
New Member
Apr 30, 2017
What do you mean by leftmost bottom room? The only thing I found there was a save pad, no buttons.

How does one even damage him?
For the secret scene, take the leftmost bottom access in the first room. There should be a few buttons hanging from the walls and ceiling that you can shoot in a particular order to access a secret room.

To damage the boss, use charged attacks (hold X, wait for full charge and release). The boss' aura tells you which power you must have selected (ice, fire or electric) to damage him. To make the fight easier, consider taking the power ups which reduce the melee and "run into" damage you receive, and also take the one which reduces the charged attack loading time.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017

Posting this again for all having trouble with the boss :D

Couldnt play for more than 15m :/ found the game really boring and the tutorial annoying and specially the gravity thing
You can skip the tutorial; additionally, this is a game meant to actually be a full fledged game, so porn isn't the core focus. It's not for everyone of course, which is fine.

That said, we do agree that opening tutorial sucks, which is why it's only for that demo and won't be in the full game.

The full game will teach through showing, not telling, for the game mechanics.

Additionally, cutscenes don't auto-happen in the current build, you trigger them by pressing Up on NPCs now, so if you want just pure action you can do that too.


Dec 6, 2017
Anyone else thinks that this boss fight is ridiculously bad? Nonstop threats to your defense and charged attacks that can be interrupted as your only avenue of offense don't go well together. The big array of possible attacks you must try to avoid and the randomness of the element "shield" color switching is also maddening and all to get to a second phase that instantly kills you with one mistake forcing you to go back to the start of it all? This isn't really fun to master, it's more of a pain to try and endure.
They probably sound like harsh words but obstacles in games should be made so that you can get better and better the more you face them, unreliable patterns make the boss attempt repetition punishing and frustrating.
This comment will probably elicit a wave of "git gud" replies but i felt that i had to express my experience with this particular fight.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Anyone else thinks that this boss fight is ridiculously bad? Nonstop threats to your defense and charged attacks that can be interrupted as your only avenue of offense don't go well together. The big array of possible attacks you must try to avoid and the randomness of the element "shield" color switching is also maddening and all to get to a second phase that instantly kills you with one mistake forcing you to go back to the start of it all? This isn't really fun to master, it's more of a pain to try and endure.
They probably sound like harsh words but obstacles in games should be made so that you can get better and better the more you face them, unreliable patterns make the boss attempt repetition punishing and frustrating.
This comment will probably elicit a wave of "git gud" replies but i felt that i had to express my experience with this particular fight.
The video in the post above yours should provide a lot of tips on how to deal with the boss :)

However, this version of the boss fight is skewed as the current powerups in the game aren't that great, and we'll eventually be revamping all of them to have a lot more versatility and utility game-wide.

Using powerups in this game is key to being able to deal with different situations; going in without powerups is basically playing the game on super hard mode.

Remember too you can use the Fire Dash to make yourself temporarily invincible, and that there is no timer on the boss, so you can take your time dodging and attack when you get the chance.

Charge shots also have no "rooting" phase if you fire them off mid air.

In general, what seems like "random patterns" actually does have patterns you can exploit and bait out, per the video above this post.


That all said, this is the final boss for the game, and as you have infinite lives, we wanted to make something that's a challenge; powerups will already mitigate the difficulty quite a bit on this guy, so we likely won't make him any easier.

We will however be making the pillars section a bit easier in Easy Mode, and we'll likely change the pillar warning animation to something else to make it more clear when one is about to go off as people have mentioned issues with that too.

But yeah, we do feel that in a regular, safe for work game, this boss wouldn't be that big of an issue for most people, which is why we made it this challenging; we're aiming to make a full quality game first, porn game second, with the player needing to learn strategies and powerup loadouts etc. to beat enemies and areas like any other normal game.

Things will probably be less abrupt in difficulty too in the full game, where you'll have played for about 6-10 hours prior to this boss learning Talia's movements, abilities, what all your powerups can do, getting skilled with faster reaction times, etc. so that when you fight WREN you're equipped to do so with experience.

(The powerups really will help a lot once they're in, though. That video in the post before this one should help too, hopefully!)

Fake Count

Jun 4, 2017
What's supposed to be in the center south most room that has things in the background? Is there any way to currently interact with that room?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
What's supposed to be in the center south most room that has things in the background? Is there any way to currently interact with that room?
Can you press F12 to take a screenshot of it?
I'm assuming you mean the WIP word I wrote out with tiles but wanted to make sure.

