
Sep 23, 2017
>be named "hentaiwriter"
>the writing of your hentai game is the worst part

I almost want to ask for the thread's ratings to be reset. Those are 5-star ratings based on demos that promised the moon, and not the actual product released. But then the 300+ Steam reviews are all positive... so maybe the problem was us for not realizing that 10 years of development to release something unfinished was actually a 300 IQ move.


Jul 8, 2017
>be named "hentaiwriter"
>the writing of your hentai game is the worst part

I almost want to ask for the thread's ratings to be reset. Those are 5-star ratings based on demos that promised the moon, and not the actual product released. But then the 300+ Steam reviews are all positive... so maybe the problem was us for not realizing that 10 years of development to release something unfinished was actually a 300 IQ move.
I think it's a good game in isolation (especially if you don't know the "backstory" of its chaotic development), far better than a lot of asset mixmash "games" that get released on Steam. Better to take it for what it is than to keep getting salty over things that won't change.
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New Member
May 5, 2021
You have to link me to it, Fire Stage is a generic name.
It's a completely unnecessary detail made to extend the duration of the game, which has the most spoken dialogue I've ever seen in my life. Also, the boss fight system is ridiculous, it's impossible to beat. It's really funny that they've only been releasing alpha and beta for like 1 or 2 years, but they spend so much time to combine the full version of the levels. Just respect for the effort, 3 stars etc.


Dec 19, 2020
I think it's a good game in isolation (especially if you don't know the "backstory" of its chaotic development), far better than a lot of asset mixmash "games" that get released on Steam. Better to take it for what it is than to keep getting salty over things that won't change.
Exactly this. Almost anyone playing this on Steam probably had no idea it existed until they randomly came across it a few days/weeks ago. If that were all the info they were going in with, I would fully expect any given passerby to think quite highly of it, as most people here did when the first demos came out years ago. HW does a good enough job at rabidly attacking anyone that dares to give him a negative review/comment that your average joe will never have any inkling that HW is actually a Boggart irl.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2018
your average joe will never have any inkling that HW is actually a Boggart irl.
Sounds a-okay to me, in a sense, because this is how I see it: that "average joe" paid for a game - not "development time", not "a nice developer" - "a game". Plus, some haters consider it their mission to drag people like that into the whole mess, with rabid fanaticism and a "if you are not with us - you are against us" mindset. The poor fellow simply wants to play the game and just get whatever from doing so, be it enjoying a platformer or waxing his carrot.

At some point, the thought actually did cross my mind, about the likelihood of somebody gone through the, shall we say, "development process" of FF being capable of reviewing it fairly, i.e., "as a game in isolation", as the post you quoted put it. Fingers crossed.
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Aug 7, 2018
As long as it's not a personal attack, yes. You can discuss the game and the Dev in this thread.

"The Dev is a piece of shit, I hope he burns"
Is very different to
"The dev has a habit of not updating when they said they would"

It's about the tone and the context.
I'm guessing a rule that would tell people to link to evidence for claims like this, would be too time intensive to enforce? Would be nice, considering that some valid claims are being mixed with made up fairy tales, but I understand that practicality might not allow for something like this.


May 6, 2017
I can only assume my comment was deleted because of the way it opened, so here's me reiterating and expounding the part I don't think will get deleted:

The game does a terrible job of encouraging you to play the game. You start off with a sizable intro which is narrated to you, but requires you to click through each sentence of dialogue, then get to "play" in a room filled with nothing except the opportunity to talk to faye a bunch of times, and then you get to listen to the king for an obstinately long amount of time if you're curious about the lore and like seeing the numbers pop up as your statistics change for continuing to listen to him. This much is fine, and can be written off as most prologues will do much of the same.

But then you get to the meat of the game, and they shove data logs in your face every few feet. These computers situated in the least immersive areas of the world for you to just read random people's diary entries. And there's a TON of them. Without booting it back up, there's probably ~40 logs in the first level alone. I'd argue there's probably 1 log per enemy on the map, or otherwise it's a very close race. You will definitely spend more time "reading" than you will be doing anything else in the game. And on that note, the fact each log is narrated becomes a nuisance at the sheer amount of them you're faced with. I didn't check to see if there was an option to turn off the voices, but after about the 15th log I got tired of waiting for the narration to deliver the lines and started reading ahead, but it was annoying to hear the voice overlaying my own internal dialogue. You don't have to read any of them. But, know that if you don't, this game is laughably easy to shoot and jump and get past all manner of enemies.

And then finally there's the porn aspect of the game. It might as well not exist. The best scenes are the defeat scenes, but there doesn't seem to be a change in Talia's attitude or alteration to scenes with the same enemy depending on sexuality level.

