
New Member
Dec 7, 2019
Dude is the epitome of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Going from thousands, to tens of thousands of dollars a month to now being broke while still working on this now mediocre product. An entire slew of developers from the early 2010’s milking patreon money and yet most of them, too, are now broke or had to abandon their shit for burger flipping jobs instead. Would be sad if most of them didn’t purposefully take years upon years and steal money that they couldn’t even invest into their own game lol.


New Member
Dec 22, 2018
The game has problems from level 1 but I think the moment the game truly starts to completely break down is the factory mission. There is a secret area in that level thats incredibly hard to get to, and has whats supposed to be an infinite hp cheat code, but the cheat code doesn't work and the message claims that the game is still in the demo phase.

Its like thats literally the moment at which the devs gave up,because after the boss you face right after the entire game ceases to even have cutscenes, truly an omen.


Apr 13, 2019
Dude is the epitome of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Going from thousands, to tens of thousands of dollars a month to now being broke while still working on this now mediocre product. An entire slew of developers from the early 2010’s milking patreon money and yet most of them, too, are now broke or had to abandon their shit for burger flipping jobs instead. Would be sad if most of them didn’t purposefully take years upon years and steal money that they couldn’t even invest into their own game lol.
that's because they're grifters and grifters are morons. I'm willing to bet these retarded motherfuckers didn't spend a dime of the Patreon money on their projects and blew all of it on stupid bullshit rather than talking to a financial advisor and investing that shit in something that makes them a stable monthly income.
Helped me give some sympathy to the developers, I suggest checking out their discord

" happens when you need to spend lots of time fixing bugs, i think we've fixed around 300-ish so far, plus without the pressure of imminently being broke, making sure stuff is actually working so as to not make more bugs + rela life things "
i realized i'd basically blown my entire 30's no-lifing this game
LMAO! a bunch of nerds at Capcom made 24 mainline Mega Man games back when they had no engines or frameworks that code shit for you, and this fuckin loser wasted a decade of his life making some Playstation platformer in an age where you make games with the most minimal, least amount of coding.


May 14, 2022
You know what's unironically the disappointing and sad truth?
Every newbie goes into it with "Imma be an independent superstar gamedev and create the ultimate dream game, because i'm such a genius for thinking up vague would it be cool concepts", then like a year in with their absolutely amateurish coding following zero rules and methods of how to properly format, organize AND NOTE code they suddenly realize that the thing is either not starting up or they can't add features without everything breaking anymore because somewhere they REALLY fucked up the code and have zero idea how to find the issue among the spaghetti, meaning it's so bricked they'll need to either start all over again or try to get as much out of the broken mess as possible which won't be much.
So you have a forever delaying dev who stops updating altogether eventually....
Even AAA projects end up in TERRIBLE condition on release because somewhere someone fucked up the internal logic so it's shit like the open world game can't render an open world properly and YEARS of work need to be undone and rewritten and re-troubleshot which is impossible because deadlines....
Just... never have too high expectations because coding is hard, and by HARD I means it's EXTREMELY EASY to permanently brick years of work.
May 25, 2017
You know what's unironically the disappointing and sad truth?
Every newbie goes into it with "Imma be an independent superstar gamedev and create the ultimate dream game, because i'm such a genius for thinking up vague would it be cool concepts", then like a year in with their absolutely amateurish coding following zero rules and methods of how to properly format, organize AND NOTE code they suddenly realize that the thing is either not starting up or they can't add features without everything breaking anymore because somewhere they REALLY fucked up the code and have zero idea how to find the issue among the spaghetti, meaning it's so bricked they'll need to either start all over again or try to get as much out of the broken mess as possible which won't be much.
So you have a forever delaying dev who stops updating altogether eventually....
Even AAA projects end up in TERRIBLE condition on release because somewhere someone fucked up the internal logic so it's shit like the open world game can't render an open world properly and YEARS of work need to be undone and rewritten and re-troubleshot which is impossible because deadlines....
Just... never have too high expectations because coding is hard, and by HARD I means it's EXTREMELY EASY to permanently brick years of work.
And this is why the first lesson coders need to learn is how to use GitHub


New Member
Feb 24, 2024
This and another game is the reason when I see one of these solo or really small team Western Patreon h-game devs talk about either an engine change or system overhaul, I assume on the spot it is never going to see a full release.

The naivety that they need to have their first game be super perfect and have so many mechanics (usually added in as they go rather than having everything planned out) in it despite being a really small team is what tends to kill these projects (assuming they're not just grifters trying to milk Patreon money).

As for Future Fragments getting actually completed for both the game and the promised Patron content, it'll be super irrelevant by the time they actually manage to do that (if they even will).


