Actually, its about the story, so you need to fight, from the start is maid ( atleast head maid, shayna ) > auphemia ( this ** 1 story ended ), this story is ended where auphemia lose, and she wont do monster thing again, and on top of that alf is searching for his sister, forgot her name, she is pink haired soldier in eirfeel mansion in this side quest, alf need to fight Letcia > his sister > eirfeel > than you can open fight with sefina ( this ended in cp2 story ) *note, that eirfeel mansion is just side quest in searching for his sister, there fore you dont need to fight anyone in here actually
And after everything, alf need to go to underground to fight shisen ( after fighting shisen, go to bandit again to fight mena, this girl doesnt require to finish the story ) > go to auphemia ( not fighting ) > fight the witch > go to auphemia again ( this time fight fyyte ) > fight auphemia and finish ( this complete cp2 story )
In ** 3, fight auphemia ( or go to auphemia ) > fight the witch ( actually kinda forgot maybe fight the witch is completed cp2 story ) > in this time, you can re-challenging either auphemia or witch to open new dialogue > fight demon lord > cp3 story finished > you can re-challenging demon lord this time, for new dialogue
if you playing cp3 from the start, go to bandit ( before that, talk to cat and ask what you should do ) > go to auphemia > selunelia > fight auphemia > fight selunelia > fight demon lord > re-challenging demon lord ( this finish cp3 story )
And another note, you can unlock 3 different dialogue from each girl ( except solo dancer ) to unlock that just re-challenging them 3 times and lose each time