*If* it ever happens, I doubt it will be what most would expect. The dev/author will face quite the conundrum. To explain: as long as Max is only at the villa, all the girls are his LI and it only shows him with them or them with each other and doesn't have to be labeled as NTR (for some silly reason, the most dreaded tag on here). Although we all know Kate is sleeping around (Alice is also involved to some degree if one takes into account lines spoken by Karen and the dean), that's technically on a different path and doesn't need to be labeled.
But once Max goes to school all the females become LIs (again, by the illogical rules of this site) by merely being in their vicinity. I doubt the author/dev will do that so he (Max) will be stuck outside the school, or at least in a way different than Kate. I may be wrong, but I think they've painted themselves into a corner. As I've stated before in this thread, there should have been two completely separate stories. The Kate route has far more opportunities to expand the narrative.
Personally, I would like for Max to volunteer for the first mission to Mars and we never, ever, see him again*. But that won't happen as the last changelog states he'll be the focus for the next update, also (and maybe longer). But look on the bright side...we'll save some bandwidth.
*or...we see him in the stocks and Karen pegs him...heh, that would work.