
Aug 16, 2024

So far as we know, sex scenes with Ruby don't serve a mechanical purpose. Meredith's are for acquisition, Julia's are for love/attraction + influence training. Ruby just wants to reconnect with her old boyfriend lol.

I do agree with what you said about some of the transitions during her scene being odd/jarring, but I don't (and didn't) see the need to have a counter of any sort. They're fucking just to fuck.
I explained it a bit better in my edit.

That whole little minigame, managing that "scoreboard" was a big part of the fun for me when it came to the sex scenes with the girls. What's the point in choosing when or when not to use your influence when you can't see that scoreboard?

Also, they weren't just fucking to fuck, they were pushing his limits. You couldn't see the limits though because after Julia, the scoreboard just disappeared and that whole idea became irrelevant.
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Mar 9, 2024
I explained it a bit better in my edit.

That whole little minigame, managing that "scoreboard" was a big part of the fun for me when it came to the sex scenes with the girls. What's the point in choosing when or when not to use your influence when you can't see that scoreboard?
I totally get that -- I love the mini-game aspect as well. They're what make the Meredith scenes so good.

But again, with Meredith and Julia, there's an underlying *purpose* to them (acquisition/training). Ruby serves no such purpose, so it made sense to me to not have one. Just my $0.02, but I get where you're coming from.


Aug 16, 2024
I totally get that -- I love the mini-game aspect as well. They're what make the Meredith scenes so good.

But again, with Meredith and Julia, there's an underlying *purpose* to them (acquisition/training). Ruby serves no such purpose, so it made sense to me to not have one. Just my $0.02, but I get where you're coming from.
Judy was training as well, she took over because Julia couldn't continue.


Mar 9, 2024
Judy was training as well, she took over because Julia couldn't continue.
Nah, that was just a cover. MC even says to Ruby "did she just fake exhaustion so that we could be together?" after Julia left.

And yes, Ruby says Julia told her to push his limits, but I read that more as Julia looking to leverage the situation into something useful as opposed to it being the actual purpose. Julia's helping Ruby make their reunion happen, but she's still jealous.


Apr 9, 2022
I feel like I still don't really know Julia or Ruby or Maxine for that matter. Meridith is easy. What was Maxine doing when she was making her choices? Was she inert? Brie is a good addition in that it may bring some stability. I still feel like Julia is playing it safe and it's driving me bananas that I don't really trust her and that I'm sleeping with her. This was a quality update that's given me a lot to think about.


Nov 20, 2022
ive backread some of the comments hete and bruh i think y'all are overthinking thoughts bout the avn

first of good sh*t dev as always

models are nice as well as some lines(cheesy yeah sometimes corny but who am i to judge yeah?)

some of the "chatters" of tis avn complains bout the writing of the avn

bruh do y'all know how hard to write even a good poem?

i know i cant since grade school

dev cant cater all of y'all complains bout that since WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT OPINIONS AND TASTES IN CERTAIN THINGS

ive played a lot of interesting avns that has a potential to have a good finish to the plot but unfortunately dev got bummed out and one of the reasons of that is some mofos havent like the avn cuz tags,a certain scene etc. that we all know is just burning the dev and his/her team

"oh i dont like this cuz MC is too assholery"

"ohh why is she actin like that? she is so bitchy"

bruh as ive said before WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT

maybe some like the banters between the LI and the MC or maybe there's a reason why she's a bitch

chill bruh let the dev cook afterall we are still at the beginning of the story sheesh

are yah that entitled cuz you played the avn or cuz you just paid 10$ tier?

all in all we can voice all the opinions bout something we dont like yes but do it in a more gentler manner and not some brutish caveman way cuz comments like that makes some of the avns that worthwhile playing disappear and when that happens,some of the genuine players who like that work gets dissappointed cuz dev got burned out cuz of the hurtful comment y'all are doin

or if you really dont like the avn,DO IT YOURSELF

see if there's only nice comments bout hardwork you doin
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Apr 5, 2019
Yeah that much is clear but why should the MC care about her at this point? Better yet, why should the player care for her at this point? Because up until now we had a scene at her place in the last update where all this was explained and that was it. That is supposed to justify picking her over Julia who we've been building a relationship with this whole time? The same Julia that has all this mystery surrounding her and their past?
Red doesn't care for Ruby, well not in a love type way. It's all but said Red will fuck anything with tits, just because he can, but he likes married women.
He views it as training, nothing more at this point, except with Julia (I think there's a bit more going on there).

He knew he would be meeting an angel.

Julia or Ruby's training is all about him using his powers to get stronger. To be able to resist being attacked by bad people.
Why does Julia have them and not Ruby? Well, I don't know, only the Dev would. If you want my opinion on it then there is something more going on between Julia and Red and that is the reason for her stat points.
I am sure there is more to these three than we know right now.

It was said multiple times his mother was coming and in his state it would be a bad thing to run into her. I think it was even mentioned she was looking for him.

As far as skills, they're not needed any more, Meredith is pretty much broken at this point Maybe in part 2 there will be a skills screen before everything kicks off, but I really don't see the point. Why would Red expend his energy to do that when it's pretty much a done thing.

As far as the rest of what you said, I think you need to go back and slowly read the story, everything is explained. I can't explain everything to you, I'm not the Dev, these are my thoughts/opinions I got when I read the VN.

I could be 100% wrong or I could be 100% right or somewhere in between. But for now this is what I see and how I feel about things. You bring up somethings that shouldn't even matter, like Meredith and skills, by this point in the story she should be pretty much broken, so no matter what you put into skills should make no difference. The whole Brie thing, I do believe Julia told him he would be meeting a special angel that has requested to see him. At some point I also think she mentioned her name before they left, if not then it's an error on the Dev's part.

