Pardon me? What are you talking about?
If you were expecting the game to be quick fuck central, you were setting yourself up to be disappointed. When a character hits a lock point, talk to them and see if they drop you a hint as to how to proceed.
SBPR isn't really suited to pregnancy morphing (or if it is, it's stupidly tough to manage) and let's not forget having to rework every single render just to fit in preg bellies. Too much work for not enough pay out at this point.
Count_Viraxis, don't forget Emika, Tokie and Atsuko. They're also unfinished.
Daedolon, I keep thinking about what possible setting or plans you might have for Glassix 2. Are you going to stick with Node and SBPR? Is it a kind of "same time, different place" or set many years after the original game?
It's intriguing. I goofed when I thought that Anael had gone missing. I forgot to talk to Lily about it.
I just wish they'd finish implementing the date spots. Also, removed characters like Miwa ought to be removed from the Wiki.