Lord Kimmek

Sep 7, 2018
bug:particularly in milk chamber path 6, in the spider climing part ice is really inconsistent in letting you jump on it. If you jump too soon after throwing your freeze breath it doesn't seem to work consistently.


Jul 11, 2018
Is this the game that had 2 separate builds for a long time? One with the sex scenes and one that was just a build of the latest map?
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Jun 10, 2018
Fire and Electric levels are great and it's a shame the entire game isn't at that standard. Every other node is buggy and feels incomplete. Ice level feels unpolished, several dialogues are bugged and the databanks are a lot less coherent. The sheer number of databanks gets tedious by this point. Aside from the many random databanks, the story in the ice level is about a smash and grab the rebels performed on a celdost spaceship. Would have been nice to see the wreckage of a spaceship instead of nothing but ice mounds, tents, and satellite dishes strewn about haphazardly. The enemy designs for this node are also really boring superficially.
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That's easy to overlook though and I would have liked the former aspect to be incorporated in their designs (they could have a hidden body horror aspect like their bodies open up to reveal a mass of squirming tendrils, a nod to John Carpenter's the Thing would work nicely) because every enemy in the level is just another recycled Worm grunt or an uninspired blue goblin that would look right at home in Breath of the Wild. The laser puzzle is fine, but the snowballs falling from the sky need some kind of indicator or hint because they feel random. The transition from Ice node to Electric is incomplete. Electric level still retains many aspects from the demo. Vie's attitude to Talia is extremely bubbly and upbeat in stark contrast to her secretive and condescending attitude in the two previous zones. There's a missing scene where she reveals her identity. I just tried a few paths in Earth level and it has the exact opposite issues as Ice level. While the designs and layout are much better, it's mechanically frustrating and there are no transition cutscenes or dialogue at all. Instead the databank problem is much worse. Some areas will have a single story split into 3 databanks in a single module for no reason. You're just dropped into the level and expected to know what to do which is fine for gameplay but narratively terrible. There's no Vie interaction or explanation entering into the Earth level, and none of the defeat scenes have dialogue which is a damn shame because the designs and animation are fantastic. If you've been waiting for this game as long as I have, I suggest you keep waiting because it's clearly still not done.
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Jun 10, 2018
god, there is just... so much talking in this game. Too much, honestly. Even when they're having sex, they never stop goddamn talking.
It's in that weird space where the story is trying to dance around the fact that rape is involved so they keep the tone light-hearted with wacky, casual banter. I don't know how much of that is genuine and necessary to shield the project from being removed from crowdfunding platforms or just misguided.
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May 4, 2018
You succinctly put into words what I felt but couldn't quite express was the exact problem with this H game's gameplay, for a while I assumed my standards had risen over the years since its been a solid 3+ years since I last played a The End demo so when I played the updated Fire demo last year I assumed my standards for H games had increased, but yet I regularly play far worse games, made by objectively worse dev's and I couldn't quite put my finger on what was wrong. I could not agree more the sex feels divorced from the game and knowing now that HW wants to make a SFW mode (why?) in the future I can't help but wonder if midway through the project he decided he didn't want to make a porn game, or worse yet he got a bit too high off sniffing his own farts and decided his game was so good that it would attract non porn game players.

Honestly bravo my good sir, amongst the shit flinging, mods in the trenches deleting posts left and right, and potential alt accounts of HW (for legal reasons that is a joke, please don't delete my post mods), your posts are a shining beacon of quality that make coming back to this god forsaken thread worth it.
just throwing my two cents in, i personally agree with you on the seeming divide between gameplay and h-content, though I feel it's more a matter of there being an initial inspiration/vision for both of those general aspects of the game and then subsequent burn-out when it came to marrying those two portions for cohesive/believable integration into the world/narrative. Combine this alleged creative burn-out with a steady stream of patreon money, and there's no longer much motivation to carry on with any further actual development to the game, simply just trying to patch and polish what they've got for a shippable, yet decidedly half-assed, product.

I think this best explains how we've got to this point with such a seemingly genuine attempt at a game that has as much or even less content than it's had for years now. It would also explain HW's seemingly shady or otherwise disingenuous conduct in the public. I imagine they want to have genuine, positive, and constructive interaction for a game they used to be passionately building, yet there are half-truths that must be told so that people don't realize the team simply doesn't care about the game anymore (which jeopardizes their revenue stream, of course.)

EDIT: tl;dr burn-out >>> greed >>> negligence >>> dishonesty (for the sake of greed) is why i believe we have this sad shadow of potential despite the amount of time its development has taken
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Ulbert Alain Odle

New Member
May 30, 2022
i found a room and i was told to press tab put ffmag and press enter for infinite mana but tab doesn't do anything anyone know what's wrong?