Not everything is black and white, sometimes you have to take a leap and just come to your own conclusions in a story. It's up to you to like or dislike something or to connect things in your own way.
I can talk facts from the story, but some of the story is very shadowed right now and we don't know about it right now, so we make up our own minds how to see the events.
It's one of the downfalls with VNs, they're released in chapters or acts, it's not like you can read the whole thing from front to back right away so everything makes sense. This is why some people wait for the completed tag, others just go with the flow knowing not everything will make sense.

So, I once again say, this is my own thoughts/opinions based on the events in the story.

I really do think you should read it slowly again because some of the stuff you talk about is explained. That choice, of course, is for you to make.



Apr 5, 2019
I feel like I still don't really know Julia or Ruby or Maxine for that matter. Meridith is easy. What was Maxine doing when she was making her choices? Was she inert? Brie is a good addition in that it may bring some stability. I still feel like Julia is playing it safe and it's driving me bananas that I don't really trust her and that I'm sleeping with her. This was a quality update that's given me a lot to think about.
Julia is a mystery, there's a lot more going on with her than we know. We know she wants to be close to the MC and help him, but that is pretty much it. To me she is clearly in love with the MC, but her motives are uncertain.
Ruby, well, we really don't even know what she's there for really, so again another mystery. I think she has a thing for the MC, but not much has been revealed.
Maxine, well I like to think she has been tying up her loose ends with her marriage and her business. Then preparing to stay with the MC once that is all done. She can not be there for the shoots, only that one time, so she's been clearing up her end of things. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of her in the future.
Max and Mere, will become power houses, his father told him as his power grows so does his followers. So I expect them to gain abilities and such in the future.


Aug 16, 2024
Nah, that was just a cover. MC even says to Ruby "did she just fake exhaustion so that we could be together?" after Julia left.
Yeah you're right, I still found Ruby's scene half as interesting as it could have been with the minigame in place. None of the choices I made felt like they mattered but we don't know because we've never seen how many love points we have with her, if any. That just took all the value out of the scene for me at least, especially the way it ended, seemed incomplete and rushed. Edit: But! I just remembered when Ruby came back, she said something to Julia like "you don't want him to see you like this" so she must have been weak after all. That's what I mean, everything is confusing and full of holes. This update needed another month or two in the oven, people need to stop rushing the guy.

As far as skills, they're not needed any more
If that's the case then that's just really bad game design, a lot of people enjoyed that "minigame". Why implement all that just for Meredith and then just drop it? Sounds like you're trying to make excuses for the dev but that isn't helping the game. Edit: If this is really as you say, this game loses half its appeal for me. Not to mention there's no way you could buy some of the higher level skills that early, so it was not intended to be dropped because "it was no longer needed". He probably just didn't have the time to flesh all that out because people keep pressuring him to release updates.

or if you really dont like the avn,DO IT YOURSELF
Chill, no need to go full blown fanboy. Negative criticism helps the game improve. If we didn't like it we wouldn't waste time talking about it.
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Mar 9, 2024
I don't think the minigame aspect is gone forever ... I expect it'll be back for the end of Meredith's progression and, presumably, for additional targets as the story progresses. It just wasn't needed for this particular update.

Alex Lem

May 7, 2017
Many people assume that Meredith has two paths, love and corruption, buuut is it true? What if what we think of as "love path" is actually just a lack of corruption points? Cause so far, in certain moments it seems as if we just don't have enough points, and these moments seem incomplete, or we just make the wrong choice, and she should have those corruption points, but also Meredith in what what we think as "corruption path" becomes more obsessed, and the word "broken" was used, but at the same time she is also definitely in love with MC and this is not just lust, so maybe there is only one path? I have two saves, and we will find out the answer in the next update, but I think there is only one path, and we really need those corruption points, for every girl who is not a demon, and maybe it was the same with Max, but it was all behind the scenes, and Max as we saw her in the beginning was already 100% all in, and the other girls are a completely different case


Aug 16, 2024
I don't think the minigame aspect is gone forever ... I expect it'll be back for the end of Meredith's progression and, presumably, for additional targets as the story progresses. It just wasn't needed for this particular update.
Or the last update apparently. If I recall correctly, we haven't updated our skills since the update before last. I think we've only had like 2 chances to do it so far, during the whole game.


Mar 9, 2024
Or the last update apparently. If I recall correctly, we haven't updated our skills since the update before last. I think we've only had like 2 chances to do it so far, during the whole game.
Three I believe ... each time precedes one of Meredith's "shoot" scenes.

1. After the first shoot day one, Julia starts your training and gives you the intro to demonic powers while Meredith is sleeping. You lock in upgrades ahead of the evening shoot.

2. Following the day one evening shoot, you drop off Meredith at home then go with Julia for more training. Here you get bonus demon energy points for Julia's orgasm(s), but after you wake up from your nap, you lock in upgrades before rescuing Meredith in the alley and spending the night at her apartment.

3. After checking into the hotel, meeting with Max, and napping with Julia, you get another chance to upgrade before the hotel night shoot scenes. Following those, you should have ~1500-1800 points banked for your next set of upgrades.

So those points are sitting there, waiting to be spent before the next shoot scene with Meredith, which of course didn't take place in this update.

To be fair, I hadn't played or subscribed to this game before a couple of weeks ago, but I'm assuming the entirety of the hotel shoot (threesome + Meredith solo) made up the entirety of the update prior to this one, so yeah I can definitely see why it *feels* like it's been a long time.

But from my perspective as someone who only played this for the first time 10 days ago, the flow of events seems to make a lot of sense and, frustration aside, I can understand why they didn't bother including it in this update.
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