If that's the room, then yeah, that's just there to say that room is entirely WIP and won't be like that in the final game.


Feb 5, 2018
So before I give this a try, I have to ask: is this one of those games where the H scenes only come from losing or getting caught or whatever? I love platformers but every H game platformer I seem to find, especially with female protagonists, only gives you the scenes for losing and I just reaaaaaaaally dislike that style.

I tried to find this info by reading some of the thread, but couldn't. 75 pages is a bit daunting, so apologies if this was already answered.
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Fake Count

Jun 4, 2017
Okay, thanks HentaiWriter. That was the room.

With the boss, I think making the floor warnings much more obvious would be very helpful. If you want to still make it look chaotic, add some background sparks and lightning or something. 100% of my deaths to the boss so far have been in that part of the fight.

I do think getting some sort of feedback when you deplete a health bar of the boss would be nice. Like, the boss staggers and a blue shield breaking effect goes off in the background when he runs out of ice health. Red shield for fire and yellow for lightning as well.

Is there an up to date link to spreadsheet with the powerups? Don't really want to dig through my history to try and get it.


Dec 27, 2016
But yeah, we do feel that in a regular, safe for work game, this boss wouldn't be that big of an issue for most people, which is why we made it this challenging; we're aiming to make a full quality game first, porn game second, with the player needing to learn strategies and powerup loadouts etc. to beat enemies and areas like any other normal game.
Even for a normal platforming game, the second phase's margin of error is incredibly tiny. With so many flashing things on the screen at the same time, most players aren't going to be able to adequately analyze and make decisions in the time that they need to. It honestly feels like a game of luck where you're praying that you don't get trapped in an impossible situation before you burn down his health bar.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
Okay, thanks HentaiWriter. That was the room.

With the boss, I think making the floor warnings much more obvious would be very helpful. If you want to still make it look chaotic, add some background sparks and lightning or something. 100% of my deaths to the boss so far have been in that part of the fight.
We're likely more bordering on just changing the colors of the pillar warmup to make it more obvious, etc. as we don't want to overload players visually anymore than they likely already are.

I do think getting some sort of feedback when you deplete a health bar of the boss would be nice. Like, the boss staggers and a blue shield breaking effect goes off in the background when he runs out of ice health. Red shield for fire and yellow for lightning as well.
If you notice when you do break one of his shields, there is an effect with the shield "zapping" out of existence with a sound effect too; however, in the full game, the boss will have a lifebar at the bottom of the screen that's fairly large and hard to miss, so that'll probably be a lot more deliberate/down that line of stuff.

Is there an up to date link to spreadsheet with the powerups? Don't really want to dig through my history to try and get it.
There's unfortunately not as the new powerups we haven't designed yet; we wanted to get the base assets done for this guy and the True Final Boss before we added them in, as we didn't want to sign off on their quality/working well without having all scenarios available to test them in first, etc.

Even for a normal platforming game, the second phase's margin of error is incredibly tiny. With so many flashing things on the screen at the same time, most players aren't going to be able to adequately analyze and make decisions in the time that they need to. It honestly feels like a game of luck where you're praying that you don't get trapped in an impossible situation before you burn down his health bar.
About the impossible situation, there shouldn't be any scenarios where the pillars actually trap you (ex. they make an impossible scenario), as we put timed breaks in between each of them and prevented patterns of trapping you; you can also use the Fire Dash to get out of the area fast, and jump over WREN too to go to the other side (and a lot of other tips in that video I posted on the last page).

This isn't the final version of the boss, though; we still have a lot of visual effects game-wide, the big lifebar, the realm shift effect we have planned for when he screams which should make noticing things possibly a lot easier visually, etc.

So before I give this a try, I have to ask: is this one of those games where the H scenes only come from losing or getting caught or whatever? I love platformers but every H game platformer I seem to find, especially with female protagonists, only gives you the scenes for losing and I just reaaaaaaaally dislike that style.

