I like the over all premise of this game but there are elements to it that really make me wonder if it's worth playing.
Like not being able to roll back and switch choices, or the combat system being repetitive, or having mini games that require you to type in answers in order to get lewds, or having some of the more interesting aspects of the story be splintered off into the incomplete 'Story' modes.
It's almost like dev has deliberately set out to include inconveniences for the player and it just reduces the enjoyment you get out of the game because if you're like me you just spend most of your time finding work arounds for those features. Like no roll back? I'll just load auto saves. Repetitive combat? I'll just button mash my way through it. Quizes? Search for the answers before the first question has been asked. Story modes? I'll play them, but having go into a different game mode pulls me out of the immersion and knowing that it won't directly contribute to the development of my character in the main game means there's less incentive to play it.
So far it's been worth it to work my way around these things in order to push forward with the story and get to the sex scenes but you put enough obstacles in my way and I'll just find those things else where.
There's positives too and it wouldn't be fair not address those too. There's pretty cool scenes in this game and while I could do without certain Persona songs rattling around in my head, the use of music is pretty good too. The MC has some nice badass moments and I have to give concessions to the combat, while the system is repetitive, the choices you can make in later fights are pretty good like the one with the Samurai adventurer.