
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
First off, sorry for not replying here too often as of late; been really busy with work on all three games!

I gotta say, I haven't been this surprised playing an h game in awhile. Games where you run and shoot and jump and get hit and then there's a sex animation are a dime a dozen, and I expected something along those lines. What I didn't expect was the clever puzzles, FULL FREAKING VOICE ACTING, unf-tier animation (I spent far too long making Talia jump, shoot, run, and fall just to see her body move), and lore that's more interesting than most professionally made titles.
Really glad to see people enjoying the game this much, seriously, we'll never get tired of reviews like this that let us know we're on the right path.

(Critique is just as welcome though of course, we're not ignoring negative reviews at all!)

I hate to be an ass-kisser, but I'm particularly impressed by the writing of the data logs. "Found writing" if you could call it that (e.g. journals, audio files, security logs, etc.) are such underutilized a medium for passive storytelling, and you really took advantage of it. I seriously appreciate that. All of the characters had their own voices, it felt like. Usually, these types of audio logs are all variations of, "Something weird is going on, but I'm just a random guard/worker so what do I know," and you injected some real humanity into them. Good stuff, sir or madam.
Also glad to hear you enjoyed these; I know they're not for everyone, but I figured once people had went through the game a few times, they might enjoy reading these, and we'll eventually have a system that lets you re-read any of them you've already found, too! Getting feedback like this lets me know I've done at least somewhat well at "putting myself in a character's shoes" too, so to speak.

If you really want to have some fun with them, Talia's reactions to many of the databanks change based on what cutscenes she's seen and even who she's killed or let live; for a fairly extreme reaction to one, for instance, kill Teshy AFTER talking to him, then talk to his Jumperbot, THEN go find the databanks about him. Talia's reaction after reading it also hints at a bit of the truth behind the game's plot, too.

Databanks are also set with dates too, so if you connect some of these dates, you can start to make a bigger picture as to the climate of the culture of the game's world changing or being affected by certain things.

Another thing I liked was Talia's comedic approach to sex. I don't know if you could quite call it a kink, but I absolutely love when sex is treated as something to joke about as opposed 100% lust or 100% YAMERO! Is there any way to watch a repeat of the double milking scene? Wew that was hot. I guess I should also say that I LOVE when characters are trying to carry on normal conversations while unable to suppress their own moans.
Yeah, this is a design principle I want to hold in all of my NSFW games; make the main story of the game pretty normal, even light-hearted or silly at times, with a lot of the darker aspects underneath the surface so if people don't want to get a boner-kill they don't have to by not digging into that stuff, but the sex should never cross into being "dark" territory.

I know this disappoints some people, but it's just how I want to write it; there are a lot of games out there with brutal, extreme, violent sex, and I'd rather the sex in our games be something where everyone is enjoying it to some extent, and/or it's treated somewhat comedically, like you said.

For the double milking scene, you'll be able to re-watch any cutscene in the game that you've found once we get the cutscene viewer in, too!

My only criticism really is that some of the level design feels unnecessary. For example, in the north exit from the hub, there seems like a lot of empty space filled by platforms which don't serve much of a purpose. Powers seem pretty situational as well, and there were instances where I'd forget I even had them because I'd go long stretches without needing them.
Part of the Electric Level's design in particular has some empty space because of the gravity reversal mechanic; as best as I could, I wanted to give players movement flexibility when both right side up and upside down, and that does lead to some open spaces, yeah.

We'll likely further refine rooms before release, but that's why that level in particular does have some open spaces.

The Ice and Earth levels, meant to have a "natural" feeling, are even more expansive/open though, but that's also due to enemies having attacks that would be nearly impossible to dodge without that open space to move around in.

There's also the abilities and powerups which would be pretty hard to use in tighter spaces, too; speaking of those, we'll be redoing most of the powerups come the start of the 5th level, and the abilities like the fire dash and ice shot are somewhat situational, but without them, your opportunities would be decreased, and that's really what a lot of the design choices in this game are about; giving the player as much flexibility and freedom as possible (while still maintaining game balance) so that each player's experience through the game is different.

Most players won't even run into 70% of the cutscenes the game has on the first time through, and probably won't even try 80% of the powerups, or will rarely use their abilities, either, but that's fine and intentional; we'd rather they only use what they feel like using, rather than forcing anything on the player, and then the next time through, they might experiment more with other things as a result.

I think it might have been mentioned in this thread or maybe a Newgrounds review, but it would help to have explored sections grayed out. For instance, I didn't know I'd explored Path 6 all but for the Milk Fusion canister until I went back. In hindsight I should have looked at the signs more, but it would help to gray out completed areas i.e. when the main objective for an area is complete along with every bonus thing. Or is that too much hand-holding? That can be a thin line.
We actually have a system like this in, but it's in reverse; rooms initially are greyed out, and when you run through one, it becomes defined and lit up.

