Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Witch' shop mechanic isnt explained very well. Before above comment i thought mana decrese was permanent
Her dialogue box does change to "don't worry, you'll get it back" when you start giving her mana, but it's not really clear when or how you'll get it back. Although she does sometimes say something like, "Here's your mana back, good as new except slightly soggy. Don't think too much about that."


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2020
I didn't even know that the witch's den was increasing mana temporarily. I just saw her say "I'll take ya corruption" and because she's talking so weird, I just decided not to do anything with her because I don't want to mess up early on.


Hi (。・ω・)ノ゙
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
Just so everyone knows, the Sensory spell appears to be causing a crash, so I would advise against using it.

Noooo, don't take away the pangram! He tells us when there are bugs, and also when there are letters.
The pangram will forever live on in the test dialogue script in the options menu.

Witch' shop mechanic isnt explained very well.


New Member
Aug 27, 2017
I'm getting stuck in a softlock where all 3 girls have the curse of not being able to rest with others present, but as soon as I separate them they just start masturbating and don't rest. If they do get away from the rest area into combat the enemies are just giving them status effects and returning them to the rest area so I can't even deliberately game over by trying to die to monsters.
Is there a way to force end the run and starting again since there is mention of roguelike progression?

Nevermind, I just opened it up again to take another look and the menu had a New Game+ option instead of Continue so I guess I lost just before it crashed last time.


Mar 14, 2018
Thinking some more on it, if you did shift curses from being gained going between floors to being a possible result from traps/monsters/etc you could do things like throw in loot chests and combo that with some expanded monster actions and some new traps.

For instance, you could have the slimes eat the gear of the characters stripping them naked and they could find treasure chests that drop cursed outfits. Could also have dressing room traps that try to "convince" the girls to take off their armor and put on a new outfit.

Could go with a variety of outfits like...

What appears to be copy of their knight gear but has tentacles on the inside which molests them, raising their minimum lust as it teases them but will not actively try to push them to climax.

A maid outfit that gives them a compulsion to clean after themselves and could trigger new events with the other maids who try to "help" the "newbie" out like magical maid could try to just magic the cleaning knowledge into their head but scrambles it, angry maid bosses the character around, combat maid corrects them and keeps forcing them to clean again.

A harem dancer outfit that inflicts exhibitionism and/or attention seeker (morale penalty if alone, morale buff if with allies, reduced effectiveness vs humanoid monsters, actively seeks out the player character to entertain back at camp) that could combo with a stage trap which normally if the hit lands the character gets shoved into a dressing room, forced into a random outfit, and made to put on a show for an illusion audience, higher lust turns it into a strip show while the dancer outfit causes them to focus on putting on a show specifically for the player.

A witch outfit that gives a compulsion to mess with magical traps more and causes the witch to give a discount.

A cowgirl bikini which causes the girls breasts to swell and become more simple minded (chance for abilities to not work) that combos with a Cowgirl Rancher who tries to milk the thoughts out of the poor overthinking cowgirls so they can just be happy.

A succubus outfit that causes the girls to have stat bonuses as their corruption and lust gets higher, with them being more driven to try to have sex with the player over other camp activities.


Oct 8, 2017
I love the game so far as of alpha 6.5; here are some ideas for changes and additions if you'd like to consider them. Apologies for the terseness, and if any of these have already been discussed.

