I'm like 99% sure there was a v0.3.0 PDF guide for this game but can't find it

but maybe someone got an updated v0.3.1 PDF guide?!
There was, but perhaps
IAmAB is just going to stick with the walkthrough mod from now on.
Nothing against gurls as players (particularly as there are few of them fairly fierce around here

), yet, i do hope this excursion into "girls life" will be just that, one time thing, and that
MrStarRaccoon has no plans to transform this into multiple protagonists game.
Or does he
I don't see Lana as or becoming a 2nd protagonist, I think we're just getting to decide if we want her as a LI or not. Maybe these moments could determine if we get both Lana
and Amanda, and that's all we're controlling here. Or perhaps we're not so much controlling Lana and her story, but we're guiding the MC's story via certain actions of Lana's.
it just follows what alot of VNs are doing and just throwing in lesbian scenes for reasons, most VNs now have them and now its made me lose interest in both girls
Honestly, I'm still interested in both even though I'm having them embrace the lesbian stuff. I was more interested in Lana when I played the previous version, but Amanda somehow got way hotter in this update (maybe because she looks like a more sexually adventurous version of Jill from BaDIK) and now I kind of like the idea of getting both of them together.
The other thing is that that I feel like this optional lesbianism is kind of serving a point. Amanda's clearly bitter about men and is already into lesbian stuff and now Lana is feeling similarly jilted, so perhaps the point of this is to get the 2 of them into a relationship by showing their reasoning for doing so. I would also presume that this will have some implications with regards to the MC, since you'd expect all things to somehow relate back to them, so perhaps this is a side story that will run parallel to the main story for a while until it links back to the main story, and/or it will lead to a potential threesome relationship. Either way, I'm sure there will be a point to it and I'm curious to see what that will be.
I want to remind you that Lisa liked the MC's new haircut and Catalina liked the MC with long hair. I wanted to emphasize the different characters' personalities and tastes.
And I think that's good, just like how being more Cocky endears the MC to some people but not others, and the same goes for being more Kindly. Certain characters will like certain things about the MC and it does show that these people like and value different things which gives them more individuality.
BTW, when I went back through the game to make some new saves at certain points, there were 3 lines that came up as Russian when they should have been in English.