0.42 update is really disappointing, worst update ever, anyway here is 0.42 savegame
whoever playing kate path has to be disappointed. and not with this update only. reviewing recent updates story basically didn't move forward after she passed tests to work at club. after she reunited two sisters this ship started to sink faster than titanic.
here are the problems:
- wtf update about punishment at villa is doing at kate's path? it is all about max and this update should be there. kate is just, as in us series, "special guest star". like flash appearing in arrow episode. if dev wants to give us mostly max updates, and kate updates just from time to time, it is ok. he calculated financial side of it. but don't play games camouflaging max updates as kate. give us meaningful kate update. story. every 3 months if needed, but make it worth. max path is anyway easy to make since there is actually no story at all.
- why did he stay on college story and not move on with club life? i understand that he has more things at college to develop but he could keep her there and still slowly introduce club life (or veronica could take her to strip club to slowly learn the trade in front of people)
- veronica update is major disappointment too. whole update can be described as: kate wanted veronica to permanently vote for principal's ideas while veronica wanted kate to lick her pussy every morning in return
- adam update is even shorter. it was cut before poor guy manage to insert finger
- anatomy update is, lets say, ok. but in fact very short.
- if there was no grinding, which is becoming worse and worse, we would have less than 5 playable minutes. if you move punishment in villa into max path, that is all what you get about kate in at least last 3-4 months (karen update)
to sumarize it looks like ds has no idea how to progress kate story so he is using max and grinding to fill content. or what is more likely he is deliberately extending game with max and grinding to collect his monthly allowance from kate patrons. well, in that case it is up to kate people among patrons (if there is any left) to ask him wtf r u doing.