I don't think I'll be following this game. BB was fun if you could deal with the grind, or alleviate it with cheats, but this one requires too much of a sense of disbelief to get into.
I can deal with the low content and missing functionality, as this is a version 0.1 concept demo.
I can deal with the always online requirement, despite my currently spotty internet, though if the free content is more then a month behind the paid, it'll quickly become a deal-breaker.
What I can't deal with is the Contract, and the utter stupidity of those involved with it. I can't believe that anyone, even our shy, sheltered, naive MC Kate, could be dumb enough to sign it. I can't believe that worldly older sister Julia missed the warning banners (with accompanying marching band singing 'protect your sister and GTFO') and let Kate sign. And I can't believe that the Principal thinks it is in any way legally enforceable.
Imagine what would happen if a rule like 'Student nudity is now mandatory', with the punishment of 'losing one point from a student's grades per article of clothing they are caught wearing', was voted in and got tweeted about on social media. Anti-nudism groups would descend in droves, naturist groups would likely join in (as most of them are about choosing to bare all rather then being forced into it), sexual harassment charges would likely be laid, students picked up for indecent exposure... Can't see the 'experimental college' surviving the storm. And that's for something 'relatively' tame compared to what the faculty could ask for.