I'll run the other stuff by the programmer, but to be clear, the game never natively ran in Flash Every version of it's always been our own engine for the most part, besides the Newgrounds v0.27F, which was HTML5, but we had to convert it from the existing engine into that.(I'm talking about v0.45a. v0.27F still runs fine for me, and I'm unclear as to whether or not I should bother checking v0.27P from the other sites it's hosted on since I have no idea what was changed beyond making it higher quality and not reliant on Flash.)
V0.27P has a fairly high number of changes from the Newgrounds port though;
- Almost no loading times between rooms
- Dynamic music that works much better
- Better sound effects quality
- Custom font (easier to read text)
- Lighting engine that works a lot better
- Collections Menu added with lots of lore entries / re-readable Databanks
- Small improvements for controls & general engine stuff
- Zoom available for sex scenes (press Up)
- After most choices & some actions, "personality value" changes will pop up; these affect endings & other cutscenes in the full game.
- Talia no longer reacts to Databanks, both because we felt it was hand-holding the player through the plot (in a bad way) & her fixed responses could go against the player's "Values" choices
- Some maps have altered layouts
- Almost every "automatic" cutscene can now be initiated by the player themselves instead
- Damage numbers & health bars appear on enemies