Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
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Pssh. And to think someone was trying to say the game wasn't well written. It clearly says it right there.

Hmm... The "caused a Bat to flee" event is literally identical to the "caused a Scout Beast to flee" event, to the point of using the Scout Beast's icon. No way that's intentional. Particularly since the hint for that scene was simply "be injured by a bat".

You've probably already considered this, but when you get someone's drive down to the minimum level, their desire should be able to sit at 0 instead of looping back around to being a nearly full bar.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but assuming the "three turns rest" thing was a bug and will be fixed, is it theoretically possible to permanently miss out on Lucette's lap pillow scene unless you abandon all your research in a NG+? That might be worth addressing in some way.

Edit: Hmm... The option to carry over your Control level into NG+ doesn't seem to be working, either. Oh, and a minor thing, clicking on the mystery button causes it to turn... yellow?ish? Whatever the normal color is, instead of gray. Doesn't make it actually clickable, of course.

Edit 2: Huh, that's weird. On my second run, "Null" was finally removed. I didn't start up this version mid-run, so that's not what caused it... I guess the new check is done at the end of a run rather than the start?
Last edited:


Feb 7, 2018
-some idiocy about a story he didn't read-
It's a shame these porn game characters still somehow manage to be smarter than you. Try reading the game's introduction again or politely asking questions instead of just insulting something you don't understand.

If that's too hard for you, you might find some like-minded friends here instead:

Elsiss Surana

Jan 15, 2019
Ah, ok, thank you! I was hoping to be the Dungeonmaster and using the monsters to corrupt the heroes. Leave it to me to see things from the reverse! Mwa ha ha ha!
There is actually a mechanic that alllows you to mind control the girls slowly over time. Similar to the game Star Knightess Aura. The system is going to be expanded as well.


Hi (。・ω・)ノ゙
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
Alright, third floor unlock, let's go! ...Typo. "It's not just you that catches the what such a thing implies either."
Also, I think "And that the knights seemingly just going along with it" might be a grammar issue as well.
Other than starting the sentence with a conjunction I don't believe so?
(I'm... just gonna assume everything with the witch do be intentional.)
I don't know how anyone could possibly have a problem with how the Witch talks.
...This might just be my own mistake, but I'm pretty sure I never learned "Foreboding" from the Witch, but it's suddenly in my spell list when I went back to camp. I could be wrong, though.
This was in the release notes but basically the Witch gives you a spell depending on your dialogue choice in her first scene. I made it so you always get a spell even if you don't see the scene due to being in NG+
some stuff
Oh good I was worried that the blindness inflicted by all four of my offered font options was permanent. I am glad that you have been healed after a month. Hallelujah, praise Syra/Melos/Eschahn.
This looks interesting to me. I am curious, though, if the character(s) become corrupted/mind controlled, is it a game over, or is this meant to be played where I am the corruptor and can twist the heroes into my dark slaves?
Hitting 100 Corruption is game over, but there is a lot of room for things to happen before that.
So, uh... My "Nulls" are still there in the research log. The changelog mentioned that that should be fixed.
Oh, I only have the save file update method happen when a run is moved from current to meta, so that explains it only happening after your first run. Can run a check to do the update earlier.
Mostly the former, though you can be a bit of a corruptor yourself. You're a "good guy" who's trying to help your three allies get through the dungeon without being corrupted, and have access to your own type of mind control to help them overcome that corruption. How ethically you choose to use that power, however...
There is actually a mechanic that alllows you to mind control the girls slowly over time. Similar to the game Star Knightess Aura. The system is going to be expanded as well.
1669052033468.png Faces you can trust.
Edit: Oh yeah, there's another "bug" I noticed a while back that I kind of don't want you to fix unless you add an alternative way to do it, but it's worth noting regardless. If you set a character to "leave" but have their destination set at their current room, they'll just do nothing and let the monster/trap keep hitting them without resisting. At least until they get stunned or tranced or something else that resets their AI.
I have known about this but yeah, haven't done anything about it.
Hmm... The "caused a Bat to flee" event is literally identical to the "caused a Scout Beast to flee" event, to the point of using the Scout Beast's icon. No way that's intentional. Particularly since the hint for that scene was simply "be injured by a bat".
Oops. I did write a proper bat scene, but did a copy paste error for the dialogue script name.
You've probably already considered this, but when you get someone's drive down to the minimum level, their desire should be able to sit at 0 instead of looping back around to being a nearly full bar.
Probably true.
And correct me if I'm wrong, but assuming the "three turns rest" thing was a bug and will be fixed, is it theoretically possible to permanently miss out on Lucette's lap pillow scene unless you abandon all your research in a NG+? That might be worth addressing in some way.
I mean I guess it would be possible until more stuff gets added to research later, sure. I've also considered adding the ability to fail spell prep due to lack of sleep as well, which would also give an inexhaustible opportunity.
Edit: Hmm... The option to carry over your Control level into NG+ doesn't seem to be working, either.
dang it
Oh, and a minor thing, clicking on the mystery button causes it to turn... yellow?ish? Whatever the normal color is, instead of gray. Doesn't make it actually clickable, of course.
Engine thing. When you click on the button it gives it focus, which can have a separate texture from disabled (it doesn't have one here, so it just goes to the 'normal' button texture even though the button is still disabled). I could turn off the ability of the button to have focus to fix it though... Or make the button work by expanding the system/mechanics to incorporate it.
I have a question, is this all monsters you can encounter in this version?
Technically no, but the one monster you're missing is basically a rare joke with no actual content anyway.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Other than starting the sentence with a conjunction I don't believe so?
I would think it should be "that the knights seemingly just go along with it" or "that the knights are seemingly just going along with it", or even just "the knights seemingly just going along with it" (depending on the context of the rest of the sentence, which I forget now).

