3.30 star(s) 24 Votes
May 30, 2017
- Old saves do not work as this update introduced a lot of foundational additions (we are working on a solution for this in the future)
- Knowledge is spelled incorrectly on Knowledge Mini-game Screen
- "Busy Worker Bee" quest incorrectly states "Return to Rodrik Cassel" when it should state "Finish the task"
- Hunt: Elk Task can't be completed
- Hide can be created infinitely via certain pelts
- Golden Key doesn't have a name or tooltip in inventory
- Northern Outfit doesn't have a name or tooltip in inventory
- Castle Black image on initial Journal page is bugged
- Names on Castle Black character page in Journal is bugged (fixes after meeting everyone at Castle Black)
- Locations on Castle Black character page in Journal is bugged
- Luwin Quest 3 doesn't complete in the journal but this doesn't impact progression
- Arya Quest 2 doesn't complete in the journal but this doesn't impact progression
- Arya Quest 3 doesn't complete in the journal but this doesn't impact progression
- Northern Outfit remains in inventory after quest is completed
- Winds of Winter consumable doesn't have a name or tooltip in Inventory
- Taskmaster Task crashes the game, don't pick it up or if you have, skip to Monday and don't pick it back up
- Sansa Kiss is meant to happen before Sansa Handjob Reputation Reward
- Chests will sometimes give you nothing
- Sack on Bran's bed is glitchy
- Charlie's Broom appears in the Merchant's inventory sometimes (can't be purchased)
- Arya Quest 4 reward scene can be played out infinitely and gives infinite reputation with her
- Arya Reputation Scenes can't be played out after doing Arya Quest 4 unless at night
- Clicking on Bran's journal page can crash the game at some points
- Some locations are titled weirdly on the HUD (for example, Rookery_cb at Castle Black)
- Supply Package (part of Jon Snow's 2nd Quest) doesn't have a name or tooltip in crafting screen or inventory (it is the one that requires Elk Meat)
- Charlie's Broken Broom isn't shown as being a quest item
- Some of Charlie's dialogue during the initial conversation is missing
- Steak Pie doesn't disappear from inventory after Sam Quest 1
- Panties and Key should disappear from inventory the day after receiving them
- Task to find special item in Library Sansa breaks library
- Some users reported loading old saves sent them further back than when they saved
- Grabbing duplicates of tasks across characters can break the game
- Sack in Kitchen Castle Black spawns weirdly
- Losing reputation with a character throws up an oddly formed notification - Possible to pick up tasks before Rodrik's Task Related Quest (don't pick up any tasks before he gives you the quest to do so)
- Final Pipe may not show up in merchant's inventory for pipe quest (meaning you can't complete the quest) -- this is the final quest in the current version and was a recent addition so there's nothing major you're missing out on yet for not completing it (will be fixed soon)
IMPORTANT: Currently, the task system isn't working as intended. Please do not pick up any tasks apart from "Loot a Sack" and "Hunt: Rabbit" as these are ones that are confirmed to be working fine.Please do not pick up any tasks before you finish Rodrik's Task Related Quest where he'll introduce you to the mechanic.
Seems like maybe coulda baked this update a few more days....
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Reactions: Scaron and zeezlynx


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
The bug about people loading their game and loading a save way earlier is one that witch hunter suffered from, not sure if the trigger is the same.... but if they fixed that, maybe you can get some help from them.


Feb 1, 2018
damn the art is amazing and would love to be able to play this game soon without the bugs kinda makes the game unplayeble sure i can ignore but its rly sad that each time i pick up a bag or someting i get error screeen but damn im gonna keep a close eye on a patch or someting hopefully soon anyway love the game


New Member
Aug 20, 2018
I think the bug might be somehow connected to tasks, for I noticed if you try to avoid taking a lot of tasks at once and also avoid taking tasks that sound the same from different characters at the same time, you don't seem to get the error, or at least I haven't yet through this method.

edit: never mind glitch can still happen, just less often.
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3.30 star(s) 24 Votes