Add: An indication of how tired the inquisitor is (other than text in event log) and possibly what effects that tiredness is having.
Add: Chat log specifically for history of chatting with the other characters during break, rather than the current popups under event log.
Add: Optional colorized text in event log - names, effects (Sleep, Fury, Daze, etc.), and increase / decrease of stats. Customizable would be ideal. Possibly include increase/decrease colors per stat (as opposed to global increase / decrease colors).
Add: Option (or spell? NG+?) to permanently show where each ally is currently planning to go, without having to select them.
Add: Ability to zoom in/out. Bonus: option to keep everything within view (auto-zoom).
Add: Open stats/skills screen in context menu when clicking on ally.
Add: Keyboard navigation in 'Research Notes' screen; e.g. arrow keys or w,s for up/down, a,d left/right for tab change.
Add: Glossary of terms (Corruption Break, Trap mechanics overview, Morale, each stat, etc.) with general effects, similar to the tutorial except always able to be referenced. Bonus: each term/keyword in text links to its glossary entry.
----- Alternatively: add (more) tooltips for the above terms, rather than adding a glossary.
Change: Make 'Research Notes' screen accessible from within the dungeon.
Add/Change: Any other you want to implement.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
I'm getting stuck in a softlock where all 3 girls have the curse of not being able to rest with others present
FYI, there's a new update out where that curse no longer has that effect. Some other worthwhile things in that update, *possibly* including a fix to the crash you just had, although I haven't died yet in this version so I can't confirm. Just make sure not to switch to the new update mid-run.

If they do get away from the rest area into combat the enemies are just giving them status effects and returning them to the rest area
Do you mean they're Dazed in a room adjacent to the rest area and wander back inside, or that they're getting injured so badly that they run away and try to rest? Because you can tell them to go back and get themselves killed instead of resting. Not that they'll die nearly fast enough if you're really trying to suicide... Sometimes they'll even start getting a bunch of corruption breaks that don't even do any corruption damage, since they gain a point of temporary corruption at 25, 50, and 75 points of "damage", but a corruption break will just knock the number back down to 75.

I think the main issue with persistent outfits is that there are a lot of events in the dungeon that show the knight in their standard gear, and redoing each one for each outfit would be a pain (especially with this dev's process for doing the art). However, they could potentially be implemented in the base camp, having the character put an outfit on at certain times to get certain unique scenes with that outfit, rather than having to replace a dungeon's worth of scenes showing their armor. Even if each generic action at camp were to get its own scene (cooking, cleaning, praying, bathing), I don't think the total number would keep increasing the way dungeon events would, so it might be feasible to make versions of those in each outfit. And for camp events that assume they're not in those outfits, it makes perfect sense for them to have changed before/after those scenes.

and possibly what effects that tiredness is having.
I believe the dev confirmed that right now literally the only effect is forcing you to sleep if you go too long without it. However, new camp interactions are being worked on for the next content update, so maybe that will change.

Add: Chat log specifically for history of chatting with the other characters during break, rather than the current popups under event log.
Agreed, though maybe this is already been worked on in the next update.

Add/Change: Any other you want to implement.
Ugh, somehow I knew that site would be missing "add options to cap the framerate at lower values". I know lots of people like me have issues with higher framerates and need an option to turn them down, but there's so much toxic elitism out there that it's impossible to even try to raise awareness of it without being harassed. Now people are acting like it should be standard for all games to be literally unplayable for me and others like me, and I can't even speak up about it without getting literal death threats.
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Mar 14, 2018
I think the main issue with persistent outfits is that there are a lot of events in the dungeon that show the knight in their standard gear, and redoing each one for each outfit would be a pain (especially with this dev's process for doing the art). However, they could potentially be implemented in the base camp, having the character put an outfit on at certain times to get certain unique scenes with that outfit, rather than having to replace a dungeon's worth of scenes showing their armor. Even if each generic action at camp were to get its own scene (cooking, cleaning, praying, bathing), I don't think the total number would keep increasing the way dungeon events would, so it might be feasible to make versions of those in each outfit. And for camp events that assume they're not in those outfits, it makes perfect sense for them to have changed before/after those scenes.
The issue of art can be solved over time. Especially if this builds up enough traction that an artist can hop onto the project. Not to mention it would simply be alternate appearances with some slightly modified text based on a flag. Repeat viewing would simply be you select character then you select outfit.

However restricting the outfits to something pulled out for only camp scenes also restricts the breadth of design they could have to integrate into the main content you will be dealing with the most: the dungeon, the traps, the monsters, the curses. Not to mention you run into the issue of the character personalities. Only Ellie, thanks to her flirtatious personality, would really be all for putting on various outfits just to tease you, the others would likely need a good bit of mind control to actually get into the outfits.