So, correct me if I'm wrong, but there aren't any defeat conditions tied directly to Corruption Breaks, right? It should just be converting Temporary Corruption into Permanent Corruption, thereby making it more difficult (currently impossible) to get rid of and easier to get a game over when your Temporary Corruption pushes their combined total over 100, yes? I may be mistaken, but I *think* I just got a game over from Lucette hitting a -51 Corruption Break while she had 0 Permanent Corruption, which seems to me like it counted both the new 51 Permanent Corruption at the same time as the 51 Temporary Corruption that was supposed to be replaced. At least, I recall ending the previous floor with her having 69 (nice) Temporary Corruption and zero permanent, and while I wasn't paying close attention to her on the next floor, I highly doubt she had a Corruption Break followed by gaining 51 more temporary points in such a short time.

Incidentally, I had gotten that high because I was trying to mess around with the Suggestive curse, but I hadn't completed my run where I discovered it in the last version so it wasn't saved. And with the new mechanics being something that actually makes use of the curses, but also requires them to be revealed, it's really become apparent how troublesome it can be to actually have that happen. The following steps are required:

1. Meet the requirements for getting the curse (which aren't visible anywhere).
2. Choose to gain a skill instead of a stat point at the end of the floor. (I understand this step may not be the only way in the future.)
3. Rely on RNG to actually get the curse.
X. Cross your fingers that the invisible curse you got is the one you're looking for. (Only relevant if you're specifically hunting a curse.)
4. Stumble into the situation that actually triggers the curse (which isn't visible until after you've done it).
4a. (Sometimes) rely on RNG for the curse to actually trigger, if it's a Compulsion.
5. Make it to the end of the floor. (Not usually difficult, unless you did very risky things trying to expose the curse.)
6 (or 7). Research the curse so it's not invisible again the next time you see it.
7 (or 6). Finally get to mess around with the curse in the mind control screen.

(I also left out 1a, 3a, and 4b, which are all "hope the curse isn't bugged". I don't think Suggestive is, unless you tweaked something about it in this update.)

I definitely think it wouldn't be too much to ask for some parts of that to be easier. At the very least, maybe allow us to spend some control trying to expose the curse in the mind control menu?

(Incidentally, how many new curses were added in this version? At first I thought something had to be bugged when I had two unknown curses and they didn't seem to trigger off the conditions for Suggestive, Pity, or Craven, but then I remembered there was at least one new one added.)
Aug 8, 2018
I was a little unsure what to expect when I checked this game out, but boy did I have a lot of fun. I hate darkness so much for obscuring all the scenes of my girls getting their asses kicked, because boy oh boy is that going to be the focus for at least one entire run or two. Mindfuckers for the win, for real. Those blank ahegao faces as their brains got fucked, mmf. *chef's kiss*

Understanding that this is an Alpha I'll keep any comments I have on the lack of sex scenes or camp scenes to myself and focus on the mechanics. I'd say my biggest problem at the moment would be how... opaque the Trance and Desire system is in camp. There's soooo many different desires and no real explanation about what they control or influence. I get that they effect what the girls do in camp but... what does doing stuff in camp even affect? Or how does it matter what they do in camp when they get to spend enough time to remove all their damage anyway?

Some ability to research the girls themselves would be useful so we can see what desires they hold most closely to themselves, to see which ones would be the most trouble to poke at. Or else something that tracks when you experiment and records it so that you can check before the next time you try fiddling with their heads.

Some explanation on the benefit of solidifying curses would also be nice. It seems the vast majority of them are better off suppressed and so I'm not sure why there's even an option to do the opposite.

Other than that... this looks like a really fun game. I'm very much looking forward to its continuing development.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Oh right, I'm able to answer this now.

