Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
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Oookay, that first one either has a bug or I've had a VERY unlucky several runs with RNG. I can't be certain because one of the other curses is perpetually "Unknown", but if I did get that curse, it's pretty much guaranteed to trigger by the time I finish a run. And if the only prerequisite is "got one particular curse beforehand", then statistically I should have gotten this one in at least one of the 5+ full runs in which I got the maximum number of curses on every character. But something tells me the issue is that I never got it, rather than never triggering it.

Since I just researched the second one, I'll spend a run dedicated to finding the first.

Edit: Got all three to meet the supposed requirements by the second floor. Within the next two floors, they all had an unknown curse, but they seem to be doing just fine against Monstrous foes. So unless they all happened to roll Pity while also qualifying for the opposite one... I'll keep Going Deeper to see if I can get one of them to have two unknown curses.

Edit 2: Got two unknown curses on Elli, so the problem isn't with obtaining the curse. Time to throw her headfirst at every monstrous foe I see.

Edit 3: And Elli has just obliterated an entire floor's worth of monstrous foes without triggering anything. I have 21 discovered curses, including the two Nulls, and she had 2 unknown curses, which should be Pity and ???.

Edit 4: Okay, screw it. You said not to worry about 100% completion, but I'm going for 100% bugtest completion! Throw me a list of all the skills and spells so I can finish checking them all tomorrow. At this rate I'm sure there's something else that's failed to show up, somehow. (Edit: I mean a list of names, since just the unlock conditions without names would make it harder to verify which ones I have and haven't seen.)
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Nov 25, 2017
Hey just letting you know I ran into what I think is a bug where "Auto Turn" would toggle on seemingly at random even though I have "Enable Auto Turn Toggle" disabled in the options. It happened after going to camp and then going back into the dungeon.
Nov 25, 2017
Encountered another bug. If you apply Thorns to the knights with Quintessence prior to using the stairs and then choose to move on to the next floor, the Thorns effect remains on them permanently

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Hey just letting you know I ran into what I think is a bug where "Auto Turn" would toggle on seemingly at random even though I have "Enable Auto Turn Toggle" disabled in the options. It happened after going to camp and then going back into the dungeon.
This one is a UI error, and ironically it can be fixed by enabling the auto turn toggle. Currently, when it's disabled, it's just "hidden" behind the end turn button... but still clickable. Which means now it's just easier to accidentally click, unless you enable it and move it to a different area.


Hi (。・ω・)ノ゙
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
Okay, figured out the issue with that curse. It looks like the problem is in the requirement checking, where I was doing some work on how the game checks modifiers on threats (since modifiers are eventually going to be moved to status effects on the threats once I make it possible for threats to HAVE status effects), but then didn't fully roll back from that change once I decided not to go through with it. That's a me and source control thing. That curse is also not going to trigger in this version, unfortunately.

Interestingly enough I have confirmed that, through sloppy (but convenient) coincidence, Pity and Cull the Weak DO still work despite also being effects that also depend on threat modifiers.

Edit 4: Okay, screw it. You said not to worry about 100% completion, but I'm going for 100% bugtest completion! Throw me a list of all the skills and spells so I can finish checking them all tomorrow. At this rate I'm sure there's something else that's failed to show up, somehow. (Edit: I mean a list of names, since just the unlock conditions without names would make it harder to verify which ones I have and haven't seen.)

It seems to extend to any temporary effect, as it occurred with Exposed as well.
Looks like it should extend to any effect that ticks on action (rather than time based ones), yeah. Easy fix on my end, and at least it can be fixed in the current version by going to camp. On the one hand I'm surprised to only have heard about this just now, but on the other hand I expect that going to camp is FAR more common than doing multiple floors at once.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
You just don't want me to expose any more bugs.

(For real though, I haven't, like, offended you or anything, have I? I'd assume not, but I tend to worry when there's a flat "no" instead of like "I'd rather keep some of that stuff a secret" or "I'm a little too busy to put together a list" or something like that.)


Hi (。・ω・)ノ゙
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
You just don't want me to expose any more bugs.