There is also the thing that the creator did say he is planning to put in alternate ways to get stat and skill points. Which would make going no curses even easier then it already is. So either curses need to be incentivized or an alternate method of application the player cannot so easily avoid. Hence the idea of well, cursed outfits and mobs/traps inflicting curses. To make going no curses hard.


Hi (。・ω・)ノ゙
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
Hi. Haven't said anything in here for a couple of days, but I've been deep in camp code stuff. The twitter and discord . I'm a bit concerned with if I'll be able to put up a TON of actual written content considering how much mechanical stuff I have to change/add in camp, but I'm doing my best.


I believe I've gone through and fixed all the bugs that have been reported here (and a good number that haven't) so far other than vague mentions of further crashes. Any more details people can give would be helpful there. I've also added a proper witch's den tutorial, though I figure people here have likely figured out everything the tutorial is going to tell them anyway. Other than that:
Edit: Got it! Here's a screenshot of the combat log starting from the last time Elli took lust damage before getting into a lustless masturbation loop.

Edit: And again with Lucette. Hmm... It seems to be related to Pheromones? They were also both Shaken and had Weakness of Spirit, but I'm not sure if that's related.
This was very helpful, and it turns out that you were correct. It was due to Pheromones. To avoid getting too technical, the way that I implemented something with Pheromones was causing whatever event triggered pheromones to get stuck on the event stack, which would cause that event to no longer happen after that due to error checking I have in place to prevent any potential infinite loops (an effect triggering itself or an effect triggering other effects that then trigger the first effect again, something that I definitely ran into when first coding pheromones and two characters with pheromones in the same room could lust bomb each other to death).

In any case, it's all good now. The knights will be properly free to stink up rooms with their fingerings.

Edit: Okay, I knew the 0s looked like 8s, but holy shit seeing the number "1850" really puts it in perspective.
I've gone into the font file itself to fix this. Should I go further with it?

Add: An indication of how tired the inquisitor is (other than text in event log) and possibly what effects that tiredness is having.
Add: Chat log specifically for history of chatting with the other characters during break, rather than the current popups under event log.
Add: Optional colorized text in event log - names, effects (Sleep, Fury, Daze, etc.), and increase / decrease of stats. Customizable would be ideal. Possibly include increase/decrease colors per stat (as opposed to global increase / decrease colors).
Add: Option (or spell? NG+?) to permanently show where each ally is currently planning to go, without having to select them.
Add: Ability to zoom in/out. Bonus: option to keep everything within view (auto-zoom).
Add: Open stats/skills screen in context menu when clicking on ally.
Add: Keyboard navigation in 'Research Notes' screen; e.g. arrow keys or w,s for up/down, a,d left/right for tab change.
Add: Glossary of terms (Corruption Break, Trap mechanics overview, Morale, each stat, etc.) with general effects, similar to the tutorial except always able to be referenced. Bonus: each term/keyword in text links to its glossary entry.
----- Alternatively: add (more) tooltips for the above terms, rather than adding a glossary.
Change: Make 'Research Notes' screen accessible from within the dungeon.
Add/Change: Any other you want to implement.
1: Will be in the next update, good call.
2: I think it would be difficult to include the portraits that go along with the chats, but if you accept losing out on those in a log I could do this fine.
3: Most status effects/curses have associated colors, yeah, though skills don't. I also did originally have negative stat heals as a different color, but it didn't go over well with early alpha testers. I suppose that making it all customizable would be ideal for everyone, if a bit of work. I'll think about it.
4: Probably doable, although it would require more pathfinding calls to be made. Not that that's a huge problem. Currently there are a lot of cases where allies might not have a destination, or the place that they had previously decided to go while exploring has since been explored, and they only get their destination in the instant that you select them.
5: I had zooming working at one point, but for some reason the destination indicators REALLY did not play nice with zooming. Probably just due to the type of nodes they are and some engine quirks that I have to figure out.
6: This makes a lot of sense.
7: Also makes sense
8 & 9: People have asked about having access to the research notes while in the dungeon, which I understand considering the event list being in there now. I already wanted to (eventually) add a tutorial information tab to that menu, so I think that a lot of the stuff here could be folded into that, it's just a matter of it being yet another thing on the huge to-do pile, but it's a perfectly reasonable thing to ask for yeah.
10: I'll have a look at this, thanks. I don't think the game is TERRIBLE accessibility wise, but it's the type of thing you can always do better at.