As far as the bonus things, in current builds, things like databanks and powerups are visualized on the megamap, but as there's no real way to "truly complete" a room given the variety of cutscene differences, etc. that'd be a hard thing to really setup or get functioning accurately.

Also this is just my personal preference, but I'd love more sex scenes that don't require losing. Talia definitely enjoys sex, but I don't see her seeking it out consciously (or unconsciously like Faye).
In the full game, there will definitely be more of these; we just didn't get them all in for the public build, but I would say the ratio of "do something good/neutral to see a sex scene" to "fail to see a sex scene" scenes in the final build of the game would be something like a 40/60-ish ratio if you're going by pure animations.

For me, it doesn't have to be a "oops! tricked into sex!" gag but something nicer - like Talia empathizing with some of the miserable people in this world and having a bit of fun as well.
Throughout the game, Talia's personality changes some with her experiences in each level; in the Fire Level, she's much more okay to do something like this as she knows very little about the abhorrent crimes the WORM has committed, and thus you get scenes like the Fire Level where she rides the Grunt that's near death.

In the Ice Level, she's somewhat more respecting of the pacifist Celodst, and depending on the scientific nature of thier requests, might entertain them by being up for sex if it means she gets something out of it in return.

By the time of the Electric Level though, she's pretty desensitized to their screwed up culture, and as such, doesn't really want to give anyone the time of day.

In the Earth Level, she's riding a high of having defeated the MainFrame computer, and is fairly cocky; this leads to her being much less likely to empathize with most of the people in the area, and as such, you likely won't see her giving many people the time of day there, either.

Due to events at the end of the Earth Level though, as well as the concepts behind the final level, The End, you'll actually see her being much more sympathetic than she was even in the Fire Level to being reciprocal about sex.

At least that's my take on it. After all, the Rebels are looking to upend the WORM's ban on interpersonal sexuality and its replacement with cold artificiality. What a way to subvert their narrative by having things like robots express sentimentalism and engage in very human displays of sexuality?
To be fair, the actual mission of the particular Rebel encampment that deals with this particular Facility is a mission that none of the rebels themselves know about; not even Vie knows the actual, true goal of said encampment.
The only person who did was Seeber, and the only remaining record of what he was trying to do is in the gold-marked Databanks, some of which were so damaging to WORM morale and safety that they were made practically inaccessible.

So the only way you're going to find that out would be to find those particular databanks, sometime later in the game :p

(That, and the robots do have sentimentality; just look at Teshy's bot or the Spiderbots in the level with cutscenes :p)

9/10 project you've got going and I'll definitely be supporting you on Patreon :D
Glad to hear it! Thanks again for the super positive review and critique, it means a lot to us :)

The Ice level has (imo) the best sexy content. Not that the other levels don't, but the fetishes in the Ice level make the game for me honestly. Also I hope you dont mind me for linking him a torrent to the ice demo.
We don't mind at all :) for our viewpoint on piracy, see this post;

@HentaiWriter not to be a bother, but will the next demo have voices? Talia's makes me all gooey inside and out... <3
We're going to TRY to get voices in, but for the rest of development, the only things that will get voices are things that have script which we can safely "lock down" for the final release and won't be possibly modified.

So that includes;
  • Seeber (Gold) Databanks
  • Game Over CGs
  • Boss Sequences/Animations
  • Long-form sex cutscenes (think the double fucking machine in the Electric Level)
Everything else will remain un-voiced until the game's completion, basically.

Is there a cutscene for reading all of the silver databanks in the public demo? I read all 27 of them but didn't get anything. Do they need to be done in a specific order or anything?
There's no cutscene or anything special for it in the demo, but there will be in the final game; they don't have to be done in any specific order, either :)

Just pledged my support!
Is there an ice level version after v0.16, or will the full Celodst King fight only appear in the full game?
The last Ice Level demo was v0.17a which has the full Celodst Emperor (we changed his name) fight in the demo :D
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
doing a stream of custom maps made by users! (Jason Bill, specifically)

Deleted member 528072

Actually, they do make exceptions, per the community guidelines, if;

- it's not violent
- it's part of a story/the game's goal or core focus is not on the sex or non-con
- it's dubious consent at worst (both parties say they enjoy it to some degree, no trauma or objective non-consent like mind control or drugs)
- it can be characterized as a "survivor story" (ex. the woman can fight back, has weapons, strength, etc.)