Apr 23, 2018
Every now and then I like to check on this game out of a morbid curiosity, it's like a train wreck but they haven't gotten around to cleaning up the broken train parts so every few months I come check on the progress and one of my favorite passtimes is to go to the steam forums/reviews and see how things are going. Game is currently on version 1.0.3 with that patch having come nearly 2 months ago.


It's nice to know 4 months after release and 3 patches the "soft release" text and missing dialogue is still ingame lol. Coming soon™️


And of course you can't have a future fragments post without HW responding within 4 hours of someone asking a question, for those of you who have forgotten, there's a fun hidden game you can play with HW go to the steam forums, click on any topic, check how long it takes HW to reply. On average 4-5 hours was the longest I could find but it was not uncommon for him to reply within 30-60 minutes. You can see the same if you sort by negative reviews he responds to those pretty fast as well. Person who finds the longest response time wins a cookie.

Anyway Summer ends in about a month so I guess we'll see if 1.0.4 comes out or if he'll get sick and need to sell another organ.

This interaction amused me the most though

The problem with this approach is you need to give the player a light at the end of the tunnel to actually want to do this, in lewd games the reward is a lewd scene but here in FF you have for some reason decided to force players to save scum carefully map out every interaction in the game so they can carefully plan out the most min/max approach to gaining a particular stat just so they can talk to this single generic copy paste model NPC... only to discover your reward is more dialogue. When this game was being worked on I recommended the player should be able to see EVERY dialogue option but have ones they lack the necessary stat in be greyed out like "not enough lust" or "not enough justice" so the player KNOWS the option exists and knows that NPC has a lewd scene. Maybe they see a dialogue option they think is cool or interesting so they'll go save scum do just to see it. But there is NOTHING worse then going "oh I bet this NPC has a lewd scene if my kindness value was higher", spending half an hour/hour replaying the game and carefully grinding your kindness value only to discover the NPC doesn't even have unique dialogue for kindness because you were suppose to grind Optimism but had no way of knowing that.

"The intent is for other people/community to discover stuff and post guides" in a void I like this, but the problem is you have gotten way too far ahead of yourself you need to make an actual good game first for people to be willing to do this by releasing an incomplete game with tons of missing features, cutscenes, dialogue, and bugs you haven't just shot yourself in the foot, you've blown your damn leg off.

Also this reeks of bad 2014 design (unsurprising given when this development started) forcing players to have to look up guides and walkthroughs just so they can find the content in your game is retarded. You've given no indication that content exists and from my playthroughs of your polished trial (I played through it 3 times picking different choices each time) the only thing that changed for me was a few words or I just got a different dialogue. Considering your main #1 complaint is "this game has too much dialogue" why the fuck would anyone go through the effort just to get rewarded with more dialogue. Like the commenter said nobody has the patience to try every stat combo to see minor differences when they have no idea if the reward is even worth it the audience for this game is 18+ that's college students and working adults not the sort of people with time to throw out the window. Maybe your discord has guides but from my searches online I can't find a single guide to this game anywhere besides the single faye location guide on steam.


Maybe if you're lucky one of the 16 people still playing this game is writing guides right now and is grinding out every ounce of dialogue but I wouldn't bet on it. The steam achievement stats are even funnier because it looks like 95% of players aren't even finishing the game god forbid running it twice, those 2 achievements are pretty piss easy basic and I can't imagine people finishing The End level without getting them. I wish you included stats on which endings people pick but I'd bet you all the money in my steam wallet people only get one, then quit rendering your 20+ endings kind of pointless.

See you all in 3 months, maybe this game will be complete by its 11th birthday
Last edited:


New Member
Sep 28, 2017
keenly disappointed that they cut everything that showed a ton of promise then bloated the script just to make absolutely sure that there was no "dub" in the "con". My porn metroidvania where the gimmick is sex happens when you lose is not a game where I want someone spending three minutes telling me how consensual everything is before anything starts happening. Jesus fucking christ.

My dude I backed this game because of the mind break boss and that shit is gone.

So lame. I supported this thing for so long and it genuinely feels like the biggest letdown in ages. Learned a lesson from it at least.


New Member
Mar 23, 2024
keenly disappointed that they cut everything that showed a ton of promise then bloated the script just to make absolutely sure that there was no "dub" in the "con". My porn metroidvania where the gimmick is sex happens when you lose is not a game where I want someone spending three minutes telling me how consensual everything is before anything starts happening. Jesus fucking christ.

My dude I backed this game because of the mind break boss and that shit is gone.

So lame. I supported this thing for so long and it genuinely feels like the biggest letdown in ages. Learned a lesson from it at least.