(For real though, I haven't, like, offended you or anything, have I? I'd assume not, but I tend to worry when there's a flat "no" instead of like "I'd rather keep some of that stuff a secret" or "I'm a little too busy to put together a list" or something like that.)
That would be pretty unreasonable of me to get mad that bugs are being found when I'm the one that put them there. I guess I can't deny a part of me being moderately embarrassed, especially having a software qa background myself, but yeah strictly speaking it should be better to get everything out sooner than later.

There's also the thought that I'm already putting a frankly unhealthy amount of time into the game and I don't really want to encourage others to do the same for free (not that I'm really getting paid much either), although I already released the thing and people seem to enjoy it (which is good) so maybe it's too late for that.

The actual issue feels kind of harder to explain. I already feel kind of iffy about adding the in game list of events which effectively removes all elements of surprise of any new event happening because the hints are dictating the way people are playing. Rather than ever having something new and novel happen organically they're coming up due to the player grinding any requirements away so that they can check everything off the content list. It's like I understand wanting to be able to find everything if you're enjoying it and wanting more, but at what point did video games become tasks that we approach in such a way as to systematically wring all content out of them and put it all up on a wiki so that other people can do the same? I'm at a point where I can easily implement the same kind of event list for the knights and their potential camp scenes just as threats and their dungeon scenes are listed out and I'm really hesitant on if I want to. I know people will immediately start asking for it if I don't though.

So I dunno, just some weird, probably dumb art-y thoughts that are bothering me.

For what it's worth, we've already been through all the existing curses in this thread. As for skills, I THINK at this point the only not 'available at base stats' skills that you haven't directly mentioned or posted a screenshot with are MAYBE Freebird, Carry On, and Stress Relief, but I might have just forgotten any mentions of those you did make. Any list you can make on your own is practically comprehensive at this point.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
That would be pretty unreasonable of me to get mad that bugs are being found when I'm the one that put them there.
Oh, I didn't mean about the bugs, just... anything, in general. I'm always paranoid of finding myself in another situation where I thought everything was good and everyone was having fun, but then it turns out I crossed a line somewhere a while back and kept going without realizing it.

There's also the thought that I'm already putting a frankly unhealthy amount of time into the game and I don't really want to encourage others to do the same for free (not that I'm really getting paid much either)
If it's any consolation, this is probably the most productive I've felt in a while, and I was just hoping to keep that ball rolling. I... have a lot of things getting in the way of being able to do anything worthwhile, so I was excited to contribute.

because the hints are dictating the way people are playing. Rather than ever having something new and novel happen organically they're coming up due to the player grinding any requirements away so that they can check everything off the content list. It's like I understand wanting to be able to find everything if you're enjoying it and wanting more, but at what point did video games become tasks that we approach in such a way as to systematically wring all content out of them and put it all up on a wiki so that other people can do the same?
Well, first off, the issue with the skills and curses has actually been that the lack of information has made me afraid to take a more natural path through the game. I believe I mentioned this before, but I actually hate min/maxing "builds" in games. In games where all available skills and whatnot are transparent, I tend to play at my own pace and just "lean" in the direction I want to go. But here it's like, "I need to build my knowledge base first, and to do that I need to always be picking up the curses".

Meanwhile, the events with the checklist have actually been the opposite of how you described it. I can progress through them naturally, but once I'm pretty much "done" with playing the game that way, I go through a checklist to see all the stuff that I missed. Knowing that I can do that takes a big weight off my mind, and I don't feel the need to wring every bit of it out of my "natural" playthroughs to make sure I didn't miss something I didn't know I was missing.

As for your "at what point did video games become" part, I honestly feel like games have been trending in the opposite direction for a long time now. As you may have guessed by now, I'm Autistic, and the way I do things is how I've always done them. I want to experience everything a game has to offer, which is why I've always hated stuff like missable and mutually exclusive content. And I've been playing games and studying game design long enough to say that games used to be more suited to that kind of thing, long before "wikis" ever became a thing. But at some point there was a big push towards that being treated as "wrong", and that games should be all about every player having a different experience, with the idea that you would never see all the content by playing through organically. RPGs got hit especially hard by this, which sucks because they used to be my favorite genre. But the irony is that, for people like me, it makes things like walkthroughs and checklists more necessary, because otherwise I feel like I'm missing out on the content I want to experience. And it's especially bad for particularly long games where I'm only going to want to play through once. Where I might previously have felt safe going through a game blind and seeing everything it had to offer, now I have to check a guide in the hopes that it'll tell me what I need to know without giving too many actual spoilers.

