Ah, there's a lot of stuff to reply to!
Thanks for the help and sorry for my bad explaining.
I know I can't kill him but some of barriers are too ressilience (some need 2 or 3 fully charged shots to destroy).
so I guess I'll wait for the full version to beat this level, its just hard for me to beat that section.
We're actually going to scrap that fight entirely for the full version; the boss will stay the same, but the mechanics, arena, etc. will be completely different
The first time I played the fire-level it was unbeatable.
The charge-shot just too way too long to charge. After discussing with the devs for a while, it turned out that my game was playing at about 0.70% speed. Slowdown in the newer version is mostly mitigated by changing the lighting settings and turning off one of the more obnoxious filters.
This could also be the case; the old Fire Level demo on most places is very unoptimized, and the standalone version even moreso. Additionally, in the latest version of the game (v0.27F onwards), the game will automatically adjust the lighting settings and graphics settings based on if your computer is struggling.
yeah i know but i meant for this page and when i go on his patreon even the public demos are supporter only
As Magic Slay said;
@HentaiWriter, will there be a zoom button? I don't recall one in the Electric demo but man oh man do I want 'close ups'.
I believe he won't actively update (correct me if I'm wrong) it with the newer updates but doesn't care if it is posted here. And on Patreon that has to do with Patreon itself. They had a big reform not long ago requiring any and all 18+ content locked behind a paywall (not public.) So a dollar is all you need, or ask around here.
v0.27F is going to remain the most polished, content-dense version of the game until the game's release, at which point we'll post another public, super polished demo of the Fire Level which will effectively be the full first level of the game.
Additionally, yeah, you're right about the 18+ content being locked behind a paywall. That said, something did just change in that recently, so I'll likely be able to link the public demo on the front page of my Patreon campaign, but not any of the backer demos.
The reason for that is my own choice, though; I don't mind if people post the backer demos places per my stance on piracy (which I linked back to a few posts ago), but I'd not want it representing the front page of my Patreon campaign lest people think that the quality of the latest Patreon demos is representative of the full game (which it isn't, because none of them will get the polish v0.27F had, so we can continue on with development as fast as possible and then polish all the levels in one fell swoop instead of burning tons of time doing it along the way).
And yeah, we'll definitely have zoom in the final game
(For one more clarification, demos are at the $5 level, btw! If you pledge to any of the tiers with optional rewards though like the audio pack/soundtrack, editor, character in game/background, you'll keep those rewards with all updates to them indefinitely even if you never pledge again; the exception to this is the activity feed at $1 and the demos at $5 which you'd need to stay pledged to access, but pledging once to either of THOSE tiers gets you access to almost all previous demos (besides the fire level, which was on the old engine so we don't have it up))
What do some of the major choices in the game involve?
Too many to count, really; the demo alone has over 150+ variables to cutscenes and databank reactions that you could trigger, and the full game will have far, far more. Almost every cutscene has a choice to make during it, if not multiple ones, and almost every cutscene affects/changes future cutscenes, as well as databank reactions (and some databanks, if read, will change cutscenes too).
Killing some enemies affects cutscenes/databanks too, as does letting them live.
The final game will have multiple "values" (honesty, hatred, curiosity, sexuality, etc.) that will also affect cutscenes and events and many of the actions you take in and out of cutscenes will alter those values, which will lead to one of 40+ endings at the end of the game, along with secret endings you can find independent of the system too.
Here is some custom maps made by fans they dropped on their patron. So enjoy them if you already did everything else and want to play some more, to play them use the custom map option on the menu.
Which version do you need? 27 or 32? Or does it work with both? I don't know how the editor works for this game.
Yeah, you need v0.32, and all versions from here on out will work with custom maps too. Hopefully more people will submit custom maps; we've sent the editor out to over 130 people at this point who've pledged to it over the past years, so now that it's really achieved a high level of functionality, I'm looking forward to more custom maps!
Jason Bill's maps are pretty fun too, and get to explore what you can really do with the game's functionalities and features if you don't have to worry about gameplay balance or difficulty (or plot-breaking stuff

), they're really fun, but I would highly suggest you play the core v0.27F demo first to familiarize yourself with mechanics; his maps are effectively "hard mode".
I don't mind people linking pirated versions of the game here as I noted up above, but I did re-edit the OP (thanks to
@Oiz btw) so that there's a set of links for both v0.32 and v0.27F, and this is because, as it notes, v0.27F has much, much, much more content (3-10 hours worth depending on how you play it) than v0.32 which effectively has about 10-15 minutes of content.
The reason a newer version has so much less content than the older version (and less polish too) is explained in the OP, so check it out if you're curious. The tl;dr is that we're doing this standalone level method to make the game get done faster, instead of polishing everything and updating everything along the way as we make changes.
Imagine it like if you were writing a book and every time you added a new page, you had to go back and proofread the entire book again, instead of just adding pages in standalone and then putting them all in the book and giving it a good once-over at that point, which only takes one go-through instead of the hundreds or thousands it would have taken the other way.
So if anyone is going to update the OP in the future with new versions, I would ask that you update the v0.32 links and leave the v0.27F stuff untouched.