
Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
maybe that's the problem here because i didn't play the game when it first started and i didn't know about just kate route i came from bb to continue max story and max was already in the game maybe that's why there are 2 different teams now

personally i don't mind either one
I was playing mainly for the Kate story, and all the various threads. I even joined at the $10 level back then.

I was neutral when Max first became involved in her story while others lamented. I see they were right, Max seems to have taken over her story. I haven't returned to the game since 0.34 or 0.35. I'll probably come back eventually, but right now, there are other games I enjoy more.


I am to music what Kanye West is to adult games.
Game Developer
Jul 1, 2017
I played BB, I liked playing it and I was disappointed when it stopped.
But now I play Glamour.
At first it was just Kate, I wasn't crazy about it but I tried it out and I learned to like it.
Until Max came along and then it all went to shit. He got overwhelmed, wanting to go every which way and losing his thread.
For my part, wanting to revive BB was his mistake. He should have made 2 distinct games.
Not 2 distinct games, just 2 distinct paths will be ok. I can understand the disapointment of the Kate fans. For me that's why we have so much Max haters.


Active Member
May 6, 2017
Not 2 distinct games, just 2 distinct paths will be ok. I can understand the disapointment of the Kate fans. For me that's why we have so much Max haters.
Who pays the piper calls the tune!
DS did BB. He himself said that he was not a fan of this whole "incest" theme. It was a purely commercial project. Then he gained fans and decided that on the wave of popularity he could make a good game with a female MC. And this theme was really to his liking. He was making the game of his dreams. But it was not successful commercially and the fan base did not help because it was a pivotal turning point. UNEXPECTEDLY It turned out that very few people want to play a female character. He then introduced a male MC, but the life of some random guy didn't really interest people, given DS's poor writing talent, lack of imagination and inability to make juicy sex scenes. He had to go back to what was already successful - BB with incest main theme.
It's a matter of making money. Now Max has more fans and DS is forced to listen to them, although he does not really like this path. So the formula is simple: Want more Kate - pay. And hate won't change anything.


Mar 12, 2021
a survey just for fun what do we want here?
for when there are more followers the
Kate story
or the Max story

I'm a Kate fan, but Max doesn't bother me I think the change is fun, although the Max side is not really mature. What really bothers me are the big and small Bugs that are known but never fixed and the many promised contents on the Kate site that will probably never come.

I see so much wasted potential on the Kate side and unfortunately there are other BB projects that are worlds better than the Max side in Glamor, I think if the Max patrons notice this and migrate to BB AS, for example, it gets really dark
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Qrex II

Jan 22, 2018
Good Day Dark Silver,

Why Not Consider to have twisted plot, such as make Eric as another Male protagonist. with a twisted plot. with more Male protagonist you may create a lot variance twisted plot, whereby Max will try to Defense his incest harem, while Eric will try to Conquer it (this will be NTR to Max).

This will open another opportunity for few more Twisted plot
1- what happen before Eric came Ann Company as a Boss (Con Artist).
2- office plot whereby how the hell Ann Fall in love with Eric
3- where did Eric live, what he do when Ann at Max Home.
4- Either Eric manage to convince Ann to send Max to Military
5- Either Eric manage to convince the underground mafia/gangster to stop hunting him
6- Eric Option to have bigger cock due to circumstances.
7- what type of E-learning that Eric had access to example like hypnosis , subliminal music etc.
8- what type of Connection that Eric had corrupted Government, mafia / gangster etc.
9- what type of location that Eric can access , other than office, Max Family House.
10- you can also put an option for Eric and Max to be either Partner in Crime / Rival. (highlighted what being post previously)

p/s:- reason I did not mention about female protagonist because I'm a Man, and will turn off if play as female protagonist.


Mar 31, 2019
Good Day Dark Silver,

Why Not Consider to have twisted plot, such as make Eric as another Male protagonist. with a twisted plot. with more Male protagonist you may create a lot variance twisted plot, whereby Max will try to Defense his incest harem, while Eric will try to Conquer it (this will be NTR to Max).

This will open another opportunity for few more Twisted plot
1- what happen before Eric came Ann Company as a Boss (Con Artist).
2- office plot whereby how the hell Ann Fall in love with Eric
3- where did Eric live, what he do when Ann at Max Home.
4- Either Eric manage to convince Ann to send Max to Military
5- Either Eric manage to convince the underground mafia/gangster to stop hunting him
6- Eric Option to have bigger cock due to circumstances.
7- what type of E-learning that Eric had access to example like hypnosis , subliminal music etc.
8- what type of Connection that Eric had corrupted Government, mafia / gangster etc.
9- what type of location that Eric can access , other than office, Max Family House.
10- you can also put an option for Eric and Max to be either Partner in Crime / Rival. (highlighted what being post previously)

p/s:- reason I did not mention about female protagonist because I'm a Man, and will turn off if play as female protagonist.
There could be a male protagonist added for plot twists, but not Eric. He was "killed off" before BB was canceled either by the mob or the other Katie's mom, and since both are not on Glamour, maybe the new twist could be the boss' twenty-something year old son. He could find out about Max' cameras and either blackmail him or work together to make a lot more money. Threesome with Ann or Kira or Olivia. Help Max get Olivia and Lisa together when Max stays with Ann.


Active Member
May 5, 2017
looking at the comments on patreon, some patrons are starting to get unhappy whith the impending end of the month and payment and the lack of news or answer from DS since jul 12.
This is kind of odd.
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