Sometimes they'll even start getting a bunch of corruption breaks that don't even do any corruption damage, since they gain a point of temporary corruption at 25, 50, and 75 points of "damage", but a corruption break will just knock the number back down to 75.
I still plan to set up that 'abandon run' button at some point. In any case, next update I'll be changing corruption breaks to reset the breaking stat to 70 because while ideally you wouldn't get stunlocked by anything, it feels even dumber if you're stunlocked and not even losing anything.

I believe the dev confirmed that right now literally the only effect is forcing you to sleep if you go too long without it. However, new camp interactions are being worked on for the next content update, so maybe that will change.
It doesn't actually force you to sleep, but there is a random chance that you will fall asleep while trying to research if you're sleep deprived and that chance scales up the longer you go past a day.

Ugh, somehow I knew that site would be missing "add options to cap the framerate at lower values". I know lots of people like me have issues with higher framerates and need an option to turn them down
I'm hoping this isn't an issue here? I don't think the game is terribly intensive.
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Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Hi. Haven't said anything in here for a couple of days, but I've been deep in camp code stuff. The twitter and discord .
Ooh! I was actually debating whether I should come here and start grilling you for teasers. One thing I'm curious about is how the Inquisitor will justify manipulating them. Will they be crossing some kind of line when it comes to doing stuff like that (e.g. using heretical spells borrowed from the witch, who says it's okay because they're steeple meeples or whatever), or is it considered ethical for followers of their goddess to use mental manipulation spells to achieve their goals, and even encouraged as a form of cooperation between the two churches? Of course, I still don't know the extent of what we'll actually be doing to the girls...

me thinking up more types of maids to put in the game
Robot Maid ( )
Hypno Maid (with an event where she gets snapped out of it, complains, and then has to take a moment to get herself back into trance)
Reverse Maid (has a fetish for getting dirty and only cleans as an excuse for getting into dirty situations)

I've gone into the font file itself to fix this. Should I go further with it?
Personally, I would drop the lines from inside the 0s, especially if this font is going to be used exclusively for numbers and has no chance of being confused for an O. And even if it was, the number of situations where you'll need to distinguish a 0 from and O is going to be significantly lower (and of lower importance) than the times you need to distinguish a 0 from an 8.

I'm hoping this isn't an issue here? I don't think the game is terribly intensive.
Not this one, no. If there's not a lot of movement going on, it doesn't affect my motion sensitivity as much. Though it is related to those issues mentioned before as to why the log was important. (Tangential rant ahead.)
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Hi (。・ω・)ノ゙
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
Robot Maid ( )
Hypno Maid (with an event where she gets snapped out of it, complains, and then has to take a moment to get herself back into trance)
Reverse Maid (has a fetish for getting dirty and only cleans as an excuse for getting into dirty situations)
I could use some of these. I currently have... 10-ish? other maid types that aren't in the game yet. Make of that what you will.

Personally, I would drop the lines from inside the 0s, especially if this font is going to be used exclusively for numbers and has no chance of being confused for an O. And even if it was, the number of situations where you'll need to distinguish a 0 from and O is going to be significantly lower (and of lower importance) than the times you need to distinguish a 0 from an 8.
u right, u right
while it does make O and 0 indistinguishable, I can probably just borrow the little top thing that lowercase o has in this font, not that it's likely to cause much of an issue even if I don't. As you said, I don't think the font is used in any place where you wouldn't be able to distinguish if it is an O or 0 based on context (it's mainly used as a UI header and big number kind of font).


Mar 14, 2018
I could use some of these. I currently have... 10-ish? other maid types that aren't in the game yet. Make of that what you will.
Makes me expect Head Maids, Queen Maids, Submissive Maids, Masochistic Maids.