So they do allow it, just so long as you meet all those guidelines and more. It's not on the books specifically besides the survivor story thing on the community terms, but this is what we've generally pinned down given reports from others/common sense.
is there save or a guide somewhere? cuz i cant finish the demo/:


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
is there save or a guide somewhere? cuz i cant finish the demo/:
What are you having trouble not finishing? The goal is to get to the end of each of the six paths (press ESC to see what ones you've beaten) and then to beat the boss, etc.


Dec 8, 2017
I'm getting 1984 vibes with the WORM's choice of blunt and to-the-point, often reductive names. The role of gratters also reminds me of something that could have from Brave New World i.e. risque in our world but normalized to an extreme degree. Oh! And I can't wait to unravel the mystery of 3000 AD humans. "Homo Cumulata" makes it seem like humanity experienced some kind of overpopulation bottleneck. Like they were clumped up too tightly, too heavily accumulated.


Dec 2, 2017
can someone give me some tips and strategies for the fire level boss?I cant beat him.
Don't know if you read any tips from the characters but you can't kill him. If that isn't your issue (because people ask for help and they're trying to actually beat him) powering up your attack is also a good strat. Usually, power attack the columns and rapid fire the small guys.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I'm getting 1984 vibes with the WORM's choice of blunt and to-the-point, often reductive names. The role of gratters also reminds me of something that could have from Brave New World i.e. risque in our world but normalized to an extreme degree. Oh! And I can't wait to unravel the mystery of 3000 AD humans. "Homo Cumulata" makes it seem like humanity experienced some kind of overpopulation bottleneck. Like they were clumped up too tightly, too heavily accumulated.
The reason the WORM gives everything pretty blunt/reductive names is uh, honestly, laziness. They don't really need to come up with creative names because in all honestly, who are they trying to look good for? They rule everything so they pretty much can just name things off the top of their head and yeah, haha.

You're definitely right on the gratters though, it's almost like how vibrators were back in the late 1800's and early 1900's, where they were literally viewed as a treatment for "hysteria", with even doctors outright using the vibrators on women as a "medical treatment"; that said, the WORM know full well it's for sexual use, but the same cultural stuff is there, yeah. if you're interested :p

Also just as one more clarification, it's "homo cumulatus", not "cumulata", which stands for "augmented" (the definition I'm going for it, at least). It's also got another definition which fits great too as a pun/joke, but most people won't get that one until they've beaten the game :p

Really means a lot though that people are getting into the plot like this!

can someone give me some tips and strategies for the fire level boss?I cant beat him.
You don't need to kill him; in fact, you can't, you just need to escape him. Make sure to use charge shots to do the most damage to barriers, you can launch off a charge shot the split second you see the charge animation form whatsoever. We're going to redo this boss though for the final game, for sure.


Mar 7, 2018
Don't know if you read any tips from the characters but you can't kill him. If that isn't your issue (because people ask for help and they're trying to actually beat him) powering up your attack is also a good strat. Usually, power attack the columns and rapid fire the small guys.
You don't need to kill him; in fact, you can't, you just need to escape him. Make sure to use charge shots to do the most damage to barriers, you can launch off a charge shot the split second you see the charge animation form whatsoever. We're going to redo this boss though for the final game, for sure.
Thanks for the help and sorry for my bad explaining.
I know I can't kill him but some of barriers are too ressilience (some need 2 or 3 fully charged shots to destroy).
so I guess I'll wait for the full version to beat this level, its just hard for me to beat that section.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
The first time I played the fire-level it was unbeatable.

The charge-shot just too way too long to charge. After discussing with the devs for a while, it turned out that my game was playing at about 0.70% speed. I'd just assumed that charging your shot was intended to be slow and annoying in exchange for being able to shoot through enemies, and that jumping felt floaty by nature.
Turns out that something about my set-up meant the game was suffering massive slowdown.
The Newground version is even worse, to the point of being totally unplayable.

Slowdown in the newer version is mostly mitigated by changing the lighting settings and turning off one of the more obnoxious filters.

But yeah, fireboss, chargeshots were apparently intended to take half a second to charge. Mine took about two and a half, which made it totally impossible to break the barriers down before the little slimes start stunlocking you.
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May 10, 2018
Here's a big hint. You can find it on the first page. And updates are usually (kinda) within the first week of a new month I believe.
yeah i know but i meant for this page and when i go on his patreon even the public demos are supporter only


Dec 2, 2017
Also @HentaiWriter, will there be a zoom button? I don't recall one in the Electric demo but man oh man do I want 'close ups'.

yeah i know but i meant for this page and when i go on his patreon even the public demos are supporter only
I believe he won't actively update (correct me if I'm wrong) it with the newer updates but doesn't care if it is posted here. And on Patreon that has to do with Patreon itself. They had a big reform not long ago requiring any and all 18+ content locked behind a paywall (not public.) So a dollar is all you need, or ask around here.
3.80 star(s) 83 Votes