We've been working on 0.16 for almost a week now, so it's a good time to tell you our plans for the next update. Btw, soon we will create a roadmap so you'll be able to follow our progress from there.
So, 0.16. Another Max update. We added a lot of new locations in 0.12, but, unfortunately, we didn't have the time to add the most important parts: dialogs and events. We'll be focusing on them in 0.16.
If you've already played BB, some events will be familiar. But don't worry, we're not going to just copy and paste old content. For example, there will be no Eric this time. Or, more accurately, you'll be voting on that decision in the future. Another change will be the start of Max's, em, entrepreneurship. Max will have a different way of coming up with his show. In BB, Max just found a camera and started transmitting. This time he'll have some help from Alice. The story will be more logical. This is just one example and I don't want to spoil everything.
If you've never played BB, don't worry, you won't miss any important story or anything like that. Max's story is just going to be naturally added in Glamour. For example, in the future Max will be joining Kate's class in college. And it will happen whether you will be playing as Max or Kate.
We understand that most of our players want Kate. We'll try to add her in 0.16, but this time as an NPC. You'll be able to see her story as a maid from Max's point of view.
Starting from 0.16, all future updates will be following this ratio: 1 Max per 2 Kate updates. So 0.17 and 0.18 will be about Kate and 0.19 will be about Max.
It's way too early for any specific deadlines, but thankfully a lot of graphics was already done for 0.12, we just didn't have the time to add it into the game. Hopefully, we'll make 0.16 quicker than we did 0.15.
P.S.: Tomorrow is June 21st (seven days after 0.15 release), which means our $20 Patrons will get access to it.