Though I do hope you like my cursed outfit idea which could let you turn the player team characters into maids.


Jul 3, 2018
It crashed for me when I'd accidentally double-clicked the "next move" button and they just went by automatically. Was fine until they finished exploring the floor. Moment the last unexplored room gets revealed it crashes.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
I'd accidentally double-clicked the "next move" button and they just went by automatically.
For the record, the issue there isn't double-clicking, but the fact that there's an invisible point on the button that triggers the auto-turn. There's supposed to be a setting in the options to show or hide the auto-turn button, but "hiding" it actually moves it behind the next turn button, while still accidentally leaving it clickable. You can avoid accidentally clicking it by choosing to show it, which will stop it from overlapping with the other button.

Probably won't affect that crash, though. I don't think we've figured out the cause of the occasional "discover the last room" crash yet, and it existed before the auto-turn button.

NRFB's Twitter said:
Really satisfying to have this button disabled for months and finally get it turned on and working. Gotta think up more spells though.

*Heavy breathing intensifies*

NRFB's Twitter said:
Yesterday: "Gotta think up more spells" Today: "Wheeeeeeeee"

*Theorycrafting intensifies*

1. Okay, so we've got a wanted poster. Something about targeting a specific monster?
2. Next is... somebody being crowned? Hopefully it's me. I am your king! ...Or designating somebody as the party leader, maybe.
3. Then there's... a sine curve? Or is that an eye being sliced by an anime katana? "Fool! You cannot escape the gaze of Gazer! Wh--" *Shiiiiiing*
4. People need to stop holding notes up with knives. It damages the walls and is completely unnecessary.
5. Apple... Arrow... Something about granting bonus damage to a monster if an ally in the room is in the captive state? Or just increasing their drive for training.
6. "I have an idea! Read a fucking book!" Seriously though, as an icon for a magic spell, this could be anything.
7. "Here The Cheat, have a trophy!" I guess maybe this increases their drive for cooperation? Or provides some benefit for working together.
8. I... don't even know what this is a picture of. A snowflake? A gear? Why is it farting?
9. Okay, reversing time. This one's pretty clear. Gives you more time at camp or something, right?
11. Dunce cap. Makes the knight less intelligent or something? There's definitely fetish potential for that, but I don't know what it would be gameplay wise.
12. Ah, yes. A price tag going through a portal that shows a magnifying glass as the price. This one requires no explanation. (Actually, wait, maybe it is more obvious than it seems. Perhaps you're "spending" a Scry on something?)
13. "I heard you was talking shit."
14. Three people. Standing. Yup. (Actually, is that two parents with a kid? Oh shit, here come the pregnancy fans! Take cover!)
15. This last one would be much easier to guess if there was any form of currency or loot in this game whatsoever. Actually, the entire "material" drive doesn't really make much sense with that context.

CONCLUSION: I should really not be making guesses until I have the slightest clue about how this spell system works or what sort of things you'll be using it for.
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Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
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mind control mechanics mind control mechanics mind control mechanics mind control mechanics


So many questions that you're probably not gonna answer until the next update is released! Are these all the result of a single action or a series of actions with separate effects? Is she gaining a new curse or somehow advancing/enhancing an existing one? What's with the curse+/curse- icons? Is the finger-snapping icon meant to wake her up or trigger something? No, wait, there's a finish button, so it can't just be the first one. Is the control meter something you build up to gain some benefit when it's full, or a meter that gets used up as you take actions in this screen? Question mark question mark question mark? Why do the girls look more disappointed than hypnotized? ("Did you seriously just try to hypnotize me?")

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Seks. But, uh... Seeing them together like this really makes it awkward how they both have a separate color palette. I imagine Raine and Elli wouldn't look quite as awkward since it makes sense for one person to have a more pinkish skin tone while another is more yellowish, but Lucette looks like some kind of vampire here.

(Also, I hope you realize you got me hitting the refresh button on your Twitter at 7:00 now.)

Edit: Yeah, just busted out the game again to check some stuff and crashed as soon as I explored the last room of the first floor. I didn't have auto-move on, so it wasn't that. Still at least one significant crash we need to figure out... Wish I could check the log for that one.

