Basically it's a mode where you would have to pick up, and keep one of the "negative" powerups through the end of the first level; if you do, without spoiling plot reasons, Talia gets a significant personality change that only becomes exacerbated by each subsequent level you hold that powerup in.I remember reading about it before but I've forgotten.
What is 'egomaniac mode' exactly, and how is it planned to be triggered?
This changes her personality in cutscenes, changes boss fights slightly, and changes the endings entirely.
Think of it like "genocide mode" in Undertale, basically.
Unfortunately there's reasons we can't do any of these;nice idea for new gallery but what if her clothing had durability and after some damage it disappears,how aboat lust meter when it gets full she masterbates, and can we have 1 more weapon choice (im not arguing about the combat It Is pretty wellmade) mabye a fire blaster or energy beam
- For the durability on clothing, Triangulate hand-animates everything in the game, so for him to even do one clothing variation, it would mean he'd have to redo thousands of frames of animation by hand; this is why the "nude Talia" goal is set so high as a result. (There's also all the cutscene interactions that would have to change, too.)
- For Talia having a lust meter, that would also make cutscenes need to be changed (would be odd if she was at full lust and then suddenly was perfectly coherent while talking to someone else, then went back to being lustful); it also doesn't fit her character too much to have her masturbate in the middle of her mission, as she's laser-focused on getting her mission done ASAP.
- For the weapon choices, the powerups serve that purpose; in later builds when we've got all 50 powerups in, you'll have at least 5-10 different weapon choices effectively, from a spread shot, to shots that get bigger, and so on. You've also got the 4 elemental charge shots which have very different effects, and the 4 utility abilities, too.
Not sure what you mean about putting the links back on; I haven't taken down or disabled any links, are they not working?i dont want to be annoying but can you put the links back on
some people cant afford the patreon
i live in iran /: and we have the lowest currency in whole planet and we are banned by visa .paypal and etc And supporting in patreon is impossible and very expensive 1dolor = 8toman (the real value of toman/: )