I'd argue more people are annoyed about him being deceptive about the state of the game is the larger problem compared to his tendency to overpromise. Reminder for anyone who forgot that last year we were getting weekly progress reports on how many cutscenes he had left and he was finished all the cutscenes in this game nearly a full year ago (after working on making them for a full year). Yet when the game launched it was missing a solid 20-30%+ of the cutscenes now we are 6 months since release and some of those cutscenes still don't exist. I can only conclude he was lying all along about the progress of the game because the alternative makes even less sense to me.I personally stopped playing once I reached the fourth level and discovered half of the content was missing. I was hoping (admittedly without any real confidence) that the remainder of the game would be released in a couple months and I could finish the intended experience. Say what you will about HW's tendency to overpromise deadlines, but releasing any game without core assets and content (i.e. written dialogue or even placeholder scenes) is just stupid.
If he claims the cutscenes were done that means - the animations, dialogue writing, voice acting, and code to plug all of that together was complete even if we assume the code is the real problem, does it really take 6+ months to rewrite your cutscene viewing code when you've already written it once? Additionally, didn't he mention that all the stages of the game were tested? He claims he couldn't move the steam date because it was set in stone (a statement I don't believe but whatever), but he should of known well in advance before he even submitted the game that his game was broken and missing features, we know this because there are sections of the game that even still contain the "This is a trial version and will be replaced in full release".
So if he knew his game was a mess, why did he submit it in the first place? It's not like he hasn't delayed before, even the staunchest HW haters have lost track of how many delays this game has gotten. The biggest misconception that HW and his fans have about the people who dislike this game is that we dislike this game because of the delays which is simply not true at all. It's the constant lies told directly to our faces from his own mouth about the state of this game which has pissed people off and made it impossible for people to distinguish truthful things he says from outright lies.
Good on him for sticking around to fix his mess and finishing the game rather than taking the money and running I guess. But just because the bar is that low doesn't mean you should try to see how narrowly you can clear it...