
Jul 9, 2020
There are no official cheats in the client, but there are a few workarounds ;)

I made a post just a couple of posts above yours with some unofficial fixes to the 0.27 client. You can use that to get some limited cheats. You get 10x the amount of money working in the hotel as Kate (i.e., $300 per shift instead of $30) or cleaning the pool as Max (i.e. $400 instead of $40). It makes the grind easier instead of eliminating it altogether coz, let's face it, a DS game without the grind doesn't really feel authentic :p

The other option is to modify your saves to your heart's content. If you're on the 0.27 client, press Ctrl+Shift+I to open the debug inspector. Go to Application -> Local Storage -> file://. Locate your save file, and modify the values. If you're on the 0.25 client, l8rdude made a save editor that you can find in the FAQ in the extras section in the OP.

Does the ctrl-shit-I only work on the offline version? I've tried it in the patreon official version, but it has no effect.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
Судя по спине - это не Ник или подвал превратился в проходной двор для голозадых мужиков
Judging by the back, this is not Nick or the basement has turned into a courtyard for naked-assed men
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После случая в гостинице с Нилом в качестве справедливости и эксперимента на этом аппарате должен быть Ник
After the incident at the hotel with Neal, as justice and experiment, this device should have Nick
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
Мне вообще кажется что это женские ноги и спина. Слишком гладкие что ли
I generally think that this is a woman's legs and back. Are they too smooth
Во первых таз не женский, а во вторых я не видел в игре девушек культуристок
First, the pelvis is not female, and secondly, I did not see in the game of female bodybuilders


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
Что игрой не так?
Николас искал - девушку лидера которая могла управлять студентами и преподавателями и аккуратно манипулируя ими подводить к решениям выгодных Николасу, если ему нужна рабыня то он бы выбрал Руби. После случая в медкабинете и в туалете с Оскаром, то об этом уже бы знали все. Как сильно нужно теперь ненавидеть своё творение - Катю, чтобы превратить её в Катька - давалка (Сонька - хуесоска или школьная давалка из игры Провинциалка)?

What's wrong?
Nicholas was looking for-a girl who could manage students and teachers and gently manipulating them to lead to decisions profitable to Nicholas, if he needed a slave, then he would choose ruby. After the incident in the medical room and in the toilet with Oscar, everyone would have known about it by now. How much do you now need to hate your creation - Katya, to turn it into a Katka-davalka (Sonka-huesoska or school davalka from the game Provincial)?


May 1, 2017
My guess is that the ass belongs to the neighbours son.

Also, just because Kate enjoys switching around a bit does not mean that she will become the school slave.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
My guess is that the ass belongs to the neighbours son.

Also, just because Kate enjoys switching around a bit does not mean that she will become the school slave.
Сын соседки ходит по чужим подвалам голым? Уважением она уже не пользуется если не считать конечно, что Уважение для этой игры - быть шлюхой
The neighbor's son walks around other people's basements naked? Respect she already not enjoys if not consider of course, that Respect for this game - be a whore


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
А если домина то Анжела....
And if Domina then Angela....
Чтобы Анжела не пожелала - Катька двумя руками за
That Angela did not wish-Katka two hands for

Скорее Катька будет сосать у Оскара, чем Оскар будет отлизывать у Кати и я уже не вижу как она может изменить эту ситуацию
Rather Katka will suck at Oscar than Oscar will lick at Katya and I don't see how she can change this situation
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Active Member
Oct 22, 2016
Скорее Катька будет сосать у Оскара
Давно пора. А то как-то нелогично. У всех сосет и глотает а Оскару отказывает
It's about time. It doesn't make sense. Everyone sucks and swallows but Oscar refuses


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
Давно пора. А то как-то нелогично. У всех сосет и глотает а Оскару отказывает
It's about time. It doesn't make sense. Everyone sucks and swallows but Oscar refuses
Я больше удивился когда ей очко Нил распечатал а не Ник
I was more surprised when Neil printed out her point than Nick


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
Давно пора. А то как-то нелогично. У всех сосет и глотает а Оскару отказывает
It's about time. It doesn't make sense. Everyone sucks and swallows but Oscar refuses
DS не любит мажоров, и мне кажется и то после Пети (значит никогда)
DS does not like majors, and it seems to me that after Petya (it means never)


May 1, 2017
Сын соседки ходит по чужим подвалам голым? Уважением она уже не пользуется если не считать конечно, что Уважение для этой игры - быть шлюхой
The neighbor's son walks around other people's basements naked? Respect she already not enjoys if not consider of course, that Respect for this game - be a whore
Not yet, but (the naked in the garden picture proves this) it is planned to move along the story of the neighbours in the next update. So this makes sense that it might be an event witht the neighbour's son.


New Member
May 3, 2020
how do i get my old game saves back?
they don't work with the new version, tried checking the folder the saves are stored in and nothing, tried copying across and it doesn't work x
Same issue :/
Got a new win install, the backup i made doesn't work for me. Don't understand why a save file is encrypted. Anyone that can help us? I have a full backup of the old save files, even though with the older version they don't work.
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