Lord Kimmek

Sep 7, 2018
Christ people just complain, complain, complain. Can we even point at many better games that have come out? Look at the category. There's fucking nothing out there. The ones that aren't seeing some problem, 2$. enjoy your time.


Feb 23, 2024
I legitimately love how many "New Members" have jumped out of lurking mode specifically to comment on this train wreck of a game. We've been here for years, but it took a very special flavor of disappointment to really get us active.
I can only assume my comment was deleted because of the way it opened, so here's me reiterating and expounding the part I don't think will get deleted:

The game does a terrible job of encouraging you to play the game. You start off with a sizable intro which is narrated to you, but requires you to click through each sentence of dialogue, then get to "play" in a room filled with nothing except the opportunity to talk to faye a bunch of times, and then you get to listen to the king for an obstinately long amount of time if you're curious about the lore and like seeing the numbers pop up as your statistics change for continuing to listen to him. This much is fine, and can be written off as most prologues will do much of the same.

But then you get to the meat of the game, and they shove data logs in your face every few feet. These computers situated in the least immersive areas of the world for you to just read random people's diary entries. And there's a TON of them. Without booting it back up, there's probably ~40 logs in the first level alone. I'd argue there's probably 1 log per enemy on the map, or otherwise it's a very close race. You will definitely spend more time "reading" than you will be doing anything else in the game. And on that note, the fact each log is narrated becomes a nuisance at the sheer amount of them you're faced with. I didn't check to see if there was an option to turn off the voices, but after about the 15th log I got tired of waiting for the narration to deliver the lines and started reading ahead, but it was annoying to hear the voice overlaying my own internal dialogue. You don't have to read any of them. But, know that if you don't, this game is laughably easy to shoot and jump and get past all manner of enemies.

And then finally there's the porn aspect of the game. It might as well not exist. The best scenes are the defeat scenes, but there doesn't seem to be a change in Talia's attitude or alteration to scenes with the same enemy depending on sexuality level.

All of this is just from level 1, mind you. I lost the motivation to continue level 2 after arriving. Will wait until update is released before even giving it another shot.
nah HW reports anything thats too scathing or in depth about what happened, just repost on the other thread and youll be good. i just feel bad for the jannies with a near full inbox daily


Feb 23, 2024
As long as it's not a personal attack, yes. You can discuss the game and the Dev in this thread.

"The Dev is a piece of shit, I hope he burns"
Is very different to
"The dev has a habit of not updating when they said they would"

It's about the tone and the context.
i didnt break this rule and yet got my post removed
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Oct 25, 2020
Faye's voice isn't that bad but whenever she's speaking to Talia, the difference in quality is rather apparent. Like I can tell Talia's VA is a professional while Faye's is a novice.
Nov 20, 2019
just throwing my two cents in, i personally agree with you on the seeming divide between gameplay and h-content, though I feel it's more a matter of there being an initial inspiration/vision for both of those general aspects of the game and then subsequent burn-out when it came to marrying those two portions for cohesive/believable integration into the world/narrative. Combine this alleged creative burn-out with a steady stream of patreon money, and there's no longer much motivation to carry on with any further actual development to the game, simply just trying to patch and polish what they've got for a shippable, yet decidedly half-assed, product.

I think this best explains how we've got to this point with such a seemingly genuine attempt at a game that has as much or even less content than it's had for years now. It would also explain HW's seemingly shady or otherwise disingenuous conduct in the public. I imagine they want to have genuine, positive, and constructive interaction for a game they used to be passionately building, yet there are half-truths that must be told so that people don't realize the team simply doesn't care about the game anymore (which jeopardizes their revenue stream, of course.)

EDIT: tl;dr burn-out >>> greed >>> negligence >>> dishonesty (for the sake of greed) is why i believe we have this sad shadow of potential despite the amount of time its development has taken
there isnt even a debate on that there are games made by 1 guy in his spare time more technical then this one and better on unreal or unity that was finished in 5. 9 years for a side scroller with a hand full of scenes is LUDACRIS! most of the h scenes arnt even animated! which was its only possible excuse

honestly this game is one of the best examples of why i pirate before i buy. if i had dropped money on THIS i wouldn't have just been disappointed id be PISSED
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New Member
Mar 11, 2021
i found a room and i was told to press tab put ffmag and press enter for infinite mana but tab doesn't do anything anyone know what's wrong?
This function was removed, but the text was left in, in the version you're playing. The up to date version of the game removes the confusing dialogue, but the tab key remains disabled.

Is it possible to go around naked?
Only in one scripted section of the game, otherwise no.
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