Anyway, I think I just started rambling off on an unrelated tangent from what you were referring to. But I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you look at this playstyle as something you should be fighting against, you could end up doing the opposite of what you're trying. Some people see those things as a safety net, and in the absence of having that, feel the need to play in an overly cautious way.

Edit: In fact... there are probably ways to design a game in a way that encourages playing through "naturally" in order to unlock a more "controlled" experience for future playthroughs. This would probably be too much work to consider reworking the game around right now, but as a thought experiment, suppose that instead of spending time to research things at the camp, going through the dungeon would earn you "research points" based on how far you made it before dying/winning, and you spent those to unlock new research notes and hints for events (individually, not the current "two researches and you see all the hints"). You could also reveal aspects of character developments like skill prerequisites, and other stuff like that. And since the way to get more research points is just to "get as far as you can", players are encouraged to play through organically without focusing their run in any particular direction, which in turn enables them to do the opposite if and when they want to. It's just a thought on how the two seemingly conflicting approaches to the game can be integrated with each other. (Now that I think of it, it's actually similar in philosophy to a system I had in mind for a rogue-lite game concept I've been toying around with. Although in that case you unlocked "Destiny Points" which actually allowed you to control certain elements of the world generation that would otherwise be random, allowing you to see certain events and progress the overarching storyline.)

Edit 2: Actually, if you're gonna be adding more stuff to the camp that just affects the current run instead of being a permanent unlock, it might really be a good idea to move the research system out of the camp entirely. If you give people the choice between spending a "currency" (time) on something temporary and something permanent, they'll be inclined to pick the latter until they have it all, and then it's no longer a part of the cost assessment at all.
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Mar 14, 2018
The actual issue feels kind of harder to explain. I already feel kind of iffy about adding the in game list of events which effectively removes all elements of surprise of any new event happening because the hints are dictating the way people are playing. Rather than ever having something new and novel happen organically they're coming up due to the player grinding any requirements away so that they can check everything off the content list. It's like I understand wanting to be able to find everything if you're enjoying it and wanting more, but at what point did video games become tasks that we approach in such a way as to systematically wring all content out of them and put it all up on a wiki so that other people can do the same? I'm at a point where I can easily implement the same kind of event list for the knights and their potential camp scenes just as threats and their dungeon scenes are listed out and I'm really hesitant on if I want to. I know people will immediately start asking for it if I don't though.

So I dunno, just some weird, probably dumb art-y thoughts that are bothering me.
Lack of information is worse than knowing the basics. The lack of information drives you to fill that information in, especially when you got spells that literally buff your characters against things you have researched, or you have to actually figure out what a curse does so you can adjust around it. Nothing worse then not knowing if that question mark is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode and cause a quick failure because you are walking into the ideal trap setup for it.

And for many of your events thus far they unlock on their own because of common conditions, very few events actually require you to perform very specific actions.

Also, if you really do not want players just check-listing scenes what you can do is put in an second inter run currency that can be used to unlock scenes. No doubt someone lazy will just cheat engine that so that they can unlock every scene but that is their choice to make but for those just enjoying the game they will unlock everything eventually just playing the way they want to play.
Nov 25, 2017
Looks like it should extend to any effect that ticks on action (rather than time based ones), yeah. Easy fix on my end, and at least it can be fixed in the current version by going to camp. On the one hand I'm surprised to only have heard about this just now, but on the other hand I expect that going to camp is FAR more common than doing multiple floors at once.
I was a bit afraid someone else might've reported it already when I brought it up haha. That said though it doesn't entirely surprise me that it wasn't noticed, or at least mentioned, before now as I barely noticed it myself. I only saw it cause I for some reason thought to check how long was left on the effect when I noticed it persist between floors, and noticing it on Exposed was complete chance with timing. And like you said, going back to camp is likely much more common, and that's when it clears.

