
Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2017
The path of domination and subordination lies in the plot of Kate (toilet, Oscar, Kate)
If both path lies in the same character, then that's not logical, because you play only one role, kate's role of submission. It would make sense to have the other role be played as a main character, and there's indeed two main characters, so that seems pretty logical that max will play the other role of domination. And he has to learn his role somewhere, the best place would be the school.


May 17, 2017
If both path lies in the same character, then that's not logical, because you play only one role, kate's role of submission. It would make sense to have the other role be played as a main character, and there's indeed two main characters, so that seems pretty logical that max will play the other role of domination. And he has to learn his role somewhere, the best place would be the school.
And the fact that you can buy "Pepsi" or "Coca-Cola" is also not logical? Everything is logical. As in life, we are free to choose our life path.
There are many games in which we can complete the game with almost no sex scenes - it all depends on our choice.For example, the game "Anna Exciting Affection". You can avoid almost all sexual content.Here you can dominate or obey "The Coceter Chronicles". Again, it all depends on the choices we make.
Glamor 0.10 has two options: 1) go to the toilet with Oscar, 2) refuse him ... The path will ultimately be one and depends on our decision. We cannot select both options at the same time (although I saved both options).
Did you play at 0.10?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2018
BB was my first adult game and it was ok (in my opinion) and with mods, it was even better.
Then Glamour came out and I found it from the story way better than the all the time horny and creepy Max. But I have to say the female models were all beautiful and sexy.

I have to grind, sorry play through Glamour once more because I had to install my OS new. Meh...:sleep:
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Oct 7, 2017
Yes you can always whine about the content, but DS is one of the most reliable Programmers on Patreon. He's meeting the deadlines most of the time. There are many of those who dosen't (my sex quest)

I don't really care about max or incest, i just wan't a good offline game and i think i will get it


Oct 21, 2017
1,853 patrons.
Awful lot of hatred in this thread. Massive amount of selfishness. Those of you who are complaining that he does not have a brain, is incapable of making a game, feel free to start your own. But just remember, the moment you do, you will now be the target of your own hate.
Also know, that you are causing other people, like me, who have contemplated making our own games to rethink our desires.
How pathetic you people are.
I think many of us have a right to be upset? I pledged because I liked Kate and wanted to see her story flourish. So, for him to completely revive a dead game and implement it into a game I was paying for is ridiculous. Sure, you can say because he is the creator he can do whatever he wants. And yes, that's correct. But I didn't pay for Max to be in this game. I paid for Kate.
So now, people now are essentially paying for a remake. It has very little do with being a"hater".


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
I think many of us have a right to be upset? I pledged because I liked Kate and wanted to see her story flourish. So, for him to completely revive a dead game and implement it into a game I was paying for is ridiculous. Sure, you can say because he is the creator he can do whatever he wants. And yes, that's correct. But I didn't pay for Max to be in this game. I paid for Kate.
So now, people now are essentially paying for a remake. It has very little do with being a"hater".
But many other people are in a similar situation as you, but reversed. They donated for the BB game which was abandoned in favor of Glamour. They were upset when the game ended without being able to take Lisa's virginity and other story lines left abandoned. Technically, in this case Glamour isn't being abandoned. But I suspect that people may press DS to favor updating BB material in Glamour versus actual Glamour stuff. I'm personally kind of interested in seeing how he redoes Big Brother, but at the same time this entire thing seems like it's going to end up a mess. I think he should have kept the games distinct, and just gone back to continuing BB or remaking it as a standalone game.


Aug 26, 2017
I do believe by the end of the summer Glamour will be as popular as BB was. DS is the King of trolls, true, but he is also very creative, organized and dedicated.


Oct 21, 2017
But many other people are in a similar situation as you, but reversed. They donated for the BB game which was abandoned in favor of Glamour. They were upset when the game ended without being able to take Lisa's virginity and other story lines left abandoned. Technically, in this case Glamour isn't being abandoned. But I suspect that people may press DS to favor updating BB material in Glamour versus actual Glamour stuff. I'm personally kind of interested in seeing how he redoes Big Brother, but at the same time this entire thing seems like it's going to end up a mess. I think he should have kept the games distinct, and just gone back to continuing BB or remaking it as a standalone game.
I agree with that. And they too have a right to be mad. But that game died how long ago? At that point, quit donating money to him. They aren't in that situation anymore. So completely announcing a different game is fine. Changing and merging a dead game to increase patreon is messed up.
And yeah, technically it isn't being abandoned but I suspect it will be once the influx BB supporters come in and more importantly, their money. Having them distinct and separate would have been the best route. Or maybe do the game while Max is in the Army. He comes from leave and you can have new opportunities. Maybe even have Lisa take initiative for losing her virginity when he arrives.
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Dec 17, 2017
Let me get this straight… guy implemented a DRM for a PORN game which is not even finished and most people think is no good, and still has almost 2000 patrons? He is my God…


Dec 31, 2017
So I am able to play this on the regular version but when ever I try to play the offline version it's just stays on the loading screen. I never had this issue with BB so what gives.
Apr 21, 2018
I think many of us have a right to be upset? I pledged because I liked Kate and wanted to see her story flourish. So, for him to completely revive a dead game and implement it into a game I was paying for is ridiculous. Sure, you can say because he is the creator he can do whatever he wants. And yes, that's correct. But I didn't pay for Max to be in this game. I paid for Kate.
So now, people now are essentially paying for a remake. It has very little do with being a"hater".
I think you do have a reason to be angry. But the way much of this anger is vented does not seem to be productive, but quite the opposite. It seems to be destructive.
He is stupid, he is uncreative, he is a terrible programmer, he cannot balance things... What value is added with these kinds of statements?
He is screwing his current patrons, at least many of them. That is a valid argument, and one I can agree with.
On the other hand, he is an entrepreneur who is looking to read his customers and potential customers, and has come to the conclusion that his most profitable path is using Big Brother assets, which is a a valuable part of his intellectual properties, but was unceremoniously stripped of value due to "incest" taboo.
So, patrons who are paying for his game have a legitimate beef, and I am guessing it is not because he is not creative, or he is stupid, or that he is a terrible programmer. It is because they want to buy something that he has chosen to change in ways they are not happy with. They are patrons because they like his work and want to see it going forward. They also want to have a voice in process, which is why they are supporting him.
I doubt that many of the patrons are the ones that I labelled haters. There may be some, but I tend to figure if you are passionate about something enough to spend money on it, you are probably also passionate enough to make your arguments valuable rather than destructive towards your ends. Most are probably like me, freeloaders, but instead of being grateful freeloaders, they are ungrateful ones.
I have 53 free games sitting on my desktop from this site. Acting Lessons being the first one I ever tried. Instead of being a jerk about things, I am more likely to read the text, and spend time writing up bug reports and helping with translation issues and typos. Or trying to figure out how to hack the game :).
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Dec 7, 2017
Today 0.11 offline is ready to play? So, we cant play Max characher in this 0.11 version, but those images are in 0.11? Max, Alice, Lisa and Ann?
2.70 star(s) 187 Votes