Gow fast to get sex content in this game?
Depending on what you call "sex content", there's not a lot at the moment, although the latest update did add two actual sex scenes (with two more that can be triggered but have no actual scene or dialogue yet). There's a bunch of nudes in the game for various reasons, the easiest of which can be seen by using Scry on the riverbank in camp when one of the girls is taking a bath. There are also some scenes involving masturbation and getting ear-fucked by a flying dildo that can occur as a result of certain monster encounters. As for the two sex scenes, you might need to get to floor 3 or further in order to unlock them, which means going through a lot of exposition and dialogue. It might be possible before that if you get their lust up super-high, but it's probably a lot easier to trigger by boosting their Pleasure (and possibly Community) drives. In any case, keep an eye on the knights' tent in camp and use Scry when there are two girls there who tell you they're busy.

Some explanation on the benefit of solidifying curses would also be nice. It seems the vast majority of them are better off suppressed and so I'm not sure why there's even an option to do the opposite.
I don't think it does anything in this version. Both maxing them out and reducing them to zero still seems to leave them active and able to have their full effects in the dungeon, it just restricts how you can use them in the mind control menu.


Hi (。・ω・)ノ゙
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
Corruption Breaks
Yeah somebody caught this on the discord earlier and it is probably the bug that I'm the most annoyed by so far (although I wouldn't call any reported bug super gamebreaking yet, this is probably the closest, since it could definitely make a difference if somebody is close to losing but hasn't).
Basically it's a dumb mistake with the coding. The P Corruption from the break is added and then the T Corruption is set to 0, which means that there is a single tiny moment where you have both, so if those two things added together + your current corruption is over 100 then it game overs when it shouldn't. If I switch the order of exactly two lines of code then there would be no issue.

Triggering curses
I mean I don't think there's any way that I would want to give the player full control over what curses they get, but I do have some ideas on the list to make it easier to discover what hidden curses you have and some other stuff as well.

(Incidentally, how many new curses were added in this version? At first I thought something had to be bugged when I had two unknown curses and they didn't seem to trigger off the conditions for Suggestive, Pity, or Craven, but then I remembered there was at least one new one added.)
Lemme count real quick, although I know it's going to mean driving you to try and find everything and I don't actually want you to go crazy doing that...
1 new monster (but it's a super rare joke)
2 new traps
3 new curses
9 new skills (counting regrowth being set to learnable)

They're kind of vague categories on purpose. You can mouseover each desire's name for a tooltip to give a bit more of an idea of them, but it's a flexible sort of idea.

It's also worth pointing out that, beyond just camp behavior changing, I could also conceivably use current desires as a new way to determine what events happen. Some people have expressed concern about needing high lust to see lewd content but having high lust being bad. I COULD swap lust thresholds out with current desire or desire drive thresholds if I wanted to change how scene requirements worked. It is a bit clunkier to write out hints like that though.

Some explanation on the benefit of solidifying curses would also be nice. It seems the vast majority of them are better off suppressed and so I'm not sure why there's even an option to do the opposite.
Very much a next update thing. Currently you might occasionally get some miscellaneous new chat messages if you talk to a character who has such and such curse embraced, but it doesn't do much else YET.

I guess I can say right now that the next month's update focus is on skills, curses, and linking those things together with the now present desires system in various ways. This also ends up addressing difficulty by introducing opportunity cost for grouping up all allies all the time and not taking any curses, assuming everything comes together correctly.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
It's also worth pointing out that, beyond just camp behavior changing, I could also conceivably use current desires as a new way to determine what events happen. Some people have expressed concern about needing high lust to see lewd content but having high lust being bad. I COULD swap lust thresholds out with current desire or desire drive thresholds if I wanted to change how scene requirements worked. It is a bit clunkier to write out hints like that though.
I kind of figured the way it already worked was to use an invisible point system that factored in a number of different elements. For example, two knights having sex with each other would check to make sure they each meet a threshold of 130 based on 1x their current lust level, 10x their pleasure drive, 5x their community drive, and +30 if their would-be partner has Pheromones fully embraced. You could still have hard-coded requirements on top of that (like a hypno scene that only occurs if one of them has embraced Suggestive), but it would be a way to have multiple different things trigger it without having to hard-code each possible trigger.

1 new monster (but it's a super rare joke)
2 new traps
3 new curses
9 new skills (counting regrowth being set to learnable)
Pretty sure I've seen both traps, and I probably got the two curses that *weren't* "protect the other knights" (since having the three of them grouped up for an entire floor didn't seem to do anything)...

But oh yeah, there was one skill I was *really* interested in, but I can't figure out what it was that I triggered to enable it... For that matter, I've been having a lot of trouble getting Regrowth on Lucette, despite meeting one of the two requirements mentioned in an earlier post (Constitution + 5 uses of Thorns, despite not having enough Health for the alternate requirement) Are these new skills highly dependent on the Drive system? Because I'd love to try a build combining Conduit, Spellsword, Reserve Battery, Regrowth, Barkskin, and Cable Management. Honestly, the whole theme feels like some kind of supervillain.