Also just wanna say you've got a really great thing going with this game here btw. It's actually kinda incredible how solid the gameplay is when it's still in an alpha state. I really look forward to seeing where this game goes once it reaches a more complete state.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
I guess someone feels pretty important, huh?

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Ooh, that must be... that character whose name I don't remember because it was only brought up once in a scene I can't rewatch. Is she holding a heart, or is that just AI weirdness?

Just playing around with the idea of Raine and Lucette having casual 'out of armor' outfits. Who knows if it's worth the trouble, but Lucette does make a cute case for it.

I like the implication that Elli doesn't need one. And that Lucette's default state is "maid". (Or at least relatively high on the sliding scale of maidness.)


Hi (。・ω・)ノ゙
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
RE: Crash stuff
I believe I MIGHT have a handle on some of the crashes from dying/moving between floors? Possibly anyway. At the very least, I've fixed the 100% consistent crash from intentionally killing your allies using the Witch's Den (your run save file gets game over'd/converted to your metasave file/deleted the instant a character hits 100 corruption, but the Witch Den still wanted access to that file to log how much you gave the Witch, hitting a null reference). I also made the Witch refuse to give a character enough corruption to directly hit 100, so I guess that crash is double fixed?

Also fixed a crash that could happen when moving between floors after finally understanding why it was happening (losing/regaining status effects can trigger a call for a new pathfinding destination and that could sometimes turn up null if the character wanted to get the location of the current stairs room but the map was in between loading/generating so there was no stairs room), but not understanding why it wasn't happening EVERY time. So... Fixed, but not fully understood, which is still progress there I guess.

Oh also something something camp content. Some of that is getting done too, but you know how it is. No matter how much there is it probably won't be enough.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
your run save file gets game over'd/converted to your metasave file/deleted the instant a character hits 100 corruption, but the Witch Den still wanted access to that file to log how much you gave the Witch, hitting a null reference
Oh, right! I meant to bring up a thought I had about the fact that every time I got a crash-on-death, it resulted in things being successfully transferred into a New Game+ (in particular, my first ever death was a crash that was followed by NG+ appearing in the menu for the first time), and that the crashes specifically happened before starting up the witch cutscene. (Most of them happened before playing the death animations as well, but the first one was an exception.) So yeah, given what you said about deleting the file immediately after saving it, I think all death crashes I reported are likely to be involved with the game trying to access the save file when it doesn't exist. Although none of the recent ones have been Witch suicides. Hmm... Perhaps a temporary (or not-so-temporary) workaround could be that instead of instantly deleting your file, you simply save it in a "dead man walking" state? If you close out of the game and try to reload your save, it will load you right up into the "lol you died" conversation with the Witch, then delete the save after that conversation is over. Even if this somehow doesn't fix the crash (or you already fixed the crashes), it would allow people to see the cutscene that they would otherwise miss if the game closed for any reason.


Feb 7, 2018
Just wanted to toss in my two cents -- I also did a natural playthrough of a game before going through the research list, and my natural playthrough hardly revealed any scenes I liked. I had to play a third time to even catch the Mindfucker going for a blowy.

I DID find scenes I liked, though, because the research list convinced me to keep playing. It just took a minute.

True, a checklist is not as interesting as discovering everything organically, but your game has to have reasons for players to believe there actually is something to discover. This isn't like Elden Ring where the environment or map function as your checklist, so having an actual list is necessary for the average player not to lose their minds attempting everything to find scenes they like, or what's far more likely, for them to quit dissatisfied with the content they did manage to see.