Edit 2: Incidentally, I'm still trying to find some of the new things that were supposedly added in the latest update. Namely: FgLHKB6XkAA_UZR.png
I haven't figured out how to unlock the scythe, plant hand, or... blue thing skills. Haven't encountered the curses either, but that could be RNG. I'm thinking thorns and/or barkskin might be a requirement for the plant thing, but no luck so far...
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Hi (。・ω・)ノ゙
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
Why do the girls look more disappointed than hypnotized? ("Did you seriously just try to hypnotize me?")
How do you look when you're hypnotized?

Seks. But, uh... Seeing them together like this really makes it awkward how they both have a separate color palette. I imagine Raine and Elli wouldn't look quite as awkward since it makes sense for one person to have a more pinkish skin tone while another is more yellowish, but Lucette looks like some kind of vampire here.
This is kind of a Lucette problem yeah. Art style choices means that she looks odd unless the background is also blue with her, which I suppose I could do here but it's a problem that's going to keep coming up so I dunno.

(Also, I hope you realize you got me hitting the refresh button on your Twitter at 7:00 now.)
That just means it's working! (Although I usually end up posting these kinds of things earlier in the day or just whenever they're ready to see in the discord)

Edit: Yeah, just busted out the game again to check some stuff and crashed as soon as I explored the last room of the first floor. I didn't have auto-move on, so it wasn't that. Still at least one significant crash we need to figure out... Wish I could check the log for that one.
I feel like I barely ever get this crash, although granted I've been focusing super hard on camp stuff and whenever I'm in the dungeon I usually just use my debug cheaty stuff to skip the dungeoning. I don't recall/have anything in my changelog about it though so I doubt it's actually any better.

I haven't figured out how to unlock the scythe, plant hand, or... blue thing skills. Haven't encountered the curses either, but that could be RNG. I'm thinking thorns and/or barkskin might be a requirement for the plant thing, but no luck so far...
I don't know how much you actually want spoiled, but I will say some miscellaneous bits:
Fun fact, Barkskin is currently... Well, it's not really bugged, it's just that it has a typo. The requirements were supposed to include that the character has had thorns applied to them >= 3 times but I put <= 3 instead whoops. At least this makes it easier to find rather than harder. (although it will get cut off at some point)
I almost made Cull the Weak even harder to qualify for (I don't think many people push any base stats above 15), but pulled it back a bit. On the other hand, it's probably not all that useful of a skill right now anyway.
Two of these things have requirements of having had Trance applied >= 3 times which may have been a mistake when trance sources still aren't common. I mean I suppose it will make it so you're still able to find new things later on in the game. It's probably going to be a bit before that gets better though, since I don't plan to swing back around to dungeon content for a while still. I'll probably slip a few things in here and there, but writing up all the stuff for new threats is a significant step above writing the script for new skills/curses/spells.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Okay, can confirm that the crash on death issue is still there. I think more than 2/3 of my total deaths have been crashes.

How do you look when you're hypnotized?
Well, disappointed, but that's only because I want to be the one doing the hypnotizing. Are the girls actually doms who want to hypnotize the protaognist? ...I mean, there definitely is an audience for that.

(Although I usually end up posting these kinds of things earlier in the day or just whenever they're ready to see in the discord)
Eek. Live chat and I do not mix. (But also, Discord does *not* make it easy to anonymously hop into a channel to see what's posted, and I'm not gonna add a porn-related channel to my not-anonymous list. The last time I tried to log in as a guest they asked me to put in my phone number. The captcha things are getting ridiculous, too. I saw one that was like, "Select every picture of a conference room," and all the pictures were of rooms that were super blurry, and like, I don't even know what defines a conference room?)

I don't know how much you actually want spoiled
Well, for these things it's half information-gathering so I can better plan things in the future (and maybe I should type it up at some point so other people can use it), and half checking for bugs, so I don't mind "spoilers" for them. Perhaps the best way to "spoil" them would actually be to mention the criteria without describing the actual content, which allows all the bug-checking and plan-making while leaving the rest untouched. Kind of like how the event list in the research log already goes.

