Still don't know why BB worked in the first place... Unless people love playing a lamp. 'cause let's be real here... it was as grinding for no reward at all. also i don't like when my character have his prey taken away. male or female, doesn't mater.Then he will be forced to restet kate as well. In her story they already watshed streams from max villa and seen porn they recorded. Kate will be a memory soon enough and all his focus will be BB incognito. Thats just a heads up to anyone who cares about Kate. Glamor was all a pipedream but when the shit hits the fan and money is lost he will go back to what worked. BB did, Glamor never had a chanse.
One thing bothers me a lot in glamor. I hate the time system. Minutes pass by and it becomes super boring to try and matsh the times right for events. I wish a minimum of 15 minutes was added. So clock was 15 or 60. And whats with the wake up 5 minutes after you need to shower to get Nick? Just a clusterfuck setup. And working at the holtel for 30 a day? Grey hair is more fun then the grind in this game.
This guy will never finish a game.