2.90 star(s) 17 Votes


Jul 17, 2018
I wonder this artworks.. Frost Witch's Foot Sandwich and Giantess Jeanna's Brutal Insole. Anyone see this pictures ?


Dec 29, 2017
Goddess of Trampling v0.98 Patch Notes:
Amazon Sisters New Skills:
  • [Royal Toilet] Warrior Princess will not hesitate to use your mouth as a toilet. This is her birthright. The royal families always use their slaves mouth as a toilet.
Boy am I glad this game has the option to disable certain attacks. Not to kinkshame, but: ew.


Feb 4, 2019
alright just started the game and already its way to hard for an adult game, with hard mode off -.-' but i get how the game works, but what gets me angry is the fact that all the attacks are chance based, so you can get 3-4-5 times in a row stunned, special attacked, stunned and again and again, lost alot of battles in even the 1st chapter cause of this, its VERY irritating. there shold be a command that if the enemy special attacks on round 1 for examples she cant do it in round 2 and beable in round 3, atleast leave 1 round in between to know for sure its playable, and getting 70-100 gold for each match and prices in shop are 1000+, plus each skill points litteraly is pretty much useless, your stats go up VERY LITTLE. spent 1 point in stun skill hoping it would reduce chance, but 1% reduction for 1 point? 1% is useless, unless developer is making the game player reach to level50-100 or something this will never work. And on the matter of the exp, its way too low for wining, i won 1 match out of 10 and i got almost the same amount of xp and i got from losing one -.-'

EDIT : its the first time i say alot of bad thing about a game but damn its the forst game here that got me worked up and angry :mad:


Jul 17, 2018
alright just started the game and already its way to hard for an adult game, with hard mode off -.-' but i get how the game works, but what gets me angry is the fact that all the attacks are chance based, so you can get 3-4-5 times in a row stunned, special attacked, stunned and again and again, lost alot of battles in even the 1st chapter cause of this, its VERY irritating. there shold be a command that if the enemy special attacks on round 1 for examples she cant do it in round 2 and beable in round 3, atleast leave 1 round in between to know for sure its playable, and getting 70-100 gold for each match and prices in shop are 1000+, plus each skill points litteraly is pretty much useless, your stats go up VERY LITTLE. spent 1 point in stun skill hoping it would reduce chance, but 1% reduction for 1 point? 1% is useless, unless developer is making the game player reach to level50-100 or something this will never work. And on the matter of the exp, its way too low for wining, i won 1 match out of 10 and i got almost the same amount of xp and i got from losing one -.-'

EDIT : its the first time i say alot of bad thing about a game but damn its the forst game here that got me worked up and angry :mad:
You can edit the save file, make your hp 15-20k
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Reactions: BadMrFrostyy


Jun 14, 2017
Wow. Giant/Giantess stuff isn't my thing but this is really really good.

That said, when I read "Perseus" and "Hera" I immediately thought it would have Greek monster variety like Medusa and the Minotaur. I guess I'm just a damned furry.
  • Haha
Reactions: Billerboob


Jul 11, 2018
Float!!! The answer is FLOAT! It has always been FLOAT!

Launch cheat engine. Select Scan type : exact value. Select value type : FLOAT
Launch the game.
Open the game process in cheat engine.
Go to the game and start a new fight, note your health.
Enter the health in scan area. Press first scan.
Get hit.
Enter new health in scan area, press enter/ next scan.

The only variable displayed in front of you is health. Right click and select edit value.....and put in whatever you like!

Have fun playing now!
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Reactions: BadMrFrostyy


Jul 17, 2018
anyone got a list of new content?
Goddess of Trampling v0.98 Patch Notes:

  • [RANKS] System added to game. Now you gain rank points by your actions. You will need these points in future updates. Check Customization > RANKS.
  • Save-system rewritten. Now system works more stable and secure.
  • All Stages [Hard Mode] difficulty rebalanced.
  • All Stages Gold Drop's readjusted.
  • [Luck] stat redesigned. Check Customization > STATS.
  • Goddess Gaia skin changed.
  • [Scating] and [Rank up pop-ups] added in Options. Turn them on if you want it.
  • You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
  • Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
  • Game performance has slightly improved.
Chapter 2-1:

  • Stage environment is greatly improved.
  • Some sound effects added and improved.
Amazon Sisters New Skills:

  • [Double Insect Crush] If the sisters are tied in rock paper scissors game, they will both crush you, like the insect you are.
  • [Royal Toilet] Warrior Princess will not hesitate to use your mouth as a toilet. This is her birthright. The royal families always use their slaves mouth as a toilet.
  • [Under The Royal Feet] Warrior Princess's under foot kill skill is remade. Now is more brutal.
2.90 star(s) 17 Votes