That having been said, I have enjoyed myself so far, and I really appreciate you releasing your game here. Personally, I'd love to see more scenes of the girls getting some dick, but do what inspires you to keep at it. I look forward to playing new versions.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2017
One thing I'm curious about is how the Inquisitor will justify manipulating them.
Oh that's easy, NRFB just needs to change him from the current boring everyman to someone who already was a bit of reprehensible letch (its not as if Inquisitors in various settings aren't known for corruption) and through a scrying incident at the start of the game (or could be that as the Inquisitor is scrying he slowly gets corrupted himself by the evil fortress) The Evil Force plants a seed of corruption in his head .
Which the player can either attempt to resist... or probably won't because they want to see tits - and The Evil probably rewards him for slowly corrupting the knights.

Sort of like You'd Fight For Me, Lose For Me, Get X'd For Me!?

Could even have a mechanic where you have to keep the corruption of the girls slow otherwise they'll become suspicious and probably gut you.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Oh that's easy, NRFB just needs to change him from the current boring everyman to someone who already was a bit of reprehensible letch (its not as if Inquisitors in various settings aren't known for corruption) and through a scrying incident at the start of the game (or could be that as the Inquisitor is scrying he slowly gets corrupted himself by the evil fortress) The Evil Force plants a seed of corruption in his head .
Which the player can either attempt to resist... or probably won't because they want to see tits - and The Evil probably rewards him for slowly corrupting the knights.

Sort of like You'd Fight For Me, Lose For Me, Get X'd For Me!?

Could even have a mechanic where you have to keep the corruption of the girls slow otherwise they'll become suspicious and probably gut you.
Well that would be a waste. It's no fun if you're just a pawn of someone else's corruption. I'd much rather make the Lady of the Dungeon my bitch. I prefer the idea that the goddesses chose the protagonist because they knew they'd be the right man/woman for the job, fighting fire with fire with the knights as your pawns.

Anyway, I was asking about what the dev actually has planned for this game, not how they could rewrite the story to make it fit. They had this mechanic planned from the start, which means the story they wrote so far was done with this in mind.


Mar 14, 2018
Well that would be a waste. It's no fun if you're just a pawn of someone else's corruption. I'd much rather make the Lady of the Dungeon my bitch. I prefer the idea that the goddesses chose the protagonist because they knew they'd be the right man/woman for the job, fighting fire with fire with the knights as your pawns.

Anyway, I was asking about what the dev actually has planned for this game, not how they could rewrite the story to make it fit. They had this mechanic planned from the start, which means the story they wrote so far was done with this in mind.
I would not be surprised at all if the method of reducing permanent corruption is to transfer said corruption from the girl to the inquisitor, given that the inquisitor will not see combat the same way it would not readily build up within them so it can be done in controlled bursts.

Which could naturally result in a build up of invasive or wandering thoughts.

There can also be curses that do not affect the girls but hit those that observe them, for example a "Rape Magnet" curse that interferes with allies in the dungeon making them prone to molesting, if not downright trying to fuck at high lust levels, the afflicted character which would also apply to the inquisitor given that they are monitoring the afflicted and can get up close and personal at the camp. I could actually see Ellie abusing that to tease the inquisitor actually...

Another case could be that there are curses that specifically target the Inquisitor through his connection to the girls in the deeper floors, or from trading with the Witch after an event where the owner of the dungeon contacts the Witch about her transactions.

Finally you have the obvious thing of, the further down you go the more lewd the enemies and traps could become. Where you start to see more of the girls nude bodies, see them get fucked, see them get slipped into vulnerable trances where you could whisper something into their ear to change their mind as the invisible devil on their shoulder. You know, natural thing of your own lustful desires drawing forth wicked thoughts.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2017
They had this mechanic planned from the start, which means the story they wrote so far was done with this in mind.
Maybe they do, maybe they don't - wouldn't be the first dev I've seen that comes up with an initial concept then wings the rest of the design :KEK:


Hi (。・ω・)ノ゙
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
To be fair, it's a bit harder to just wing it through design when you're not using a ready made system (rpg maker, renpy, etc) that makes decisions for you/puts heavier constraints on you. When you have to spend months working and setting things up to get to this point, you end up with a lot of time where you're going to think about future stuff.

Though at the same time I can't really claim to have 100% of everything locked in place with respect to either gameplay or story. Doesn't seem like I should need to or want to.
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