Aug 31, 2021
Sounds a-okay to me, in a sense, because this is how I see it: that "average joe" paid for a game - not "development time", not "a nice developer" - "a game". Plus, some haters consider it their mission to drag people like that into the whole mess, with rabid fanaticism and a "if you are not with us - you are against us" mindset. The poor fellow simply wants to play the game and just get whatever from doing so, be it enjoying a platformer or waxing his carrot.

At some point, the thought actually did cross my mind, about the likelihood of somebody gone through the, shall we say, "development process" of FF being capable of reviewing it fairly, i.e., "as a game in isolation", as the post you quoted put it. Fingers crossed.
I honestly doubt anybody would be able to do that. If you were thinking of something like an infographic video or something in that vein.

HW has gotten so much information scrubbed over the years, that trying to make any sort of in-depth dive from an outside view is next to impossible. The entire original ULMF thread being deleted, comments, reviews, statements, all scrubbed by HW's pestering of mod teams. Though I don't know if he did the same things on ULMF as he did on f95 when it came to comments and reviews, somebody more informed would have to clarify on that.

And that creates a catch 22. Because the only people who'd be able to know about the scrubbed information would've had to have been there from the start, 10 years ago, when HW first showed FF to the world. And the only people who'd fit that criteria are either going to be rabid fanatics of FF and HW, or disillusioned critics. So a "truly" objective view after witnessing the entire development process would be impossible, since the only people who know everything are either willing to completely dismiss any errors made on HW's part, or people who've grown a personal dislike for him because of his conduct.

The closest we have to "true" objective reviews of the game are from the critics, since the fanatics are 5 star reviewing the game with asinine reasons. I remember the first reviews coming out just after the game launched, and a lot of them were way more in-depth than I could've imagined, but I can't seem to find them anymore. And those reviews covered almost every part of the game and cross-examined those parts with other comparable platformers.

I couldn't make an objective review, and I've only been keeping up with the game for a few months lmao.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2018
ALIBABAJIHADA Oh, no no no - what I meant by "fairly" was the exact opposite of what seems to have been conveyed to you: I was talking about a look at the game without all the mess during development (the ULMF thread, the constant clean-ups here, etc.). In other words - what the game itself is like, here and now.

Like how, when you are sick, you are interested in what [side] effects your medicine might have on you, rather than the detailed history of how it was discovered and improved over the years.
Aug 31, 2021
ALIBABAJIHADA Oh, no no no - what I meant by "fairly" was the exact opposite of what seems to have been conveyed to you: I was talking about a look at the game without all the mess during development (the ULMF thread, the constant clean-ups here, etc.). In other words - what the game itself is like, here and now.

Like how, when you are sick, you are interested in what [side] effects your medicine might have on you, rather than the detailed history of how it was discovered and improved over the years.
Well, that's already been answered then. The consensus is that the game by itself is about a 6-7 out of 10, and unfinished. And that's been what most people have said, from the hardcore critics, to neutrals, to people just now finding the game or who've played it once years ago without interacting further. By no means a steaming pile of crap, and by no means gods divine gift (As some people would claim).

It does make me wonder if the release will make HW back his money considering his reputation now and the blow back he's getting for the release. His claims of having sold his own mother to fund the game, and with all the debt he's talked about. I don't know that I would've stumbled upon the game on steam if I was unaware of it. And with having pissed off a large majority of the f95 people, that would cut funding off from here as well.


Sep 24, 2018
I wholeheartedly disagree, an h-game that is a fleshed out game first and foremost is the best kind of h-game.
Plenty of great plot driven h-games too both in here and in dlsite.
Don't get me wrong. Gameplay in an H-game is good - but gameplay that ties the "game" and the "H" parts together more intricately is even better. In FF, to a degree - and certainly in a wealth of other H-games - they feel almost entirely divorced from one another - the sex is, for the most part, incidental. The game and plot could exist without it, with minimal adjustments. Personally I don't care too much about elements of the gameplay or plot that don't inform or directly interact with that aspect - it's not like I'm going to play any of these adult games outside of when I want to jerk off, cause there are games that do everything else they do much better.

None of this is to say having an interesting story or fun gameplay is a bad thing. But at least in my view, when they take such precedence over the adult content, I often think - why not just make a normal game and focus your efforts and resources there?

The bare minimum of a premise, setting, character, motivation, obstacles and antagonist(s), are often more than enough on their own, as long as the adult content is enough/good enough.

Stun > caught by enemy > animation with 2 loops and an end > resume normal gameplay is the minimum-viable for an action game. While I'd certainly like to see more games that expand on that basic formula or do something different - if the quality and/or quantity (or rather, density) of adult content is there, then I don't really mind either.

There's also the question of integration. For an action game - is the world, plot and story "told" rather than "shown" to me? Am I having my gameplay interrupted so I can sit or skip through pages worth of exposition, dialog and worldbuilding? Are these sequences moving the plot forward, or could they be largely ommitted with the player still having a good idea of what's going on, what their immediate goals and obstacles are?


Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
None of this is to say having an interesting story or fun gameplay is a bad thing. But at least in my view, when they take such precedence over the adult content, I often think - why not just make a normal game and focus your efforts and resources there?
I am fairly sure HW came to same conclusion years ago and wished he was working on a normal game (or to be more specific: writing for a normal game), but was way too deep into development to just drop it.
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Lord Kimmek

Sep 7, 2018
How to play this game in dark souls mode: Get the whip and get violence up. it looks like it maxes out at +200% dmg, +500% dmg taken. In the ice level, snowballs and lasers oneshot you. :)

+ the
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isn't actually used by Talia when pressing UP+C but anyway
+ a bug where I can't talk to vie after ice node?
+ why does talia have horns in the admn spawner scene
Last edited:


New Member
Jun 30, 2022
I think I softlocked the game I went up through e2 and died and I came back and the crystal puzzle was half completed and now no matter how hard I try even doing the same thing I did the first time the puzzle will never complete is there something I'm missing?


Engaged Member
Jan 15, 2017
I honestly doubt anybody would be able to do that. If you were thinking of something like an infographic video or something in that vein.

HW has gotten so much information scrubbed over the years, that trying to make any sort of in-depth dive from an outside view is next to impossible. The entire original ULMF thread being deleted, comments, reviews, statements, all scrubbed by HW's pestering of mod teams. Though I don't know if he did the same things on ULMF as he did on f95 when it came to comments and reviews, somebody more informed would have to clarify on that.

And that creates a catch 22. Because the only people who'd be able to know about the scrubbed information would've had to have been there from the start, 10 years ago, when HW first showed FF to the world. And the only people who'd fit that criteria are either going to be rabid fanatics of FF and HW, or disillusioned critics. So a "truly" objective view after witnessing the entire development process would be impossible, since the only people who know everything are either willing to completely dismiss any errors made on HW's part, or people who've grown a personal dislike for him because of his conduct.

The closest we have to "true" objective reviews of the game are from the critics, since the fanatics are 5 star reviewing the game with asinine reasons. I remember the first reviews coming out just after the game launched, and a lot of them were way more in-depth than I could've imagined, but I can't seem to find them anymore. And those reviews covered almost every part of the game and cross-examined those parts with other comparable platformers.

I couldn't make an objective review, and I've only been keeping up with the game for a few months lmao.
I actually followed the ULMF thread for a few years, before f95 even came on the radar. I have crap memory right now though and didn't actively follow the game after it started seeming like a boondoggle; and my interests shifted more to VNs as well. Honestly besides whatever is going on with HW and the (in my opinion, bad) decisions he's made about the development/direction of the game, there's also the guidelines of Patreon getting stricter and stricter over the years and forcing a major tone shift that's taken a lot away from the game. I'm not a fan of the data bank wall-of-text dump, either.
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Apr 23, 2018
Don't get me wrong. Gameplay in an H-game is good - but gameplay that ties the "game" and the "H" parts together more intricately is even better. In FF, to a degree - and certainly in a wealth of other H-games - they feel almost entirely divorced from one another - the sex is, for the most part, incidental. The game and plot could exist without it, with minimal adjustments. Personally I don't care too much about elements of the gameplay or plot that don't inform or directly interact with that aspect - it's not like I'm going to play any of these adult games outside of when I want to jerk off, cause there are games that do everything else they do much better.

None of this is to say having an interesting story or fun gameplay is a bad thing. But at least in my view, when they take such precedence over the adult content, I often think - why not just make a normal game and focus your efforts and resources there?

The bare minimum of a premise, setting, character, motivation, obstacles and antagonist(s), are often more than enough on their own, as long as the adult content is enough/good enough.

Stun > caught by enemy > animation with 2 loops and an end > resume normal gameplay is the minimum-viable for an action game. While I'd certainly like to see more games that expand on that basic formula or do something different - if the quality and/or quantity (or rather, density) of adult content is there, then I don't really mind either.

There's also the question of integration. For an action game - is the world, plot and story "told" rather than "shown" to me? Am I having my gameplay interrupted so I can sit or skip through pages worth of exposition, dialog and worldbuilding? Are these sequences moving the plot forward, or could they be largely ommitted with the player still having a good idea of what's going on, what their immediate goals and obstacles are?
This kind of game best serves simply as a vehicle for hot animations, and context for them. The best adult action and RPG games are ones that don't lose sight of that - but rather lean into it, hard - with systems and content focused solely on that aspect. Eris Dysnomia, while its content is barely in the realm of my preferences, is a good example of how to do this.

Some of my absolute favorites don't even go so far as having complicated arousal, corruption, development or status-effect systems or anything of the sort - they just focus on delivering as much fappable material as they can, without taking too much of the player's time or expecting them to get terribly invested in the plot, world or characters. I think it was a mistake for HW to pour so much time, energy, money and other resources into these aspects which - when it's a game whose primary purpose is the delivery of pornographic content - are ancillary at best.

You succinctly put into words what I felt but couldn't quite express was the exact problem with this H game's gameplay, for a while I assumed my standards had risen over the years since its been a solid 3+ years since I last played a The End demo so when I played the updated Fire demo last year I assumed my standards for H games had increased, but yet I regularly play far worse games, made by objectively worse dev's and I couldn't quite put my finger on what was wrong. I could not agree more the sex feels divorced from the game and knowing now that HW wants to make a SFW mode (why?) in the future I can't help but wonder if midway through the project he decided he didn't want to make a porn game, or worse yet he got a bit too high off sniffing his own farts and decided his game was so good that it would attract non porn game players.

Honestly bravo my good sir, amongst the shit flinging, mods in the trenches deleting posts left and right, and potential alt accounts of HW (for legal reasons that is a joke, please don't delete my post mods), your posts are a shining beacon of quality that make coming back to this god forsaken thread worth it.
3.70 star(s) 89 Votes