As I've said, I do feel bad for the Glamour fans, although I suspect most of his patrons are at least as happy if not more so to see BB make a return. My guess is that most of his current patrons are people that followed him starting with BB and kept following just because they like his style in general or, like a lot of patrons, they are just to lazy to cancel their pledge. I'm guilty of this. I pledge to some people that haven't created content in... well, a long time.
In order for BB to even agree to put bringing BB back to a vote, they have to have to pretty big incentive to. As people have mentioned, it's almost certainly financial. It will bring back patrons, at least in the short term. I just re-upped, and I know others have as well. We'll have to see how long these patrons stay or what the overall trend is. To a large extent, that's up to BB.
NTR is always going to be a niche fetish, but a smaller niche than incest. Incest had been growing more mainstream, but since a lot of people equate it with abuse or rape, Patreon and others have come down against it. But it's also something that's fairly easy to patch into a game (or to patch out, however you want to look at it). NTR isn't really the same. It required different renders or much more creative programming to add or remove it from a game.
And as people pointed out, NTR was implemented horribly into BB. It was unavoidable. You had the choice of going with it, or going to military school and ending the game. Every choice you made in the game that should have counted as fighting against Eric just made things worse, or turned your family against you more.
I saw someone talking about wanting to see Max suffer. The thing is, Max is a stand-in for the player for a lot of people. I don't get enjoyment from watching an image of a guy and girl having sex. What turns me on is pretending I'm the guy having sex with that girl. Max is frustrating in that he's such an idiot that it's hard to identify with him, but I don't want to see him suffer. As other people have pointed out, a game where you played as Eric might actually be fun, but in that case I'd be identifying with Eric, and completely enjoying Max's reaction. I'd be missing out on the incest factor though. A game where Eric was the actual father would actually be awesome, as you try to keep your son Max away from your wife Anne, and try to get to your daughters Lisa and Alice before he can. Hell, I'd enjoy sending Max away to the military then, leaving me with Kira, Anne, and our two daughters. But that's not how BB was written, nor how I expect Glamour to be either. It will probably be more ham-handed interference by Eric with the women turning against you just because Eric says, and despite concrete proof that he's even worse than Max.