I think many of us have a right to be upset? I pledged because I liked Kate and wanted to see her story flourish. So, for him to completely revive a dead game and implement it into a game I was paying for is ridiculous. Sure, you can say because he is the creator he can do whatever he wants. And yes, that's correct. But I didn't pay for Max to be in this game. I paid for Kate.
So now, people now are essentially paying for a remake. It has very little do with being a"hater".
I think you do have a reason to be angry. But the way much of this anger is vented does not seem to be productive, but quite the opposite. It seems to be destructive.
He is stupid, he is uncreative, he is a terrible programmer, he cannot balance things... What value is added with these kinds of statements?
He is screwing his current patrons, at least many of them. That is a valid argument, and one I can agree with.
On the other hand, he is an entrepreneur who is looking to read his customers and potential customers, and has come to the conclusion that his most profitable path is using Big Brother assets, which is a a valuable part of his intellectual properties, but was unceremoniously stripped of value due to "incest" taboo.
So, patrons who are paying for his game have a legitimate beef, and I am guessing it is not because he is not creative, or he is stupid, or that he is a terrible programmer. It is because they want to buy something that he has chosen to change in ways they are not happy with. They are patrons because they like his work and want to see it going forward. They also want to have a voice in process, which is why they are supporting him.
I doubt that many of the patrons are the ones that I labelled haters. There may be some, but I tend to figure if you are passionate about something enough to spend money on it, you are probably also passionate enough to make your arguments valuable rather than destructive towards your ends. Most are probably like me, freeloaders, but instead of being grateful freeloaders, they are ungrateful ones.
I have 53 free games sitting on my desktop from this site. Acting Lessons being the first one I ever tried. Instead of being a jerk about things, I am more likely to read the text, and spend time writing up bug reports and helping with translation issues and typos. Or trying to figure out how to hack the game