The requirements were supposed to include that the character has had thorns applied to them >= 3 times but I put <= 3 instead whoops.
Motherfucker, THAT'S why I could never figure it out on the first run where I immediately spammed scry on my characters to try to unlock it!

Edit: Seems the requirement might actually be 0 < X <= 3. It didn't show up at all until the first scry.

(I don't think many people push any base stats above 15)
...Oh right, I should probably be boosting some stats to try to unlock skills that way. Still going with all skills/curses right now. But ugh, with the limited number of stat and skill points right now, that's gonna take several runs to try all the potentially relevant combinations.

Two of these things have requirements of having had Trance applied >= 3 times which may have been a mistake when trance sources still aren't common.
Oh yeah, with only the ultra-rare aurora and one of countless effects from the clock being a source of trances, that's unlikely to happen. Which sucks because now I really want to know what those things it unlocks are.

Speaking of ultra-rare things, is there any extra criteria I'm supposed to meet to get the D_____ to show up, or is it just a super low chance? From its high HP pool I'm guessing it's supposed to be the rarest monster in the game for now, so I assume it's not just a bug that I haven't encountered one three runs in a row. (I'm also guessing the "Foreboder" effect should always reveal it if it's on that floor, right?) And to save myself the trouble of experimenting with different things with such a rare monster, does the "Encounter a D____ after running away from one" require meeting a second one in the same run, or do separate runs work? Or can I just leave the room and come back to it? As far as non-bugged events go, it's still the last one with anything (practically everything) I haven't seen.

Edit: Heyo, new bug! When you're selecting stuff for NG+, if you take the points out of a lower-tier thingie that disables a higher-tier thingie, it only give you back the points for the one while still disabling the other. Got really confused by some math when that happened... Fortunately, buying the prerequisite again will let you re-buy the other thing for "free", which you can then un-buy safely, so it doesn't permanently eat your KP or something.
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Hi (。・ω・)ノ゙
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
Okay, can confirm that the crash on death issue is still there. I think more than 2/3 of my total deaths have been crashes. Really wish I could check the game's log when that happens... or some kind of crash log, for that matter.
You can try running the game through a command line to see if anything gets output by the engine. There should also be log files in a logs folder in the save game folder, although who knows if there will ever be anything useful output in there since I don't believe the latest version has verbose logging on.

Perhaps the best way to "spoil" them would actually be to mention the criteria without describing the actual content
Eh, okay
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Speaking of ultra-rare things, is there any extra criteria I'm supposed to meet to get the D_____ to show up, or is it just a super low chance? From its high HP pool I'm guessing it's supposed to be the rarest monster in the game for now, so I assume it's not just a bug that I haven't encountered one three runs in a row. (I'm also guessing the "Foreboder" effect should always reveal it if it's on that floor, right?) And to save myself the trouble of experimenting with different things with such a rare monster, does the "Encounter a D____ after running away from one" require meeting a second one in the same run, or do separate runs work? Or can I just leave the room and come back to it? As far as non-bugged events go, it's still the last one with anything (practically everything) I haven't seen.
Yes, Foreboder would always catch it and its huge difficulty rating, but there's a problem right now.
Currently the game doesn't make a proper distinction between events which have happened this run and events that have happened in previous runs. This mistakenly makes any event which is supposed to be 'once per run' into a 'once per save file unless you don't carry over KP'. The spawning of what you're talking about falls under this issue (as do all the special clock events actually, so exhaust all of those and the clock will be left with ONLY the ability to trance). Combine that with the fact that threats that are SUPPOSED to never spawn in obscured rooms can still do so occasionally (I only fixed part of the issue before, it turns out), and you could easily end up missing events that will never show up again with no way of knowing that that happened.
Obviously this stuff is already fixed on my end, but until the next update I would really suggest you not worry about 100% completion.
Also the second encounter event should have been taken out anyway. I didn't write the dialogue script for it and it is set to not actually play even if you qualified for it.

