Release schedule
Jun 6 at 3:12am
Looks like we've managed to fix login issues. If you still have problems, please write about them in the comments.
Many people ask questions about release schedule, so let me reiterate:
Every month we release a new version of the game. This month it's 0.3. Next month (July) it's going to be 0.4, and so forth.
- If you pledge $40 or over, you get new content on the 5th of every month.
- If you pledge $20+, you get new content on the 12th of every month.
- If you pledge $10+, you get new content on the 16th of every month.
- If you pledge $5+, you get new content on the 19th of every month.
Oh, and another thing. Once you paid for a version (0.3, for example) you get to keep it. If you pledged this month and then stop your support, you won't get 0.4 in July but you'll keep 0.3
0.3 is a special update because parts of it are too important to not release them right away. This is why some content (like ability to save) was released for everyone right away, on 5th. But the rest of the update is going to be released on schedule. On the 5th for $40 and so forth. Let's call it premium content.
Here's a list of this premium content:
- More dialogs with students, including asking them for a job (you have to talk about a job with Julia first)
- Basement-related events and dialogs
- Kate can watch TV by herself or with Julia. There's a channel with erotica.
- Bathroom events and dialogs. For now there's only a couple of them, but we'll add more in a few days, including more events by TV. The game will update and add them automatically.
This time we kinda had three releases simultaneously: $40 full release of 0.3, partial release for <$40, release for guests. We had some unforeseen complications, but in the future we won't have to release three versions of the game in a single day, so, hopefully, we won't have this problems anymore. Fingers crossed.
We are now working on two fronts: 1) adding more events in the bathroom and the living room (TV), 2) adding information to login screen. We really want to clear everything up and give you all information right in the game.
0.4 will be released on the 5th of July for $40 Patrons, on the 12th of July for $20-39 Patrons, on the 16th of July for $10-19 Patrons, on the 19th of July for $5-9 Patrons. We'll add this information on the overview tab of our Patreon page and in the game.