I tried to find this info by reading some of the thread, but couldn't. 75 pages is a bit daunting, so apologies if this was already answered.
Completely understandable you wouldn't want to wade through all this :)

As far as your question, it is and it isn't;
  • If you get damaged too heavily by enemies, you'll be stunned, and then you're able to break out of the animation or watch it to take a bit of damage. (Later iterations of the game will have an "arousal system" where you'll be able to watch the animation indefinitely, with no damage to your character, instead getting an "arousal tick" which is for a completely new alteration to gameplay.)
  • However, you ALSO get sex scenes for simply playing through the game, which are what we call "neutral" scenes, as you get them without winning or losing, they're just part of the environment and there to be seen/interact with/make choices on like everything else in the game.
  • Finally, there are numerous scenes that you ONLY get by winning/doing good, like the Vie x WREN scene in this most recent demo, or the Talia and Faye sex machine scene in the v0.27F demo where you have to free Faye to see it and the Talia stuck-in-wall scene that you get when finding one of the Fragments, and so on.
Generally, the ratio across the game is something like 40/30/30, in terms of loss scenes/neutral scenes/win scenes, but generally the neutral and win scenes are more elaborate/longer scenes.

Additionally, all scenes for a given level will be unlocked by doing the easiest 5 Achievements per level (out of 20 total achievements per level), and none of the achievements are grindy or "collect 500 things" quests anything like that, they're mostly all exploration based or skill based.

So you can never lose to an enemy and still get access to all the sex scenes for that level in the Gallery just by playing decently.


You can see an example of the achievements for the first level up above; the 5 easiest ones per level are generally meant to help introduce you to new game mechanics as sort of a reward for confirming you know how to navigate the level. These do get harder over each level, of course.
Jun 28, 2017
I suggest using the blender, rugby helmet and the koto as powerups. For the pillar phase, always try to get on the ones the just recently moved.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2017
Nice job, and nice advice too! :D
Glad to see the game still being worked on, this is by far my all time favorite platforming game. I'm really looking forward to the finished game because I think I keep missing some of these demos. Going to play 0.44 now.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2017
I think with all the demos I have seen that this is one of the largest hentai platformers to ever be made, it's not just recycled enemies on every level because they took the time to create all new enemies and animations for every single level. We wont know exactly how large the game is until all of the levels are pulled into one release though.


Oct 9, 2017
I think with all the demos I have seen that this is one of the largest hentai platformers to ever be made, it's not just recycled enemies on every level because they took the time to create all new enemies and animations for every single level. We wont know exactly how large the game is until all of the levels are pulled into one release though.
I guess but after what 3 years in development I guess I kind of expected more than cookie cutter platforming and six enemies a level/world.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2017
I guess but after what 3 years in development I guess I kind of expected more than cookie cutter platforming and six enemies a level/world.
I understand that, I kind of expected it though since these are very high resolution models and the maps are large enough that I have never finished a level, I get lost every single time.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I guess but after what 3 years in development I guess I kind of expected more than cookie cutter platforming and six enemies a level/world.
I dunno man, how many 2D platformer games can you say that have different mechanics per level to the degree we've done it like transformable terrain in real time, reversible gravity with real physics, time-stop puzzles, laser reflection puzzles, day/night cycles that change the whole level's mechanics, portals between different versions of maps instantly, and bosses that aren't the same 2 or 3 loops over and over? :p

I'm not saying games don't do those things, we're definitely not the first game to do any of these, but I would say "cookie cutter" would describe a game that just straightforward does nothing with its mechanics at all, let alone all the story-based stuff I'm writing about down below.

We're getting all of the base assets done first, then we're sweeping back and adding in all the content once everything's been finalized.

Doing this allows us to prevent having to rework or re-record voice lines or anything else like that that would delay us significantly.

So a lot of the stuff that we've got planned for the game simply isn't in yet in a tangible form, but it is there in the back-end.

Like for example, the collections menu we just put in this build; every enemy in the game is getting their own entry, as is every object, place, thing, character, all that update in real time based on what you do during the game, your choices, all of that stuff. We've had that planned for a while, but setting up the backend to update everything in real time, track things based on flags for this specific feature, and going over the lore/continuity all takes time, so the code for it had been getting put in over the last few months but just without any tangible way to interact with it until now.


As far as choices too, with the "values system" in now, every choice you make alters one of seven values up or down, all of which affect practically every cutscene/databank in the game, and all of those choices are cyclic/affect other things as well, creating a gigantic tree/web of choices. Anyone you kill or don't kill also affects future events.

I honestly would say with a straight face that when it's done, Future Fragments will have more choices and things affected by choices than Detroit: Become Human did, and it definitely has more endings (over 40), as those values all calculate into the ending, as well as how much you did/didn't have sex, and a host of other choices.