Hope they make more game like this.
Me too.

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
You can try running the game through a command line to see if anything gets output by the engine.
Ah, right, I don't actually know how to do that. Despite being a problem-solver by nature, I don't know too much about the tech side of things and was just wishing I had something I could send your way since I wouldn't know how to decipher anything myself.

There should also be log files in a logs folder in the save game folder, although who knows if there will ever be anything useful output in there since I don't believe the latest version has verbose logging on.
Ooh, here's a thing... I threw in some from older versions because why not. The first and third ones from today (9596 and 5092, which just happened a second ago) are from discovering the last room on a floor, and the second one (6988) is from a death.

Have Constitution and have had Thorns applied >= 1 time OR have had Thorns applied >= 5 times and have a base Health of 26.
...Yeah, this one ain't working. At least not that first condition. Did you do another <= oopsie? Hmm, but the second condition should also have triggered on Raine in my last run, though I suppose it's possible she just missed it from RNG. Even an "and" condition should have qualified her. But I had Constitution on all my characters from the start of my last run, got a skill point every floor, and used lots of skill rerolls, so it's highly unlikely that I just happened to never see it.

I wonder if there are any other skills from previous versions that aren't showing up...

Edit: Yup. Gave Constitution and Barkskin to all three characters, and thorned Raine five extra times, then spent the entire day at camp rerolling skills for all three of them. No plant hand.

  1. Have had Shaken applied >= 10 times OR have the Weakness of Spirit Curse.
  2. Have had Trance applied >= 3 times.
How to trigger them once I have them? I'm pretty sure I have #2 on at least one of my characters (I have two with two unknown curses right now, though Pity is also still unknown), but letting them get tranced again doesn't seem to do it. Heck, even having them both tranced right next to each other doesn't seem to do anything.

Oh yeah, and in case you missed the edit, I found a new bug in the New Game+ menu.
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Hi (。・ω・)ノ゙
Game Developer
Feb 14, 2020
Ah, right, I don't actually know how to do that. Despite being a problem-solver by nature, I don't know too much about the tech side of things and was just wishing I had something I could send your way since I wouldn't know how to decipher anything myself.
Open the directory with the game file in it in explorer -> shift + right click -> "Open PowerShell window here" or "Open command window here" in the context menu -> type the first couple letters of the .exe file name and then hit tab until it autocompletes the whole thing -> hit enter to run the game
IF the engine outputs anything, it'll pop up in the command prompt window.

I don't actually know what to do with memory dumps though. My files are just plaintext .log types that can be opened and looked at in notepad, but they're probably just leftovers from debug versions rather than release versions.

...Yeah, this one ain't working. At least not that first condition. Did you do another <= oopsie? Hmm, but the second condition should also have triggered on Raine in my last run, though I suppose it's possible she just missed it from RNG. Even an "and" condition should have qualified her. But I had Constitution on all my characters from the start of my last run, got a skill point every floor, and used lots of skill rerolls, so it's highly unlikely that I just happened to never see it.
What the fuck it's missing the "natural learn = true" flag in its data. I guess I didn't add that line or copied some structure from one of the test/unused skills that also don't have it? Yeah it's not going to pop up as learnable without that.

I wonder if there are any other skills from previous versions that aren't showing up...
If there are, it's not for this reason. I just double checked and every other skill has the flag (aside from the aforementioned test/unused skills that you wouldn't want to learn anyway).

How to trigger them once I have them? I'm pretty sure I have #2 on at least one of my characters (I have two with two unknown curses right now, though Pity is also still unknown), but letting them get tranced again doesn't seem to do it. Heck, even having them both tranced right next to each other doesn't seem to do anything.
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Oh yeah, and in case you missed the edit, I found a new bug in the New Game+ menu.
I've had this one reported to me in the discord, yeah. Luckily, KP is not stored as a raw number in the game, it is calculated from the events you've seen every time the NG+ window is opened, so there shouldn't be any way for a KP exploit like that to persist unless you could convince the game that more events existed (which I suppose means that modding will eventually allow for destroying of the KP economy, but that's a future problem)
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