Shit, thanks for the heads up and saving me the time (and probably money). I'm sorry you lost your investment on that, I had the same hopes for this game too when I first found it around 2017 or so. Hate it when games try to pivot away from their niche. 99% of bad design can just be killed with proper planning and the audience in mind.

What a heartbreak. One of the only "completed," seemingly quality gameplay projects, and its launch is no better than a wet fart. Definitely gonna think twice before backing anything now.
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Reactions: mr.thibbit


Aug 28, 2022
The consensual thing is Patreon policy, unfortunately. Even Japanese platforms (e.g. DLSite) is cracking down not-so-consensual content in games. As long as Visa and Mastercard are still the mainstream payment processers, the situation will only go worse.
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Active Member
Aug 22, 2021
Every now and then I like to check on this game out of a morbid curiosity, it's like a train wreck but they haven't gotten around to cleaning up the broken train parts so every few months I come check on the progress and one of my favorite passtimes is to go to the steam forums/reviews and see how things are going. Game is currently on version 1.0.3 with that patch having come nearly 2 months ago.

View attachment 3971836

It's nice to know 4 months after release and 3 patches the "soft release" text and missing dialogue is still ingame lol. Coming soon™️

View attachment 3971844

And of course you can't have a future fragments post without HW responding within 4 hours of someone asking a question, for those of you who have forgotten, there's a fun hidden game you can play with HW go to the steam forums, click on any topic, check how long it takes HW to reply. On average 4-5 hours was the longest I could find but it was not uncommon for him to reply within 30-60 minutes. You can see the same if you sort by negative reviews he responds to those pretty fast as well. Person who finds the longest response time wins a cookie.

Anyway Summer ends in about a month so I guess we'll see if 1.0.4 comes out or if he'll get sick and need to sell another organ.

This interaction amused me the most though
View attachment 3971904

The problem with this approach is you need to give the player a light at the end of the tunnel to actually want to do this, in lewd games the reward is a lewd scene but here in FF you have for some reason decided to force players to save scum carefully map out every interaction in the game so they can carefully plan out the most min/max approach to gaining a particular stat just so they can talk to this single generic copy paste model NPC... only to discover your reward is more dialogue. When this game was being worked on I recommended the player should be able to see EVERY dialogue option but have ones they lack the necessary stat in be greyed out like "not enough lust" or "not enough justice" so the player KNOWS the option exists and knows that NPC has a lewd scene. Maybe they see a dialogue option they think is cool or interesting so they'll go save scum do just to see it. But there is NOTHING worse then going "oh I bet this NPC has a lewd scene if my kindness value was higher", spending half an hour/hour replaying the game and carefully grinding your kindness value only to discover the NPC doesn't even have unique dialogue for kindness because you were suppose to grind Optimism but had no way of knowing that.

"The intent is for other people/community to discover stuff and post guides" in a void I like this, but the problem is you have gotten way too far ahead of yourself you need to make an actual good game first for people to be willing to do this by releasing an incomplete game with tons of missing features, cutscenes, dialogue, and bugs you haven't just shot yourself in the foot, you've blown your damn leg off.

Also this reeks of bad 2014 design (unsurprising given when this development started) forcing players to have to look up guides and walkthroughs just so they can find the content in your game is retarded. You've given no indication that content exists and from my playthroughs of your polished trial (I played through it 3 times picking different choices each time) the only thing that changed for me was a few words or I just got a different dialogue. Considering your main #1 complaint is "this game has too much dialogue" why the fuck would anyone go through the effort just to get rewarded with more dialogue. Like the commenter said nobody has the patience to try every stat combo to see minor differences when they have no idea if the reward is even worth it the audience for this game is 18+ that's college students and working adults not the sort of people with time to throw out the window. Maybe your discord has guides but from my searches online I can't find a single guide to this game anywhere besides the single faye location guide on steam.

View attachment 3971933

Maybe if you're lucky one of the 16 people still playing this game is writing guides right now and is grinding out every ounce of dialogue but I wouldn't bet on it. The steam achievement stats are even funnier because it looks like 95% of players aren't even finishing the game god forbid running it twice, those 2 achievements are pretty piss easy basic and I can't imagine people finishing The End level without getting them. I wish you included stats on which endings people pick but I'd bet you all the money in my steam wallet people only get one, then quit rendering your 20+ endings kind of pointless.
View attachment 3971943

See you all in 3 months, maybe this game will be complete by its 11th birthday
I personally stopped playing once I reached the fourth level and discovered half of the content was missing. I was hoping (admittedly without any real confidence) that the remainder of the game would be released in a couple months and I could finish the intended experience. Say what you will about HW's tendency to overpromise deadlines, but releasing any game without core assets and content (i.e. written dialogue or even placeholder scenes) is just stupid.
3.70 star(s) 89 Votes