Given that the full game is going to have over 150 cutscenes and 150 databanks, all of which interact with one another (and this stuff isn't modular, it's hand-done, just like the art which is all hand-animated, no tweening, no using 3D models then putting a pixel filter on them like Dead Cells etc.), we really want to make the player's experiences differ per each playthrough.

Add onto that over 20+ hours of voicework by professionals, 50 powerups, and a built-in, for free level/cutscene editor and creator you can use to pass around maps online to others, and I'd say we're definitely doing some special stuff that you don't see every day :p


You can see an example of just only a part of the changes available in one level (the Electric Level, v0.27F at ) regarding how what you do matters in this document; check both tabs at the bottom, too.

For the full game, these choices will be game-spanning, so something you do in the Fire Level can affect your cutscenes and events in The End, for instance.


(As a last note too, financially, a lot of people don't know how much it costs to make a game like this; Skullgirls, for instance, has far less art/audio total content and far, far less story demands than what we're doing with this and it cost millions upon millions of dollars, something we haven't even gotten close to yet. Voicework, music, sound effects, and then doing everything else with just a 3 person team is pretty financially harsh. We're still living paycheck to paycheck as it were off the Patreon; I have no money in my savings because of the aforementioned costs. Not saying Skullgirls is less QUALITY btw, I'm talking purely in density of said content.)


That said, we definitely have a ways to go and flaws we need to improve on, don't get me wrong, and it's also very understandable that this stuff can come off as not having much content due to being not in the game yet, but it is coming for the final game and all this time has been spent getting all the raw art/audio/programming assets done so when we sweep back over, it's in one clean sweep instead of repeated rebuilds of everything to get everything working.

Ideally, the final game will be as big of a jump in quality from the Electric Level demo as the Electric Level demo was from the Fire Level demo.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
i thought most people play for the porn and not puzzles.. but hey i'm not the game designer.
You'd be surprised; porn is what initially hooks people in, yeah, but what gets them to stay is the gameplay/story/art/audio.

We've got a Discord with over 3,000 people in it, and honestly, 90% of the time the discussion is people talking about the plot of the game or showing off gameplay challenges they achieved (like beating the boss without being damaged), very rarely does the discussion on the Discord turn to porn comparatively.

Same goes for other forums the game is discussed on; even this thread has a lot of people discussing gameplay or plot or other aspects that aren't directly about the porn.


In the East, a lot of porn games are there for the porn, yeah, but people also love the characters and plots and gameplay for those games. We'd like to follow in their footsteps with having people enjoy the game as a full fledged game, not just something to fap to and forget.


Additionally, about 30 or so years ago, violence in video games was a hot button topic that was used to hook people into video games, but was often used in very blunt, excessive ways, where 80% of the game would just be gore and 20% would be actual gameplay and content outside of that.

Over time though, people started using violence in video games in ways that made the game's story or gameplay or some other factor more interesting, instead of wielding it with a big blunt stick, they chose to use it with smarter implementation and to not make the violence the core factor of the game, but just "a" factor, one piece of the big puzzle that made up the game as a whole.


That's where we feel adult games are headed too; in the coming years, you'll likely see more and more games where the sex is a significant aspect of the game, but not the aspect that the entire game revolves around while ignoring gameplay, audio, art, story, and so on.

(We're not kidding about the significant part either, we're at around 160 different sex animation loops in the game so far, with no palette or model swaps or anything like that, should top out at around 210 or so for the full game)

We'd aiming to make games like that though, for Future Fragments to be something that people may pick up for the porn, but continue playing for all its other aspects (as well as the porn, still). There's a lot of other games going this way too, like Crisis Point: Extinction, for example.

Don't get me wrong though; we definitely can and are improving on the game before May 2020 (our release date), and we'll definitely learn from our experiences on FF and use those to try and make better games than FF with the subsequent games we make, too.
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Deleted member 292805

Theyre actually MAKING A REAL GAME.
not somew shitty fap and bop craptastical platformer for you to jerkoff for 5 minutes and be done. they're making an honest to goodness actul GAME. and that shit should be applauded. games cost way more than you think to make, dude. 11k a month is shit.

think about it this way,m if they only have 5 people on their team, and you split it 5 ways - thats roughly 2k a month per person.
that doesnt even pay the bill, nevermind put food on your table, and also develop a game.
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