can get some actual good theories.

So lets state some facts here.

-The game as of release is in the same state as four/five years ago. Just all the demos taped together.

-HW blew all the patreon money on, I don't even know. What was the count? 1 million or something that came from patreon? Apparently everybody on the project lived on that money. They also ass blasted 100k+ into Talia's voice acting, and that's ignoring all the money that was injected into the other voice actors. They were also, apparently in debt. They said the game had to be put out, but then got a sponsor, and they could continue "working".

-HW has spent an enourmous amount of time scowering every mention of FF on every single site. Spent a massive amount of time commenting on every single post mentioning the game, (Making up 1000 of the 4000 comments on this thread alone). Has spent massive amounts of time talking in his discord as well. All this while "Developing" future fragments. A project that he'd apparently put himself into debt for, was actively losing money on, and that was his only chance at making anything back.

-Proven chronic liar, horrible at interaction, narcissistic behavior.

Those are the things I can remember just straight off the bat. And those things are enough to at least start with some theories.

Theory 1: Milking
So, the most prominent theory is definetly that HW milked the game. Whether this is true or not, we literally won't know. I think it could be plausible that they were losing money. But the patterns that we've seen, as well as the fact that HW has supported other well known patreon milking devs, certainly points towards this being a plausible theory.

Theory 2: Pure Incompetency.
Pure incompetency could also be the case. Just judging by everything we've seen, from the development time, to the finished product, to the unawareness that trying to combine the genres and mechanics of the things he tried to mix was a recipe for disaster, that being trying to forcibly mix unskippable storytelling into whats supposed to be a fast-paced game genre into a crowd that doesn't care (Hentai game players).

Theory 3: Delusion.
This is my own theory, and its based on personal experience with writing and creation. My first attempt at writing was a fanfic for a fandom I liked. The fanfic was objectively shit, as it was my first attempt at writing. I'd imagined the story for months and finally started writing it. And it was positively recieved, and that was definetly the most major driving factor for me. I started imagining opening a patreon, doing requests, commissioning art, covers, and all that. But eventually, i started procrastinating. Because i noticed that my writing was shit, and then ended the fic as quickly as i could to just get it over with.

I'm honestly starting to believe this to be the most likely explanation. HW had a concept that he wanted to create, but where my own experience and HW's deviated was how we went about viewing our creations and the steps we took after. HW got high on the early success of the game, and started putting in time, I did as well. HW was successful, I was too. HW went all in on his project, I did not. And HW rode the high that his sheep fanbase gave him, the positive affirmations. Shit, I still get those affirmations in the reviews section on my fanfic. Telling me to go back and keep writing that shit story.

I think its just a clearcut case of someone getting high on their own delusions, going all in, growing egotistical and narcissitical on their success, and a dependance on the affirmations of their fanbase. Having this world built in their head that they love and are dependant on, that they so badly want to show others. This can be seen in the absolute mania of scowering the internet for any mention of the game, the amount of comments and posts, and the content in them. As well as HW's overall attitude that we've seen.

It's mental illness. The people not willing to accept any sort of negativity towards the game, or HW, and defends the game as stalwartly as we've seen, is just contributing to the mental illness. I don't think all the issues surrounding the game can be attributed to malice or milking. I think its a combination of incompetency, and illness, that lead to this.

Sorry for the wall of text, but this entire debacle is just too intruiging to not interact with. I must be manic myself lol.

But seriously, someone make a timeline of events.
Dec 22, 2018
I just came here for a full save to see some of the gallery and it looks like from the latest comments this is another "Fallen Doll" situation? Honestly didn't expect that from these guys. Oh well, carry on...
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Aug 31, 2021
Is this really true? I only played one of the earliest demos so I can't check for myself easily.
I haven't seen any differences myself. The only real changes have been the databanks and cutscenes. But content wise, its all the same. According to HW, the game was finished long ago and the only things left was the lore. Definitely an oversight.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
Is this really true? I only played one of the earliest demos so I can't check for myself easily.
There's some minor stuff that's been removed h-wise, and abit more of the databank stuff that's been added alongside placeholder endings, but yes overall it's the same game as 4 years ago. Only released due to getting approved on steam, otherwise it'd still be in development. As it is right now: HW is promising to spend this year adding content, and next month suppose to be a big update.
3.70 star(s) 89 Votes