All of this is just from level 1, mind you. I lost the motivation to continue level 2 after arriving. Will wait until update is released before even giving it another shot.


Aug 1, 2023
Sounds a-okay to me, in a sense, because this is how I see it: that "average joe" paid for a game - not "development time", not "a nice developer" - "a game". Plus, some haters consider it their mission to drag people like that into the whole mess, with rabid fanaticism and a "if you are not with us - you are against us" mindset. The poor fellow simply wants to play the game and just get whatever from doing so, be it enjoying a platformer or waxing his carrot.

At some point, the thought actually did cross my mind, about the likelihood of somebody gone through the, shall we say, "development process" of FF being capable of reviewing it fairly, i.e., "as a game in isolation", as the post you quoted put it. Fingers crossed.
Honestly, I've only been following the game for a few months, but apart from minor grievances typical of amateur game dev critiques, my main concern is just that I don't think they're really going to fill in much to the incredibly bare-bones second half of the game.

Shortly before release, HW wrote that all enemy cutscenes were in the game during its initial release. But there are multiple bosses with no scenes and the last level has a single game over scene. Even ignoring the fact that there's a huge chunk of the game's history that I didn't follow, that's kind of a sad way to release any game, especially if you're not planning to fill in that void.
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Sep 24, 2018
Hope once the game's actually finished that HW will take the lessons learned, and make something that's more congruent with its self. Long dialog sequences, background lore dumps, all these little side-plots, don't really belong in an adult action-platformer - or really adult anything. It either gets skipped/ignored, or it breaks the flow - and either way, risks upsetting the mood.

This kind of game best serves simply as a vehicle for hot animations, and context for them. The best adult action and RPG games are ones that don't lose sight of that - but rather lean into it, hard - with systems and content focused solely on that aspect. Eris Dysnomia, while its content is barely in the realm of my preferences, is a good example of how to do this.

Some of my absolute favorites don't even go so far as having complicated arousal, corruption, development or status-effect systems or anything of the sort - they just focus on delivering as much fappable material as they can, without taking too much of the player's time or expecting them to get terribly invested in the plot, world or characters. I think it was a mistake for HW to pour so much time, energy, money and other resources into these aspects which - when it's a game whose primary purpose is the delivery of pornographic content - are ancillary at best.

The gameplay part its self I find mostly fine. I got frustrated by some of the puzzles/platforming segments, particularly in the ice level and the end - I hate having to think and problem-solve in order to progress in a porn game. Other than that, it controls well, the art and aesthetics are good, the combat's decent.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2017
This kind of game best serves simply as a vehicle for hot animations, and context for them.
they just focus on delivering as much fappable material as they can, without taking too much of the player's time or expecting them to get terribly invested in the plot, world or characters. I think it was a mistake for HW to pour so much time, energy, money and other resources into these aspects which - when it's a game whose primary purpose is the delivery of pornographic content - are ancillary at best.
I wholeheartedly disagree, an h-game that is a fleshed out game first and foremost is the best kind of h-game.
Plenty of great plot driven h-games too both in here and in dlsite.
It's to each their own really.


May 4, 2018
I like my porn games to have game in them, not just be porn. Games are capable of being a lot of things, and I like when devs take full advantage of what those things can be...provided they execute it properly, of course.
agreed, it'd be cool if this dev used their time and resources to actually flesh out the interactivity and depth of systems of the game instead of invest it all into voice acting for god knows why. so much wasted potential, as expected
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Jun 18, 2017
Guys, I tabbed out of the game right after I collected the "pauldron" looking pickup in the ice biome room with the long laser puzzle. Can anyone tell me what it does?


New Member
Nov 26, 2017
I feel like an idiot, but between the ice and electric level there is a transitional stage where you mess with gravity. But there is a platform after the second gravity switch that is blocking the way down. How do I continue past that?


Sep 7, 2021
yes but the animation doesn't show how the fight is supposed to be done
If you're far enough in that you're fighting the boss you would've already gone through 5 paths, and more than likely either ran into an enemy and taken damage, or shot an enemy to kill it. The cutscene for the boss also shows an unskippable animation where Talia shoots a wall to clear a path. Then there's also this tidbit and I'm sure the shadow woman gives out to you if you fail and hammers home the point of not letting the boss catch you.
I feel like an idiot, but between the ice and electric level there is a transitional stage where you mess with gravity. But there is a platform after the second gravity switch that is blocking the way down. How do I continue past that?
Hold down and jump.


Dec 1, 2018
bug: if you go to the hill before talking to the blue alien on room 1 path 2 of ice level, the experiment wont trigger and you'll have to load a previous save

nevermind, apparently it actually did trigger, it's just that nothing seems to happen
yeah i noticed that too... all that happens is the room shakes...
3.70 star(s) 89 Votes