Alright, I'll give you a bit of feedback since your game isn't the average run-of-the-mill VN and it is good to have something different while I wait for my watch-list to update.
It's fucking weird. Not in a bad way, don't get me wrong, but it is definitely not vanilla by any standards. Not the weirdest thing I have ever played but certainly enough to get me to comment on it. And I think its charm is in that. Reading the change-log for 0.3 I was worried that you were making too many changes to the game based on feedback you get back. Feedback is great and can help you polish up some rough edges but don't change your entire vision to accommodate every single person's personal preference. You are the director here, stick to making the game that you want, the system you have in place at the moment where most of the content/fetishes are optional and choice based is in my opinion more than sufficient to provide an alternative for what people are interested on.
For example, I've played your game twice already. In my main playthrough I do not have the arm pit hair and shemale content enabled because that's not what I am into. Until given the possibility where Norma and the rest shave based on your influence I appreciate the choice given in the intro and how the game keeps the hairiness to a minimum afterwards. But for fun I also have the second game where I just want to see all the fucked up shit and how far it can go. So again, the choice based model works and you should stick to it so that you can make the game that you want to make and then people can decide what they want or do not want to see but your content is still there, unaltered.
Speaking about influencing the characters, you give a brief description that this will be an aspect of the game, like how they will shave if you want them to, but can you expand on this? How much will this be a mechanic, can you influence for example if they wear underwear, if they sleep naked, will it take your direct influence for them to be more open-minded about sharing and engaging in a relationship with each other and possibly build a family harem? Just curious about it.
If I may make a recommendation, save some of your Patreon or SubscribeStar money (really recommend this platform over Patreon by the way, I hope they go out of business soon the unethical pricks, always censoring people and being untrustworthy. SubscribeStar is a much better alternative) and get a couple of worthy GPUs. It will make your renders faster and better. 3 to 5k should get you a couple of 1080TIs and a decent setup to run them and it will be a good investment. Plus you can always mine for cryptocurrencies on your downtime or resell them and get most of your money back.
And lastly, I can tell that English is not your native tongue and thank you to the person that is helping you with the game. It makes a difference. And spend some more time here on the forums, you'll pick up some better English in no time. If you ever not sure what an expression means just google it, even urban dictionary will give you a fair definition lol
For example, here:
This will be fucked up one day. I will definitly keep an eye on it. This is gonna be epic.
Fuck, I'm dying to understand, what you mean.
Something that is fucked up is something that is very bad. But seeing that we are in a porn website I'm pretty sure that he means that this will become very good/niche. Try to take in the context of the situation. The English language is a tricky one.