
Jul 31, 2021
please help me, can you tell me how to do this task properly please
Дальше по игре будет это будет доступно. Нужно будет поговорить с Никаласом чтоб он дал тебе доступ и ты смог бы сам выбирать какое правило ведут.

Further on in the game it will be available. You will need to talk to Nikalas so that he gives you access so that you can choose which rule is being conducted.


Sep 29, 2017
I guess people here are being too hard on DS. It is one of the only developers out there to push out content month after month without fail - making up for it when it couldn't make it.
Most devs release content with at least gap of 3 months. Rare to see less than that (not to say there aren't any).

And I respect that - consistency is key too! I am getting something out of the money I pay to the developer - without fail!
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Sep 29, 2017
Also, people who are looking for "playable content update" (> 30 mins) could play every 3rd or 4th release of the game. And there you have content equivalent to many other game devs!


Feb 17, 2018
do you have a save file before 0.42 just load the if still doesn't work play 0.41 or just edit your save file trough console just delete the new line at kate profile or go to nicolas profile and add to medical checkup rules.. for console press shift+ctrl+i look for save file exmpl... savekate#### just look for number of days date just edit the to wordpad or notepad just do copy/paste
Thank You.
With an old Save, I was able to change the Medezin Checkup exam. And in the meantime, the anatomy class is also over and everyone is already sitting there naked.

Since the quest log has not changed, I do not know if there is anything left to do.


Apr 17, 2017
0.42 update is really disappointing, worst update ever, anyway here is 0.42 savegame
Took me a while, but looking at the LOG file I noticed it needs to go to the following path: C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\glamour-updater\Local Storage\ where you need to copy and overwrite the existing leveldb directory.

Thanks a bunch, and more! ;)


Active Member
Dec 14, 2017
I think I am as far as I can get on the Kate play in 0.42. I am concerned that the Villa side quest is still active in spite of having everything at 100% complete in that quest. Here's my quest log. All other achievements are complete. The reason she doesn't have more money is that I had Kate take all the college courses available online. To take a grade from 0 and bring it to 1000 costs $3000.00. Multiply that times the 7 classes they offer online and you come up with $21,000.00. I also have her at the maximum of 100 at pole dancing and strip dancing.


Jul 31, 2021
I think I am as far as I can get on the Kate play in 0.42. I am concerned that the Villa side quest is still active in spite of having everything at 100% complete in that quest. Here's my quest log. All other achievements are complete. The reason she doesn't have more money is that I had Kate take all the college courses available online. To take a grade from 0 and bring it to 1000 costs $3000.00. Multiply that times the 7 classes they offer online and you come up with $21,000.00. I also have her at the maximum of 100 at pole dancing and strip dancing.
The quest in the villa cannot be finished yet, so wait for the update)

Квест на вилле пока нельзя закончить, так что жди обновы)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
0.42 update is really disappointing, worst update ever, anyway here is 0.42 savegame
whoever playing kate path has to be disappointed. and not with this update only. reviewing recent updates story basically didn't move forward after she passed tests to work at club. after she reunited two sisters this ship started to sink faster than titanic.
here are the problems:
- wtf update about punishment at villa is doing at kate's path? it is all about max and this update should be there. kate is just, as in us series, "special guest star". like flash appearing in arrow episode. if dev wants to give us mostly max updates, and kate updates just from time to time, it is ok. he calculated financial side of it. but don't play games camouflaging max updates as kate. give us meaningful kate update. story. every 3 months if needed, but make it worth. max path is anyway easy to make since there is actually no story at all.
- why did he stay on college story and not move on with club life? i understand that he has more things at college to develop but he could keep her there and still slowly introduce club life (or veronica could take her to strip club to slowly learn the trade in front of people)
- veronica update is major disappointment too. whole update can be described as: kate wanted veronica to permanently vote for principal's ideas while veronica wanted kate to lick her pussy every morning in return
- adam update is even shorter. it was cut before poor guy manage to insert finger
- anatomy update is, lets say, ok. but in fact very short.
- if there was no grinding, which is becoming worse and worse, we would have less than 5 playable minutes. if you move punishment in villa into max path, that is all what you get about kate in at least last 3-4 months (karen update)

to sumarize it looks like ds has no idea how to progress kate story so he is using max and grinding to fill content. or what is more likely he is deliberately extending game with max and grinding to collect his monthly allowance from kate patrons. well, in that case it is up to kate people among patrons (if there is any left) to ask him wtf r u doing.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 13, 2019
After having returned to playing Kate's story because of college I had stopped in version 0.29 due to a bug that made me have to start a new game, the grinds remain the same. What a waste of time having to do an event over and over again as is the case with Karen that there was a bug that stopped at 92% of progression, without saying how long it takes to have a button to skip a day, because having to keep clicking several times with the m1 it's exhausting. After I got back to playing, I could see that playing with an FC is boring because in Glamour there are so many hot girls and there's no MC so you can fuck them and with that it ends up being disappointing. Only NPCs with short scenes. I really hope DS puts Max through college (in their version) so he can interact with the girls and teachers (Veronica is very hot). Kate, as much as your version is ''ok'' there is a lot of annoying stuff in your gameplay.
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