New Member
Jun 21, 2018
I just played Carcassonne... how many victory points is the dungeon worth and how do you score it?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2020
So I was looking through the updates and messing with the desire system. I think there's a bug that isn't intentional.

If you try to decrease a desire after it's at its lowest, it goes all the way back up once the game tells you that it can't go any lower. I'm thinking that if the desire is at the lowest, that it should stop immediately.

Another thing I don't know if this was thought out but Raine had Vainglory as a curse. I used the desire to reduce it to 0. However, it still activates in the dungeon. Is it intentional because it feels like the curse takes up space if you take it to 0?

Finally, will the dialogue actually change if certain curses are maxed out? I mess around with Lucielle the most and her dialogue hasn't really changed nor does she act differently in the dungeon. I know at the moment it's just implementing the system but I thought I was doing a lot of damage to her psyche and having no actual change.

Which adds to another question. Are the desires only going to affect how they spend their time or is it going to also affect the dialogue later? Autonomy I feel like is the desire that should be most looked into simply because of how its describe as removing their self-worth and making them want to rely on others (like you who is mind controlling them). I admit I was expecting Lucille's dialogue to change when removing the majority of her desires that made her who she is to set her up to fall into lust in the future (removing ideals, autonomy, triumph and success and mainly increasing lust and relaxing). I even maxed out Weak Mind thinking that this skill could be used to make the mind control easier given you are literally hitting their mind.

One more thing I noticed with New Game+. I tried to maintain the desire score into the next game, but it just reset to default anyway so I had to do the manipulation all over again.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
The dev already answered a few of these.

If you try to decrease a desire after it's at its lowest, it goes all the way back up once the game tells you that it can't go any lower. I'm thinking that if the desire is at the lowest, that it should stop immediately.
They indicated that this wasn't a bug but just something they never bothered to do, but "probably should".

Several of the rest of your questions were addressed in a post about... three above yours.


New Member
Jun 18, 2017
Just a stupid question does embracing/ rejecting curse does anything. Aside locking stat progressions? Because looks like the curses become pretty much demise if there is no floor limit... And corruption still stacks up quite high...

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Just a stupid question does embracing/ rejecting curse does anything. Aside locking stat progressions? Because looks like the curses become pretty much demise if there is no floor limit... And corruption still stacks up quite high...
Not in this version, no. The mechanics are still in development, though the dev hasn't said what we'll be able to do with the curses after they've been rejected/embraced. Also, the floor limit is 10 for now, although that will increase in later versions.


Active Member
Jul 15, 2018
Some of the mechanics in this game kinda go over my head, like the counters for combat/disarming (doesn't help that I played this way too late at night) but otherwise I enjoyed this a decent bit... particularly as a vessel for lesbian content. That "threesome" pains my heart, lol.
It'd be nice if the MC could get involved too, but with the "customizable" MC that doesn't work quite as well, unless you settled for one static design each for the male and female MC. And of course then you're having to write and implement different versions of scenes depending on player gender, which is bound to slow development... maybe it's best the MC remains a voyeuristic mind controller of dubious consent.
One last thing, since I'm not sure if it's in there yet: any real yuri with the shortstack imp, or is she more of just a status effect causer/debuffer with flavorful scenes?

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
It'd be nice if the MC could get involved too, but with the "customizable" MC that doesn't work quite as well, unless you settled for one static design each for the male and female MC. And of course then you're having to write and implement different versions of scenes depending on player gender, which is bound to slow development... maybe it's best the MC remains a voyeuristic mind controller of dubious consent.
The dev has suggested that there will be some way for you to have sex with the girls, although I imagine the images will mostly be first person or otherwise not focusing on the protagonist.

In the current version the answer to both (sex and mind control) is 'monsters only' because, for gameplay reasons, the dungeon has had a lot more development than the camp. In the future the answer to both (sex and mind control) will be both (main character and monsters). The plan for the next update is to work primarily on camp interactions with the knights, which is when the main character would be able to do those kinds of things.
(Note that the "next update" part was referring to the current update. There's no sex with the protagonist in the current update, but it did add some of the content and mechanics that would be involved in that sort of thing.)

One last thing, since I'm not sure if it's in there yet: any real yuri with the shortstack imp, or is she more of just a status effect causer/debuffer with flavorful scenes?
Just teasing now. If I recall correctly, none of the teasing even has any unique images, even for the more elaborate ones.
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Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Got a question for the game's MC. (inserts professor oak) are you a Boy, or are you a Girl?
Are you making a joke after having played the game, or have you not played it and you're asking what you'll be playing as? You can choose your gender in this game.
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